Name Dropping
Name Dropping
Name dropping "Ann Rand" is an indicator of a "Libertarian" or those further out that part of the philosophical-politico spectrum.
There are some savvy disciplined minds of this color and they can be fun in how they tear apart socio-political conventions, like covert anarchists.
Too often I sense it's the fuzzy thinking fellow travellers that resent you or me getting anything in the way of a government subsidy. While, claiming their "dole" is an "entitlement".
Libertarians basically call for less government, but I doubt they would help out by driving their SUV's less so there is "less government" expense in maintaining the "public" highways, or "less government" supervision of our auto emissions by driving the most fuel efficient Japanese moto'. The profile is "have's" that want more by paying less taxes AND MORE tariffs and price supports to fund or protect their pseudo capitalist or rather state capitalist endeavors.
There are some "libertarian" fellow travelers that flame "liberals" constantly. These profiled, sanctimonious "liberals" claim to have been there on the 6th day of creation, therefore liberals claim to know God's intentions, the big game plan. The fellow travellers know best. This higher moral plane means the fellow travellers have been "here" on day ONE, the first day of creation. This is no humble buddhist or Jesus talk of God being in us all, rather the justification of their self deification.
Yah, their farts don't stink.
Or is it the 'sin of pride' that won Lucifer the bragging rights to Hell?
Or, Mars ...
As for who gets Mars, I imagine the first robot that Kicks all of the other
Mars' robots mechanical butts carries the "white man's burden" or is King of the Imperialist Hill.
Why the Bush Mars Initiative? Well it's just another unfunded federal mandate at this point, but maybe there is real estate potential we don't see. As America browns, maybe space flight is'z white flight.