MacGyver movie?


White heterosexual male
Today at Maker Faire 2008, MacGyver creator (and real life inspiration) Lee David Zlotoff announced he has a big budget MacGyver movie in the planning stages.

Zlotoff mentioned he somehow ended up with the movie rights years ago (extremely uncommon), giving him full control over the film. While few specifics were mentioned, and no formal announcement has been made, its extremely promising that the man with the power to make the film is getting the ball rolling. The question you bring back Richard Dean Anderson as old MacGyver, or bring in a younger, Christian Bale-type to reprise the role of makeshift gadget god?


So what do you think? I used to love MacGyver. Saw the entire series twice and when there are re-runs, I still watch, laughing my arse off because the series is so dated and the acting is so bad.

I'd love to see a movie about him, though, and in all honesty I don't think anyone but Richard Dean Anderson (although a B-actor) should be playing the lead role.

What do you guys think? Good ol' Richard Dean Anderson or a new actor?

Also: Would a modern day MacGyver still use a Swiss Army Knife?

I say he should 'cause Swiss Army Knives totally rock. And it's just MacGyver's tool, ain't it?
RDA is no B actor. He is a TV show actor. I think there is a fine line between them. You also can not fault a man for liking the Simpsons as much as he does. To top it all off he goes out to the Arctic and saves animals from illegal poachers. He is also an honorary Colonel in the USA.
i used to love it as well, but hell, it's pure bullshit when you watch it again now. it aged so badly i couldn't believe it at first.

oh, and MacGuyver would be better off with a Leatherman...
A Leatherman?
How can a Leatherman possibly beat this:


You can build a complete housing block with this tool. And cut your toenails when you're done. :D
Actually compared to its time, McGayver was a fitting, not-futuristic but futuristic nonethless story. yes it exagrated a lot but nearly everything that happened in those episodes were based on real truths. Yes it didnt show him detailedly buiding irritant/mildly toxic gas bombs or explosives from household goods/chemistry storage racks (which is actually possible and quite easy. chem engineer here), it just glossed over those parts with other lesser explosive truths like putting alkalines into water filled jar makes the jar go boom.
People thought kidnapping political refugees from commies were done in Tom Clancy's Ryan style or American Federal Government had underground bunkers filled with insane computers, robots etc. was possible. So naturally Mac somehow managed to find himself in those situations :)
The series had a unique blend of humor and idiotic bet realistic heroism. Now that we have seen truckloads of reality, can access wikipedia to get answers to our weird questions (and we paid attention to basic physics/chemistry/biology becouse we thought we might need that knowledge someday like Mac.). much of the grey mist that made our imaginations work in over time has evoparated.
And oh gods... The HAIR! THE HAIR!!!

alec said:
A Leatherman?
How can a Leatherman possibly beat this:
You can build a complete housing block with this tool. And cut your toenails when you're done. :D

Im afraid to ask but that monstrosty is a real thing isn't it?
Although I was so young I barely remember the show I do remember liking it alot. I mean the ideas in them are awesome regardless of being exaggerated. I'll see the movie. On one condition...the them song remains the same.

The Vault Dweller
"Thank you for saving our city Senor MacGyver"

"Don't thank me, thank the Earth's gravitational pull."

Man, I want this movie so bad I can almost taste it.

(It almost tastes like stale crackers and tuna fish)
generalissimofurioso said:
"Thank you for saving our city Senor MacGyver"

"Don't thank me, thank the Earth's gravitational pull."

Man, I want this movie so bad I can almost taste it.

(It almost tastes like stale crackers and tuna fish)


Incidentally I love crackers and tuna fish. That's great since otherwise this would be a one smily post and go in the vats.

The Vault Dweller
Anyone who ill speaks of Richard Dean Anderson is nuts; he is also Jack O'Neill goddamn it, and his acting in Stargate SG-1 is nowhere near B-actor. It's far above.

Besides, it doesn't matter how inexperienced he may have been in MacGyver because... he IS the fucking MacGyver at all! That's bad ass & mofo ever!

I'll send Teal'C after anyone who opposes me! Jaffa, kree! :mrgreen:
Dude, The A-Team: The Movie could totally rock.
Imagine Brad Pitt as Face, George Clooney as Hannibal, Jim Carey as Murdoch and Wesley Snipes as BA.
That movie could easily become the best movie ever made on Earth.

