Mark Morgan's "Vault Archives" available again

Hmm, Juicy wall of text, full of bullshit and tasteless sarcasm, yummy.

When you say that relative to the MMO it gives the reader the opinion that you are saying Interplay only went after an MMO after they saw "Bethesda's success".

No, when I say that I mean that they score cash from sales extra sales crated by the popularity of F3. Yeah, they have a right to, sure, but they are still wankers.

You wanna know why they went for a Fallout MMO? Because it's the only thing that theoretically can save the financial black hole that is their company, it's the only license left that's still worth a damn and one they still haven't managed to fuck up somehow or sell to some korean developer. But give them time, they will find a way if history is any indication.

Interplay has attempted to get an MMO going long before Bethesda even came into the picture.

And of course back then they were not interested in making money out of it just like any other party involved. It was only out of the good of their heard because they thought it would be the best for the franchise, not their wallets.

Development of the MMO started before the success of Fallout 3 was foreseeable.

Yeah, back to my point of them seeing it as their only saving grace.

If Bethesda wanted Interplay's "other licenses" they would simply buy the studio or have negotiated all of them back when Fallout was sold.

Guess Beth thought it would be easier to take it by force later on, seeing as the Interplay guys hardly have any money to exist on their own, let alone fund any project or defend themselves long enough in court.

Masthead has their own MMO, while it won't release until next month, their tech is all in place and they've been doing betas for quite some time now. According to SEC filings, they also had some insight into World of Warcraft.

You do know out of all the MMO's released, very few are actually successful and even fever are not total shit, right?

Yes, the fact that they are making an MMO years after an internal project was canceled is reason alone to discredit the fact that people like Chris Taylor, Mark O'Green, Jason Anderson, etc have/had input. Obviously...
If they manage to make something good before Interplay pisses itself and dies again, I'll be the first to sign up. I'll believe that when I'll see it though.

And don't even try to front with Van Buren, it's quite obvious that you don't like the traditional gameplay style so I highly doubt Interplay would be a god in your eyes if Van Buren wasn't canned.

It's quote obvious that you know next to nothing about me, so feel free to fuck off.

I recommend you do some research into why the Fallout license was sold in the first place and the factors that were at play. The fact that you consider "5 million" to be the "highest bidder" is laughable. And they never went bankrupt, I can't stress the research aspect enough if you want people to take you seriously.
Oh, not this again. Not you're gonna tell me how Interplay weren't complete fuckups with no money and how selling the fallout license was not about the money. Piss off, huh?

And you honestly believe Troika had enough money to buy Fallout, even at 5 mill? Besides, what happened to your Troika hate from above? It seems you are simply trolling, there is little to show otherwise.
Never said they had enough money. Never said I hated them. Do some research first. (see what I did there?!!?!) Oh hell, learn to actually read first.

True, that must be why they've created a studio dedicated entirely to MMO development, it must also be why Bethesda tried for months to redact info about internal MMO's they were working on, it's likely also why Bethesda talks about MMO's just as much as they do Fallout.
Not actually Beth, but Zenimax created the MMO studio. And since they are reportedly making a TES MMO, I kind of forgot about them and the possibility that they might scrap the TES MMO and do the Fallout one. Big deal.

And Rogue Warrior says hi

Didn't know RW was an MMO. Do some research first. (ouch, ah?)

Everything you say contradicts everything you say.

No, your blind love for Interplay blocks most of my text and hides it's true meaning.
Fair enough then, I'll take down that part.

Like I said, if they manage to make something good before Interplay pisses itself and dies again, I'll be the first to sign up. I do have some faith in a few of these guys. But I have nearly zero faith in the company they work for and the rest of of the team that hasn't done much as of now. A few talented guys can make a difference, but not when the rest of the company is a mess.
Vik said:
It will be pretty much the same story, with a few details about the locations being changed. Nothing too serious to make it a different story, because distant locations do not play a serious role in the story. Don't you think you're going a bit too far into the nitpicking territory?

The entire point of LotR is that the trip from Shire, through Rivendell, to Mount Doom is a very long, dangerous walk. Same point with the holodisk I quoted. You can't create a massive world with long distances and extreme dangers along the way in Oblivion's engine, as they'd simply lose their scale. It'd be pretty jarring to hear about a radioactive hellhole days' travel to the southeast, when you can arrive there after c.a. 10 minutes of real time.
Vik said:
No, when I say that I mean that they score cash from sales extra sales crated by the popularity of F3. Yeah, they have a right to, sure, but they are still wankers.

