Mass Effect 3 discussion

DarthBartus said:
...Face it, writing in BioWare games was never exceptionally amazing, and neither was it in case of previous ME games. ME3 as a whole was a huge disappointment, and forced inclusion of the Godchild did not help.

Anyway, hi guys, I haven't seen you in a while!

But before at least they were able to create a sense of accomplishment, even if it was an illusion one.
After all, is sci-fi fantasy, not hard sci-fi.

Now not even this...

Stanislao Moulinsky said:
I'm still wondering what kind of "new solution" is Destroy. Sure, all the synthetics are gone but they can be rebuilt. The star child itself was sure that new synthetics would eventually be made again, that's why he created the reapers and the cycles, so...what the hell?

Well, this has to do with the game plot and C&C settings, wich most of the time don't have influence in the endings, I think we already discussed that.
Your EMS is what really matters not your choices, they are only flavors to add instead of having an impact on how the story ends.
For example, I choose the geth instead of the quarians, wich means I think synthetic life deserves a chance.
Why synthesis isn't available for me, but destroy are? Because my EMS is low.

The curious thing with the EC is even more strange results are generated now, specially if you have a low EMS.

ME3 have a lot of problems at the game's core, the endings were only the more discussed ones.