Also: Richard Dean Anderson is a B-actor. Deal with it. That doesn't mean to say he doesn't know how to amuse an audience. Stargate SG-1 is the worst series ever, though. I can't believe there are people who are actually fans of it. The original movie rocked, but the series is just total bollocks. With a pinch of crap added to it. And two, perhaps three spoons of maloney.
alec said:
Dude, The A-Team: The Movie could totally rock.
Imagine Brad Pitt as Face, George Clooney as Hannibal, Jim Carey as Murdoch and Wesley Snipes as BA.
That movie could easily become the best movie ever made on Earth

I... i think i just got an erection. And it won't go away anytime soon.

Anyway, FUCK YES MACGYVER. So what it's naive, so what it preys on ignorance, it's entertainment in it's purest form. Fuck all unbelieverers, and may their souls get pissed on by the giant Cosmic Dick. RDA is mandatory, of course, never mind how old he is now.
alec said:
A Leatherman?
How can a Leatherman possibly beat this:
You can build a complete housing block with this tool. And cut your toenails when you're done. :D
by being actually useful? gl using that :)
cronicler said:
Im afraid to ask but that monstrosty is a real thing isn't it?
it is. Victorinox has a few of these for display purposes. they just keep adding their new stuff to it. like the USB Stick... :)
SuAside said:
it is. Victorinox has a few of these for display purposes. they just keep adding their new stuff to it. like the USB Stick... :)
It's a Wenger, this one, but yeah: it's real, not Photoshopped.
alec said:
Dude, The A-Team: The Movie could totally rock.
Imagine Brad Pitt as Face, George Clooney as Hannibal, Jim Carey as Murdoch and Wesley Snipes as BA.
That movie could easily become the best movie ever made on Earth.

Also: Richard Dean Anderson is a B-actor. Deal with it. That doesn't mean to say he doesn't know how to amuse an audience. Stargate SG-1 is the worst series ever, though. I can't believe there are people who are actually fans of it. The original movie rocked, but the series is just total bollocks. With a pinch of crap added to it. And two, perhaps three spoons of maloney.

I concur on The A-Team. I disagree on RDA. Take Dolph Lundgren for instance... That is a B-Actor... plain and simple. He can't act, he stars in B-Movies and... You generally don't want to think about him because it gives you a tummy ache in your head.

Stargate SG1 was the longest running sci-fi television program in history. It has been nominated for Best Syndicated/Cable Television Series year after year after year and won. RDA's roll in the program has earned him Best TV Actor many times. Those are just the tip of the iceberg for achievements it has chocked up over the past 11+ years. While you may disagree this is clearly not the popular opinion among the film industry.
alec said:
Today at Maker Faire 2008, MacGyver creator (and real life inspiration) Lee David Zlotoff announced he has a big budget MacGyver movie in the planning stages.

Zlotoff mentioned he somehow ended up with the movie rights years ago (extremely uncommon), giving him full control over the film. While few specifics were mentioned, and no formal announcement has been made, its extremely promising that the man with the power to make the film is getting the ball rolling. The question you bring back Richard Dean Anderson as old MacGyver, or bring in a younger, Christian Bale-type to reprise the role of makeshift gadget god?


Disregarding any Killain Darkwater/RDA love, I'm not entirely sure this should get made at all. Frankly, as excited as I can get about my childhood happiness being tossed into a blender and that blender subsequently being fired from a cannon into my face, it does tend to get old after a while.

See: Transformers. See: G.I. Joe. See: Knight Rider. Freaing Knight Rider. I can even manage to muster up a degree of excitement about some of these, but that doesn't stop me from wondering why they needed to be made at all. Franchise re-boots are all the rage right now, in part because they take those things we're nostalgic for and once again makes them a living, breathing (and usually, fascinatingly close to plausible) part of our lives. I think MacGyver would probably suffer under such an update-- if it didn't end up as a James Bond also-ran, there are a thousand other ways they could screw it up, and very few that they could avoid doing so.

That said, I am keeping my fingers crossed. If they do it, I'd like it to be with Anderson, but I'm sure the majority of Hollywood producers wouldn't agree.
Yamu: Transformers was awesome. I seriously don't get all the nerd rage about that movie. I've loved Transformers all my life and I absolutely adore that movie. Granted, the ratio of human to Transformer scenes is a little too skewed, but I think the sequels will manage to get that right.

GI Joe looks awesome.