Martial Arts

As promised, my experiences:

I went to both Krav Maga and Systema schools. And I must say that Systema came out on top. It was a close cut, but Systema won. And not just because I'm studying Russian at the moment.

While Krav Maga is a highly effective combat discipline, it's not as instinctive or interesting as Systema. Krav Maga is not pretty to look at but it's effective, fast and lethal and it connects seamlessly to other disciplines you might have studied before. Also, Krav Maga can be used offensively and defensively.

Systema on the other end, is almost solely defensively orientated and uses a very different mindset, it wipes its ass with everything you've ever learned about fighting in other disciplines.
First you learn how to take blows. Positioning, movement, breathing, everything is defensively orientated. And because Sytema is so instinctive the progress is amazing, you pick up things quickly and effectively, and it really pulls you in. I did notice how the grappling techniques have a close relation to Sambo, Judo and Jiu-Jitsu. But because of its defensive nature the grappling moves are more effective because you can focus on your opponents actions.

Unfortunately, I've no time to continue with my current busy schedule. But when I've time I'll definitely pick it up again.
the best you can do is to stick with the style you like most. Thats the way to be most effective. It doenst help to learn something only cause "others" tell you its "the best".

Everyone has to decide for himself :P
DexterMorgan said:
Also, it's always better to be under-estimated than over-estimated when getting into a fight.

I kind of disagree with that one. A guy who looks like he can rip a person in two with his bare hands is often not even challenged to a fight as often as a smaller guy. Especially true in bouncers, the smaller bouncers don't always have the 'authority' of the really big guys and therefore they have to prove their worth by fighting, which is already a kind of loss.

But I agree that once the fight has started it's better to be underestimated.