You're right, too bad the Fallout Collection was on sale years before Fallout 3 released. I believe it was Ausir who posted about a copy of the Fallout Collection on sale in 2006?

Vik said:
You wanna know why they went for a Fallout MMO? Because it's the only thing that theoretically can save the financial black hole that is their company, it's the only license left that's still worth a damn and one they still haven't managed to fuck up somehow or sell to some korean developer. But give them time, they will find a way if history is any indication.

An MMO regardless of subscriber base can be a great source of steady income for any developer. Those that are able to react fast enough to changes within their world and others are able to stay put while others simply die off. There's no denying that the allure of financially stability isn't driving Interplay towards an MMO, but $30 million (which was the base requirement for capital by Bethesda) can be use to fund quite a few AAA projects.

And Fallout is the only license Interplay has that's "worth a damn"? Haha, cool story. PC gamers who gamed in the 90s respectfully disagree.

Vik said:
And of course back then they were not interested in making money out of it just like any other party involved. It was only out of the good of their heard because they thought it would be the best for the franchise, not their wallets.

Correct, game publishers, especially publicly traded ones aren't in the business to make money. How silly of me.

And you do realize they had a phrase at Interplay, particularly at Black Ilse called "Slam Dunk" which was used to describe a game that cost very little to make, that reviewed well, and sold millions. Money is an integral part of game development...

Vik said:
Yeah, back to my point of them seeing it as their only saving grace.

See my response above.

Vik said:
Guess Beth thought it would be easier to take it by force later on, seeing as the Interplay guys hardly have any money to exist on their own, let alone fund any project or defend themselves long enough in court.

Amuse me, how much money do they have? And if you haven't noticed, Interplay's legal team has been doing pretty well in court hearings. You even posted in a thread yesterday that discussed Interplay's better defense in comparisons to Bethesda's.

Again, if you looked into the matter you would realize buying the Fallout license was make or break for Interplay. If Bethesda really wanted to do what you're claiming they would have simply let Interplay get pushed into liquidation and be able to pick up the entire license, or everything for cheap.

Vik said:
You do know out of all the MMO's released, very few are actually successful and even fever are not total shit, right?

The same can be applied to FPS's, RPG's, sports games, etc, should we all just pick up our ball and go home then since not all games will sell like Call of Duty, Fallout: New Vegas, and NBA 2K11?

Perhaps you haven't noticed but the MMO has expanded in terms of what it can include, from the likes of World of Warcraft to Facebook games people play on a daily basis.

Regardless, your original question was about any MMO experience Interplay has, not on the success rate of MMO's in the gaming industry.

Vik said:
If they manage to make something good before Interplay pisses itself and dies again, I'll be the first to sign up. I'll believe that when I'll see it though.

They never died in the first place.

Vik said:
It's quote obvious that you know next to nothing about me, so feel free to fuck off.

I only know what you post, and what you post is telling me you don't like the classic Fallout style (aka, top down) anymore. You're also stating Fallout 1 and 2 can be re-created in in the Fallout 3/NV perspective which by the way is largely technically impossible due to the scope of the world and how much would need be calculated at any given time.

Actually, I won't say technically impossible since Avalanche has a good rendering engine and rendering techniques do exist that make open world games easier on a system. But in terms of Gamebyro it would be pretty difficult since the engine struggles as is in certain scenarios.

Vik said:
Oh, not this again. Not you're gonna tell me how Interplay weren't complete fuckups with no money and how selling the fallout license was not about the money. Piss off, huh?

I never said it wasn't about money, but if you had actually bothered to read up you would realize it was "sell Fallout or liquidate".

Vik said:
Never said they had enough money. Never said I hated them. Do some research first. (see what I did there?!!?!) Oh hell, learn to actually read first.

Then why the hell would you mention them in the same breath as a bid? Second page bud, you were the one saying Troika was a doomed failure after Bloodlines and them buying Fallout wouldn't change anything.

Vik said:
Not actually Beth, but Zenimax created the MMO studio. And since they are reportedly making a TES MMO, I kind of forgot about them and the possibility that they might scrap the TES MMO and do the Fallout one. Big deal.

ZeniMax is essentially Bethesda since they were founded by key folks from Bethesda in the 90s to essentially run Bethesda. And the MMO studio would be working on Bethesda's IP's most likely.

