MacGyver movie?

I agree about G.I. Joe, to the degree that what I've seen has got me interested, but a part of me hates myself for it. As far as Transformers goes, it was okay for what it was: a summer blockbuster. I tend to grant most movies that traffic in giant robots a wider margin of error, them being the precious rare commodity they are, but it just scrapped too much of the backstory that made Transformers so cool to me (the ark, et al.). The character of Optimus Prime was waay off the mark (when your main character is the world's most beloved Robot Jesus, you don't mess with the forumla), and most of the human characters were just too slapstick for the tone they seemed to be trying to set. I didn't hate it... uneven but entertaining is how I'd describe it.

/thread hijack
alec said:
Stargate SG-1 is the worst series ever, though

Won't quote the rest because it's heresy. Suffice it to say that, just for the blasphemous words quoted above, you're banned from the southern hemisphere - if you don't live here, you're forbidden to come, for we can't coexist.

Seriously, I'm so pissed I wish Beth give you Fallout 3 for X-Box, with an X-Box, and pay your family to force you into playing it. Yes, not even the hope for a mod to you! That's a lot of hatred from me.

[spoiler:68d0fff208]Kidding :mrgreen:

But man, Maphusio said it all. And you're weird. And SG-1 is holy stuff. Period.[/spoiler:68d0fff208]
Makenshi said:
But man, Maphusio said it all. And you're weird. And SG-1 is holy stuff. Period.

I dunno... it had its moments, but I was never able to forgive it for taking a complete dump all over the tone of the movie. I'm gonna have to go with Malky on this one.
Yamu said:
I agree about G.I. Joe, to the degree that what I've seen has got me interested, but a part of me hates myself for it.

While I have many fond memories of watching GI Joe as a child, it was really nothing but a glorified toy commercial. Transformers had a lot of depth but Joe certainly didn't. The movie looks like it is being handled with care and the fact that Joe Hana is involved really makes me happy. I think they'll nail it.

The character of Optimus Prime was waay off the mark (when your main character is the world's most beloved Robot Jesus, you don't mess with the forumla)

I don't get it. I thought they nailed Prime. Maybe I was too busy smiling my face off and being an eight year old while I was watching it to notice.
Okay, "waaay off the mark" was probably a bit of messageboard hyperbole. But he was just... well, he was almost too archetypal. Like they knew what they were trying to shoot for and they went for overkill to make sure they nailed it. Like they replaced his personality with Avuncular Robot Leader Simulator 1.0.

The scene where he showed up at the Witwicky house stumbling about like a buffoon hit a pretty sour note with me, as did his general peevishness when demanding the glasses. Considering how little personality he got to showcase outside of giving orders and calling out Megatron, every instance where he does and it's off the mark counts for a lot.

And dude-- you were 8? How old are you again? I thought you were my age.
Yamu said:
And dude-- you were 8? How old are you again? I thought you were my age.

I am your age, I was speaking figuratively. When I saw Transformers the inner eight year old came out of me in spades.
welsh said:
So... you're saying that Transformers had emotional depth to a figurative 8 year old?

If that's a knock on Transformers for having emotional depth, that's kind of stupid. It's a summer blockbuster with giant robots directed by Michael Bay. It doesn't claim to be Angela's Ashes.
Malky said:
Yamu said:
And dude-- you were 8? How old are you again? I thought you were my age.

I am your age, I was speaking figuratively. When I saw Transformers the inner eight year old came out of me in spades.

Mea culpa... thought you were talking about the original series.
Mad TV really isn't doing much better, either. Thank God Monty Python's Flying Circus is out on DVD.
Malky said:
MadTV is still on? That show has never been good.

It has it's moments.


