Main enemy for F03....

the PC wakes up on a beach clueless as to who they are and what they are doing there.

No more Zelda for you. I think that there needs to be some driving incentive to wander the wastes.

The time setting is about the same as FO1 maybe a bit earlier.

A prequel wouldn't work, games have to move forward. The only good reason for a prequel, is to answer character questions, however since Fo1's main character lives in a Vault, there is no need for questions.

One of your quests could result in a vault opening.

The vaults were made to survive Nuclear attack, the nuclear assault is over, so there is no point to a post-war vault.

Ultimately your task is to find out who you are but the answers may come from an evil rising in this area. You can get answers by joining them or fighting them.

Too simplistic, really. At the end of the day, you need a sense of enigma, which "You talk, or me hurt you" cannot deliver.

Also like the idea of a large battle being the end and this could mean your mission is to search the wastes for supporters to fight this battle.

What about my main mission to find out who I am? Maybe if I go to a big battle I'll know.

A bit like the lord of the rings narrative but in a post apocalyptic setting.

I think you'll find that LOTR's narrative was based around the destruction of the ring of power, and they chose a small band of heroes to do this task. Note small band ont amass an army. The battle at the gates of Mordor was somewhat an inpromptu idea, made to cause a diversion.
RPGenius said:
The vaults were made to survive Nuclear attack, the nuclear assault is over, so there is no point to a post-war vault.

And yet, for Vault 13 the all-clear signal never came. So why must it for another Vault?
Not the best ideas I know but its just some basic things i'd like to see. Growing a bit tired of the find an object then save the world.
I was thinking maybe during the process of finding out what happened to you an overall quest will show itself.
I thought a prequel might work because the series is getting too carried away with itself. Its becoming less of a post apocalyptic society and more advance and entering the world of common sci-fi. Its losing the things that make it fallout.
I'm more interested in the creation of new societies and seeing your character influencing how they evolve rather then a world quite comfortable that doesn't need your help.
Also I don't want to see the vault 13 storyline having such a major role within the story. Maybe seeing it from another point of view.
I'd like to see a prequel not with the same characters but with the same world explaining how things turned out like they did in Fallout 1 or just witnessing the immediate aftermath of war somewhere else.
Interplay should be the MAIN ENEMY.

<- Interplay
Allied with their evil cohorts and co-whores Bethesda, presumably.
Characters from POS could appear as their footsloggers.
Main enemy in/with all games is developers and creators infertility.
I hope we will have less and less examples in future, but at the moment IMO this is the biggest problem.
have anyone played an old ad&d crpg called dark sun?

Dark sun is a ruined world destroyed by dragons and magick.

you the merry band of heroes are gladiator in a evil city that oppresses the surrounding wasteland.

your goal is to escape and unite the outlying tribes to stand up to the corrupting migth of the citylords.

sounds familiar in any way?

what i propose is that a lage city is controlled by a corrupt policestate a hiundred times worst than Ncr and vaultcity put thogether. the player, a human (i dont want to identify with a brute hulk of a mutie or a rotten corpselike ghoul), must escape the gigantic ruined city dogding the criminal underworlds and the stateregime getting allies from the Broethood\ ranger\ new reno agents\ esape to the waseland where he finds disoranised tribes on the threshol on being destroyed by the vil oppressing city. only by uniting\ through complicate quest that rases the heros status in the tribes and by getting allies inside the city can he save the free people and overthrow the evil mutant\ghoul\brotherhood\nazi\chinese cirtygoverment and create a new regime based on his\hers action and allies

not perfect but my five cents to the pool
So basically, you want Fallout 3 to be Dark Sun in a post-nuclear setting?
Especially with the load of options your 'story' leaves open, that's just a cheap way to play Dark Sun with a new engine. Really, Fallout 3 should have a lot more to it than that. In theory it could actually work, though. It must have much mpre backstory and detail to make it interesting.

And for the love of god, learn to blood spell and use capitalisation. Your text is awful to read. And no, not being a native English speaker is no reason to just 'forget' letters and not use capital letters.
The ideas got potential, but it would need to be worked better, not to mention more of a game outside the city, so you can explore different parts of the world, with an eventual trimphant return (Or not so triumphant, for Ironmanners like myself,) to the city.

Hey, wanna go to a facist policestate, why not head on down to America?
Azael said:
How about not having a main enemy at all, but rather several factions struggling for control of PA California, neither of them being cookie cutter evil/good?

Well, you have to have an end boss, protected by the most intense defenses, but maybe this time there should some critical quests AFTER you kill the end boss, Quick Example; The end boss could be a giant spider, and the source of a huge spider infestation, perhaps from a Vault Experimental project gone wrong, so you have to kill all the seemingly endless wave of spiders once the progenitor is dead. You realize you have to destroy the vault that opened the caverns where the spiders originally came from, or the spiders will never stop pouring out of the earth. That seems to fix the problem, but then they dig out and continue to swarm, and you have to enter a very complex quest to seal the crater or venture into the deepest reaches of the cavern accessible to humans to try to find a way to destroy them at their root (which you end up not being able to gain entry to the crevices the spiders continue to pour from, but you do happen to find a spider chewed tape that details the accidental opening of the cavern by the Vault construction crew and the evacuation and sealing of the vault). Perhaps it was the Player character him or herself that opens the vault in the first place looking for loot, and you become hated for doing it by all the villages swarmed and destroyed by the spiders YOU let loose, barely escaping with your life early on in the game.

Ok, how about the boss/enemy is Sulik in power armor, and he has sex with K-9? Anybody else think that that would awesome?!!?
Dougron said:
so you have to kill all the seemingly endless wave of spiders

So apart from reiterating the plot from both Ants! and Eight legged freaks (which incidently was on last night) you want a kind of dungeon crawl to kill some uber being.
I agree with the whole ironic "it was all your fault" deal but to me (as has already been said many times) the end boss should just be some dude, like you, who is proficient in weapons etc but is also just a man. If anyone has read the B.O.M.B.001 design docs you'll know what i mean with the evil professor and the Leuteniant and his goons (who can be turned). I loved the whole VB setting and end sequence and it breaks my heart to think it never came out!

On a side note - what is it with >10 post count users and grave digging on a seemingly endless supply of threads which should have died long ago, granted you've actually added something but do all newcomers have some kind of compulsive disorder which makes them bring things up from months ago!?!
Critical quests after you obtain the main objective?
Oh, you mean like having to go stop mutants after you fix the water supply. And having to stop the Master after you stopped the main mutant base?

Anyway, no forced fighting. Forced fighting=bad. Really, really bad. Remember how much the Horrigan fight sucked in comparison to the Master? That's because the Master could actually be convinced to stop, and there were several other ways to end the game as well.
Main Antagonist

The "Anti-Chosen one" or the earlier Vault dweller

The base character has very similar stats to the player's but has a mirror image of their karma and game choices. The player should have several non lethal run ins the antagonist during the game with victory going either way. At the end of the game have a conversation option, Provided the player has done the leg work to open the conversation options.

In PS:T the goal was to die, and the main enemy was yourself.

Or what if you get to the evil ones lair and discover it is all just bad press and you have to help him finish his not so darstadly plan.