Vik said:
Didn't know RW was an MMO. Do some research first. (ouch, ah?)

Aren't you the one who said Bethesda would never do anything they don't have experience in? Rogue Warrior was touted as their return to the shooter market decades after they released anything remotely close to a shooter.

Vik said:
No, your blind love for Interplay blocks most of my text and hides it's true meaning.

You do realize I'm not the only one in this thread that is correcting you, right? And as I've stated many times, I have no issues with Bethesda or Interplay, I simply play games and enjoy titles from both companies. I don't recall ever attacking Bethesda in the same way you attack Interplay.

You're beginning to sound a lot like a user who was banned from DaC pretty recently. Hmm.

Vik said:
Fair enough then, I'll take down that part.

You're right, too bad the Fallout Collection was on sale years before Fallout 3 released. I believe it was Ausir who posted about a copy of the Fallout Collection on sale in 2006?

2004 even ("Fallout Collection" and "Saga Fallout") and 2006 ("Fallout Trilogy").
Oh boy. Another wall of text. In all honesty, call me a quitter but I really don't feel like replying to your entire wall of bullshit text for the next 20 minutes. So I'll just quickly reply to a few more or less juicy parts:
too bad the Fallout Collection was on sale years before Fallout 3 released.
Never said it was. My point was that sales have increased after F3 significantly and I just don't like the fact that those idiots are getting profit for it, that's it. They have right, yeah, whatever.

Fallout is the only license Interplay has that's "worth a damn"? Haha, cool story. PC gamers who gamed in the 90s respectfully disagree.
Oh, I am well aware of that, starting gaming in the late 90's. But today, in a market ruled by console sales, nobody gives a damn about PC gamers in general and what was popular in the 90's.

In all honesty, I doubt anybody except Troika and Bethesda really cared enough about the franchise, but I don't know who else was interested in buying it.

The same can be applied to FPS's, RPG's, sports games, etc,
No, not even by a long shot. The success rate of MMO's is way below any of the genres you mentioned. More than that, I can tell you that making a MMO is really risky these days, unless you have a really strong franchise like Wow, LotR or Star Wars. And even then, that in way will guarantee the game will be successful. That market is really touch, more so than say the FPS market that's full of games of all shapes and sizes.

You do realize I'm not the only one in this thread that is correcting you, right?
Nobody expect you really cares enough to defend interplay with walls of text either.

I have no issues with Bethesda or Interplay, I simply play games and enjoy titles from both companies.
If Interplay will actually release something worth playing, I will.

You're beginning to sound a lot like a user who was banned from DaC pretty recently
DaC= Duck and Cover? Wouldn't know, haven't been there in many years. And by there I mean the site, not the forum which I've never been to. You do sound like a fanboy though and I'm sure a ton of those have been banned on a ton of forums. Who cares?

Admitting I was wrong is typical? You're new to the whole interwebs scene, aren't you?

And yeah, before you start listing your rich history of getting banned from many forums over the years, you should know that last sentence was a cheap sarcastic remark and I really don't give a shit.

Hell, the truth is, I think Interplay is a wank of a company that should die and definitely deserves the shit treatment it is getting, while you're defending them for bizarre reasons that I don't really care about. Either way, if after 4 walls of text no progress has been made, you don't need to be a psychic to know it's going nowhere and that we won't agree on anything. So either cut down on the text, or just stop and agree to disagree. It's getting boring.
Vik said:
Oh boy. Another wall of text. In all honesty, call me a quitter but I really don't feel like replying to your entire wall of bullshit text for the next 20 minutes. So I'll just quickly reply to a few more or less juicy parts:

Oh poor you, stop making such statements then if you don't want people to respond correcting you. Are you new to this whole forum thing or something? The fact that you don't even bother reading the entire thing, or at least taking it in is very telling.

Vik said:
too bad the Fallout Collection was on sale years before Fallout 3 released.
Never said it was. My point was that sales have increased after F3 significantly and I just don't like the fact that those idiots are getting profit for it, that's it. They have right, yeah, whatever.

Vik said:
Oh, I am well aware of that, starting gaming in the late 90's. But today, in a market ruled by console sales, nobody gives a damn about PC gamers in general and what was popular in the 90's.

