zkylon said:First review (PC Zone) gave it an 80%. Words "extreme linearity" and "10 hours" were tossed as complaints. Everything else, praised. Hypothesis: reviewer did not play Mafia 1.
Because "extreme linearity" was a "feature" in Mafia 1? coz it sure bored the heck out of me with its vapid combination of an open world and extremely linear mission-gameplay.
SkuLL said:The English dubbing was superb
For superb try "shit". Getting some B-list actors from the Sopranos just so you can say "with voices from the Sopranos" does not a well-voiced game make.
EDIT: I know this game has a cult following and Ratty is daft enough to call it "flawless", and that people keep comparing it to GTA despite the fact that it obviously is not (one is a sandbox game in an open world, one is a linear TPS in an open world, the difference is pretty major), and I know it has a cult following, what I find hard is to figure out why. It's got a good story and atmosphere, but it's not a very good game. I can only pin it on GTA-ennui, and thus trying to hop onto a game that is not GTA but still gets confused for it.