I love ARMA. They are known as the blacksheep of medi-nerd fan base because of their dogmatic approach toward utilizing source material from period masters and focusing on the art as a intelligently designed form of military combat. The hate being grouped in with theater dueling, and modern sport fencing, and absolutely hate fantasy roleplayers. I was going to join ARMA in Dallas until I had to relocate.
I could spend days reading the material on their website.
My favorite material from the era is by Alvaro Guerra de la Vega on his geometric principles in fighting. The idea of this grid system of footwork has been the bases of my combined arms and unarmed fighting technique that i have been practicing.
I have spent almost half a decade researching different martial systems and nothing has come close to the comprehensive usefulness and clarity of renaissance fencing and wrestling. The reason behind this is I suspect is that these systems where more utilized and needed in a military climate void of any ranged weapon not powered by very simple mechanics and pure muscle, and the amount of conflict during the time period. A whole cavern of knowledge and wisdom is buried and forgotten under the emergence of firearms and the military industrial complex.
The only problem is trying to comprehend the archaic old English texts like this one.
The 16th And Ye Defence Yt Nowed Shalt ????
A profur a rake with a quarter full with another quarter largely a voyde then lyghtly turne youre body with a full quarter an other voyde be att youre stoppe.
A profur a rake with a full quarter then loose yore lyfte hande fro youre sworde voydyng bake youre ryght legge bring hyt bake with yore ryght honde fayre before yore broste redy to foyne and ron in with a rake and a full quarter pleying the same pley twyse then bryng bake agayne youre sworde with ye sayde ryght honde and legge And smyte a full spryng lythly with a full quarter And an other A voyde and be att youre stoppe.
Sounds like fat chicks fucking a cow to me.