You really aren't giving the PC market much credit. It might not compare to the console industry in terms of sales but it's still pretty big. Companies like Paradox, Stardock, CD Project, etc have found success catering almost exclusively to PC gamers and developers alone. Interplay has its fair share of PC IP's that could still do pretty well even if they were PC exclusive. I for one am willing to give Lionheart a second chance since the first game had some pretty good ideas (albeit I have to finish it still :lol: ).

Vik said:
No, not even by a long shot. The success rate of MMO's is way below any of the genres you mentioned. More than that, I can tell you that making a MMO is really risky these days, unless you have a really strong franchise like Wow, LotR or Star Wars. And even then, that in way will guarantee the game will be successful. That market is really touch, more so than say the FPS market that's full of games of all shapes and sizes.

Far more MMO's have found success than you are giving credit. Success can be defined as an MMO that can keep a company stable and allow for future development. For example, CrimeCraft can be seen as a success since it makes enough to warrant future expansions but something like APB cannot.

There must have been hundreds of MMO's that released in 2010, how many shut down in that year? The MMO market has a whole is pretty big but people only hear about closures and consider that to be reflective of the industry as a whole. As I've previously stated, developers that are able to react to changes within their game worlds and the industry as a whole have a better chance at survival.

These figures are a bit dated but they still give you a rough idea of how big the market really is in various countries.

Does this mean Fallout Online is a guaranteed success? I don't know, the market is only half the battle, you still need a good game that can appeal to your audiences.

Vik said:
Nobody expect you really cares enough to defend interplay with walls of text either.

If correcting your errors means I'm a defender then what ever, you seem to lack the "skills" to actually read said "wall of text" and simply resort to the typical troll comment of "too long, did not read".

Again, you should notice that I'm not the only one debating your claims here. If you can't put two and two together then something is wrong here.

Vik said:
If Interplay will actually release something worth playing, I will.

You're the one claiming they never released anything for a decade when that is clearly wrong as they have released stuff recently (some of which is pretty good). If you were so humble you'd surely be keeping up with what is being released before automatically discounting the company as a whole?

Vik said:
DaC= Duck and Cover? Wouldn't know, haven't been there in many years. And by there I mean the site, not the forum which I've never been to. You do sound like a fanboy though and I'm sure a ton of those have been banned on a ton of forums. Who cares?

Yes, me, the person who is willing to give games from all companies a shot is a fanboy while you, a person who believes Bethesda has redefined the gaming industry as a whole and that Interplay is a scourge who can't do anything are obviously a regular gamer...

I buy Bethesda and Interplay titles all the time, you only claim you'll be willing to give them a shot and then turn around and completely blast them.

Vik said:
Admitting I was wrong is typical? You're new to the whole interwebs scene, aren't you?

Typical of your behavior of not knowing shit about anything and speaking with an air of authority and then resorting to attacks against those who attempt to tell you otherwise in a [largely] respectful manner.

And for someone who claims to have so much more internet experience than I, you certainly aren't use to having forum discussions, most of which involve long debates among two or more members.

Vik said:
Hell, the truth is, I think Interplay is a wank of a company that should die and definitely deserves the shit treatment it is getting, while you're defending them for bizarre reasons that I don't really care about. Either way, if after 4 walls of text no progress has been made, you don't need to be a psychic to know it's going nowhere and that we won't agree on anything. So either cut down on the text, or just stop and agree to disagree. It's getting boring.

This certainly sounds like something someone who is willing to give a company "a chance" would say.

Simply put, you are either a troll or someone who has short term memory since you seem to forget what you post relatively quickly. When you read, you only take in what you want and disregard everything else.

I see no point in continuing this discussion any longer
Lexx said:
Kind of feels to me as if they want to make everyone clear that they are the ones who own Fallout and everything that belongs to it. A little bit like some kid who runs around and screams "THIS IS MY TOY!"

But maybe it's just me.
This is understandable, as Bethesda are currently in a long legal battle over who actually owns the toys. If there wasn't currently a massive battle on the toys right now, I imagine that they might not have been so picky.

And to be fair, they are Bethesda's toys. And, frankly, the artist should know better. Sure, the songs were his ‘art’, but he sold that art to someone else. It’s not his to spread about anymore.
If anything, it’s kinda surprising that Bethesda is letting their music distributed for free.
Oh poor you, stop making such statements then if you don't want people to respond correcting you.
News flash, you're the only "people" here on an epic quest to correct my personal opinion about a failure of a company, armed to the teeth with chest high text walls of bullshit and poor attempts at sarcasm.

Are you new to this whole forum thing or something? The fact that you don't even bother reading the entire thing, or at least taking it in is very telling.
Hardly. I've seen my fair share of stubborn assholes and their walls of texts. And reading the same tasteless thing over and over again isn't nearly as exciting as you might think.

Vik said:
too bad the Fallout Collection was on sale years before Fallout 3 released.
Never said it was. My point was that sales have increased after F3 significantly and I just don't like the fact that those idiots are getting profit for it, that's it. They have right, yeah, whatever.

Did you just copy-pasted my text to reply to my own quote? That's an.. interesting way to agree with my point.

You really aren't giving the PC market much credit.
Not me, just most of the publishers.

Far more MMO's have found success than you are giving credit.
Maybe, but you have to admit that the success/fail rate doesn't compare well to most other genres.

If correcting your errors means I'm a defender
Other people corrected errors. A wall of bullshit text is not error correction, it's just bullshit.

simply resort to the typical troll comment of "too long, did not read".
Yeah, not wanting to continue a pointless argument makes me a troll. Logic is not among your short list of friends, I guess.

Again, you should notice that I'm not the only one debating your claims here.
Don't see other walls of bs either. Not saying everybody has to agree or that everybody agrees with me, but you're pushing it.

If you can't put two and two together then something is wrong here.
Bahahahahahahhahahahahahha. Oh man that is so witty, I'm sure Oscar Wilde is rolling in his grave as I type this.

You're the one claiming they never released anything for a decade when that is clearly wrong as they have released stuff recently (some of which is pretty good)
Yeah, the new earth worm jim, pinball yeah and other recent garbage are clearly games worth mentioning. Hell, that stuff clearly put them back on the map.

When I said that they didn't release a game in nearly a decade, I meant an actual game, one that's worth mentioning. These small time "games" are hardly considered that.

Yes, me, the person who is willing to give games from all companies a shot is a fanboy
One does not exclude the other, you know.

while you, a person who believes Bethesda has redefined the gaming industry as a whole
This is where I can easily stop replying to you because this is just pure bullshit that has nothing to do with me and my point of view, or the truth or even logic.

I buy Bethesda and Interplay titles all the time, you only claim you'll be willing to give them a shot and then turn around and completely blast them.
If you're buying Interplay's cheap garbage, then you're a bigger idiot that I thought before. And buying Bethesda's games blindly is just as a silly and doesn't say much good about you.

Typical of your behavior of not knowing shit about anything and speaking with an air of authority and then resorting to attacks against those who attempt to tell you otherwise in a [largely] respectful manner.
This is beautiful. Providing a few links that barely have anything to do with my points suddenly make you the guy who knows shit about everything. And your pathetic excuse for sarcasm is pure respectful manner at it's absolute best. You give trolls a bad name with such statements.

And for someone who claims to have so much more internet experience than I
Never said I did. No reason to even reply to the rest of you sentence since the beginning is pure bs already.

This certainly sounds like something someone who is willing to give a company "a chance" would say.
I'll give them a chance when they release something bigger than Tommy Tronic.

Simply put, you are either a troll
Right back at yeah with your bullshit.

someone who has short term memory since you seem to forget what you post relatively quickly.
As I already have shown above, I know what I've written better than you do. That's actually common sense, but sadly I have to prove even that to you.

I see no point in continuing this discussion any longer
Classic troll material right there. Now that I've posted my wall of bullshit, I can safely suggest to end the discussion and pretend like I won it, after the guy above already suggested to agree to disagree about the matter. Newsflash, buddy - your whole post already has no point.

And to finish this off, I would like to post a fine quote from the website of our dear friends at Interplay:
What do Bioware, Blizzard, High Voltage, Planet Moon, Shiny, Snowblind, Treyarch and Volition have in common? They were all once published by Interplay!

Beautiful. Talk about totally not living in the past.

Hey Interplay, I can also tell you what they all have in common - most likely none of them wants to have anything to do with you. Zing!
Elven6 said:
Black Ilse

She-Wolf of the Enclave

Also, if you two are going to have some sort of war here, keep it passive-aggressive and can the overt flaming.
Ausir said:
Try to recreate the Lord of the Rings in Oblivion editor. How much sense would that make if Mordor was just a few miles from the Shire?
Tagaziel said:
The entire point of LotR is that the trip from Shire, through Rivendell, to Mount Doom is a very long, dangerous walk. Same point with the holodisk I quoted. You can't create a massive world with long distances and extreme dangers along the way in Oblivion's engine, as they'd simply lose their scale. It'd be pretty jarring to hear about a radioactive hellhole days' travel to the southeast, when you can arrive there after c.a. 10 minutes of real time.

I just wanted to quote these two posts because I think that this is actually an interesting discussion. I agree with Vic that most of the FO2 story could be retold in the newer engine (even without the mods that emulate a world-map). But it really depends on what you think the story is.

The comparisons to LotR are a good example. Tagaziel says that very long dangerous walk is the entire point of LotR – and if you agree then you would be correct that it would be difficult to recreate. Difficult, but not impossible… and you’d get a lot of people whining that there is too much empty space.
Regardless, I disagree with the idea that a dangerous walk was the focal point of that story. I’d suggest that the key components of the story are temptation, companionship, betrayal, envy, loyalty, bravery, the decline of the elves race and the rallying of different peoples.
The presence (or lack thereof) of a pin crawling across the map between significant locations doesn’t contribute to those key elements.
Vik said:
News flash, you're the only "people" here on an epic quest to correct my personal opinion about a failure of a company, armed to the teeth with chest high text walls of bullshit and poor attempts at sarcasm.

Not my problem you have difficulty reading, kinda funny since you too are a "text wall" abuser if you wish to put it that way.

And if you were following along, you would realize I wasn't correcting your opinion but your "facts".

Vik said:
Hardly. I've seen my fair share of stubborn assholes and their walls of texts. And reading the same tasteless thing over and over again isn't nearly as exciting as you might think.

Ironic coming from you.

Vik said:
Did you just copy-pasted my text to reply to my own quote? That's an.. interesting way to agree with my point.

Quoting error, no biggie. My original response was you claimed they were cashing off Bethesda's success, since the Collection was on sale for a lot longer than Fallout 3 was made available your argument is flawed. So the Collection gets a boost from Fallout 3, that's hardly Interplay's fault and if you are going to blame them for not foreseeing it you should play Behtesda instead for not foreseeing it when they bought the rights.

Vik said:
Not me, just most of the publishers.

Again, the fact that most developers/publishers have earned a great living from PC sales alone will disagree, just because companies like EA, THQ, etc tend to disregard PC gaming doesn't mean the market can't help others.

Vik said:
Maybe, but you have to admit that the success/fail rate doesn't compare well to most other genres.

The only issue is the failure of an MMO is seen more directly on a company than the failure of a FPS game which shows over time.

Vik said:
Other people corrected errors. A wall of bullshit text is not error correction, it's just bullshit.

Wall of facts dude, but since you didn't bother reading it has gone over your head.

And they were of such a grand scale that a mere sentence or two would not be enough.

Vik said:
Yeah, not wanting to continue a pointless argument makes me a troll. Logic is not among your short list of friends, I guess.

No, the fact that when you are disproven you trying to argue "I never said that" even though this thread says otherwise.

Vik said:
Don't see other walls of bs either. Not saying everybody has to agree or that everybody agrees with me, but you're pushing it.

Cool story bro, I'm sure Ausir, Crni Vuk, etc enjoyed having their time wasted pointing out issues in your posts regarding the Fallout games, development backgrounds, etc.

Vik said:
Yeah, the new earth worm jim, pinball yeah and other recent garbage are clearly games worth mentioning. Hell, that stuff clearly put them back on the map.

Congratulations! You've successfully used Wikipedia!

Earthworm Jim HD was a pretty anticipated title that did pretty well for reviews and such. So yes, in terms of showing people Interplay still existed it did put them back on the metaphorical map.

Vik said:
When I said that they didn't release a game in nearly a decade, I meant an actual game, one that's worth mentioning. These small time "games" are hardly considered that.

Oh ok, your definition of what a game is obviously differs from that of the rest of the industry,

Vik said:
One does not exclude the other, you know.

Correct but given the tone of your postings it's very likely that it does.

Vik said:
This is where I can easily stop replying to you because this is just pure bullshit that has nothing to do with me and my point of view, or the truth or even logic.

It was an exaggeration of your resurrection debate on the first page along with the semi related first person thing.

Vik said:
If you're buying Interplay's cheap garbage, then you're a bigger idiot that I thought before. And buying Bethesda's games blindly is just as a silly and doesn't say much good about you.

Evolution. You went from not realizing Interplay even made games anymore to automatically discrediting them in a short time span!

For the record, Fallout: New Vegas and Pinball Yeah are fun games and some of the best "dollar to fun ratio" games I've played, shame you won't be able to play them for what ever reason.

Vik said:
This is beautiful. Providing a few links that barely have anything to do with my points suddenly make you the guy who knows shit about everything. And your pathetic excuse for sarcasm is pure respectful manner at it's absolute best. You give trolls a bad name with such statements.

Barley have anything? Yeah, did you forget about the bit where you said Interplay was merely trying to cash in on Bethesda's success with the MMO. The page I linked you to had quotes from Feargus Urqhart describing the Fallout MMO former CEO/Founder of Interplay Brian Fargo wanted to develop.

Don't worry, there was no confusion here as you responded to the link by saying something like "they weren't doing it for the money".

In regards to the respect thing, I admit that sarcasm was used but only after you had already taken that route with postings like [verbatim] "does it mention they are also huge fuck ups..".
Vik said:
Never said I did. No reason to even reply to the rest of you sentence since the beginning is pure bs already.

When you claim someone is "new" to the whole "internet experience" it generally means you have more experience than them in said field.


"You're new to this whole cooking thing, ain't ya?"

Vik said:
I'll give them a chance when they release something bigger than Tommy Tronic.

So you only play games that have big budgets? This is like some reverse hipster stuff right here!

Vik said:
Right back at yeah with your bullshit.

The difference between what I say is it largely has facts to back it up where as you are simply guessing.

Vik said:
As I already have shown above, I know what I've written better than you do. That's actually common sense, but sadly I have to prove even that to you.

This entire thread is full of replies that will disagree with your statement, it seems for every new page that was created your viewpoint on a subject changed with it.

I've heard the expression, "start a new page" but this is too much. ;)

Vik said:
Classic troll material right there. Now that I've posted my wall of bullshit, I can safely suggest to end the discussion and pretend like I won it, after the guy above already suggested to agree to disagree about the matter. Newsflash, buddy - your whole post already has no point.

If you read your previous post you will realize you were the one who wanted to end things. And my posts have a more logicial point then your arguments which are largely pulled out of thin air.

Vik said:
And to finish this off, I would like to post a fine quote from the website of our dear friends at Interplay:
What do Bioware, Blizzard, High Voltage, Planet Moon, Shiny, Snowblind, Treyarch and Volition have in common? They were all once published by Interplay!
Beautiful. Talk about totally not living in the past.

This is what we in the industry call "PR speak", it's used to hype products and appeal to a wide audience. Those studios have published quite a few memorable games under Interplay and to a certain extent perhaps even owe their successes to it.

Vik said:
Hey Interplay, I can also tell you what they all have in common - most likely none of them wants to have anything to do with you. Zing!

Haha, cool story, bro.
....God dangit. The music still cross fades into one another like all the music pieces were one whole solid piece instead of stand alone pieces with their own beginning and endings. You know, like it was in the games themselves? It's not fun

It's no fun listening to the soft gentle bells from "Second Chance" play over the opening for "City Of The Dead".
In all honesty, elven6, this is really going nowhere. I could reply and turn every one of your pathetic arguments against you without even having to mention all the tasteless "cool story bro" comments that just scream "I'm jumping on the meme bandwagon 2 years after it left the station and fell off the rails somewhere in the mojave".

And after that you'd once again reply and claim that you only speak in pure honest to god facts, because you managed to glue a few statistics links to your posts here and there. But I really don't feel like wasting time, believe it or not. Why? I've been in one too many internet arguments to see where this train wreck is going - nowhere. We are nitpicking the hell out of our huge posts while the real argument that started it is long gone, disappeared somewhere between the words. And honestly, I am tired of explaining every sarcastic remark that you misread and every one of my opinions that you consider facts that need your holy corrections.

Hell, this quote sums up pretty much your whole post:

For the record, Fallout: New Vegas and Pinball Yeah are fun games and some of the best "dollar to fun ratio" games I've played, shame you won't be able to play them for what ever reason
Shame indeed. Shame I'm 65 hours into my second New Vegas walkthrough. Shame you don't even remotely know what the hell you are talking about.

Let's end this now and agree to disagree. Save your strength for an argument that's actually worth having.