Mass Effect Andromeda lackluster dialogue

I really like the Mass Effect trilogy... like ALOT.

I know it gets a lot of hate on here, but I think the first game fits as a fun space adventure. It's the "New Hope" of Sci-Fi games. It has drama, tension, character, action and romance. It all blends in nicely, if a very rough ride. Mass Effect 1 always felt rather friendly in my eyes. I can easily see someone like my Dad, who isn't really into long winded RPGs, getting into it as a Star Trek fan. It ticks that box and feels like a worthy successor to Bioware's KOTOR release.

Mass Effect 2 is my favourite of the series, and one of my all-time favourite games. To me, it feels like a different adventure, one made up of plenty of short stories, which is something I don't mind exactly.
While games at the time strived to be more cinematic, Bioware made Mass Effect 2 feel like a season of a TV show. We have the on-going narrative which spans multiple episodes, and we have the loyalty missions which are kind of like small filler episodes which lead into importance later. There are issues with the game, but I feel like the actual game improves upon the foundation set in the original ME game. It's not so much of a fun space adventure as it is a bunch of smaller adventures leading into the big finale.

Mass Effect 3 however, is a step up from Mass Effect 2 in a lot of ways, but is ultimately the weakest link of the three.
It improves on so much, but there are areas of frustration which makes me wonder if these choices were initial from the start. Issues such as the fate of the Council are a warning of things to come.
To me, the ending sucks, but kind of makes sense the more I think about it. Maybe I had a year or so of knowing that the ending was bad for me not to be as affected. For me, the whole 3rd game felt like one big closer. It played like an Series Finale, with plot points coming to a close, and how our actions did indeed effect the state of the Galaxy. It's not a bad game by any means, but it's one that felt rushed in its delivery.

So going into Mass Effect Andromeda, I really don't know what to expect. I really want it to be good, but I don't want it to suffer from the usual clichéd bullshit we've come to expect from Bioware.
Pretty shitty new Hope though ... I mean ME is basically just an action game disguised as RPG. And you could remove all the Sci-Fi-High-Tech stuff, replace the reaper with Dragonz, the technology with 'magic' and you would have your standard fantasy-kill-the-super-evil-guy plot.
Don't get me wrong, ME has a very rich universe, but so do MANY games out there. I am not saying it's not fun, I had plenty of fun with ME1 and 2. But I hardly found it to be some kind of awesome Science Fiction. The Sci-Fi characterisation gets waaay to often thrown around these days, be it with movies, TV series or games.

If you REALLY want to know what's great Science Fiction than you have to look at stuff like The Man from Earth or 2001:A Space Odyssey, Dune, Babylon 5 or Star Trek (the Series).
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Pretty shitty new Hope though ... I mean ME is basically just an action game disguised as RPG. And you could remove all the Sci-Fi-High-Tech stuff, replace the reaper with Dragonz, the technology with 'magic' and you would have your standard fantasy-kill-the-super-evil-guy plot.
Don't get me wrong, ME has a very rich universe, but so do MANY games out there. I am not saying it's not fun, I had plenty of fun with ME1 and 2. But I hardly found it to be some kind of awesome Science Fiction. The Sci-Fi characterisation gets waaay to often thrown around these days, be it with movies, TV series or games.

If you REALLY want to know what's great Science Fiction than you have to look at stuff like The Man from Earth or 2001:A Space Odyssey, Dune, Babylon 5 or Star Trek (the Series).

Mass Effect notably was honored by actual scientists for having a legitimate hypothesis for Fermi's Paradox.

I remember being annoyed by this article because I actually had a similar premise for my only recently-released Lucifer's Star novel where the Elder Races basically exterminated 99% of all evolving sapient races for shit and giggles. Albeit, unlike the Reapers, my Elder Races just considered it pest control rather than anything mysterious.

Basically, I think Mass Effect's best elements are the Citadel races and their interactions versus the Reaper's plot, though. I always felt that was a watered down homage to the Saberhagen Berserkers series wiith a little bit of Lovecraft thrown in. I also felt the series copped out by making A.I. good when I enjoyed the idea that AI are fundamentally irredeemably evil by their very nature with it just part of their nature to have nothing in common with humans.

Alas, they decided not to go that direction.

Even so, the big appeal to Mass Effect was definitely 1 because I enjoyed a universe where humans were the low end of the totem pole rather than anything special and the fact the universe was primarily controlled by money as well as classicism.

ME was never so good as it was when it wasn't Star Trek or Star Wars but Babylon Five.
So I'm imagining them rolling their eyes and going back to "Everybody is Bi." Also, I'm not making up any of those reactions as there were hundreds of posts to that effect on the Bioware forums.
It's a sad world when people dont appreciate a character being written realistically.
Mass Effect notably was honored by actual scientists for having a legitimate hypothesis for Fermi's Paradox.
Well, a legitimate hypothesis is a rather strong word for something that is rather sketchy to begin with (Fermi's Paradox), if we're talking in scientific terms. Don't quote on me on it, but right now the current 'idea' is, that life might be simply extremly rare because it requires so many conditions to be just right, the question how Life ACTUALLY started on earth, the transition from chemical bonds to something that was actually alive, is still a big mystery. It could simply be, that you have one or two 'planets' with life per Galaxy, it really depends on how many parameters you include. There are probably millions of 'good' planets out there with just the right temperature and distance from their stars, but they might be completely life less and sterile. But even IF the Universe is full of life, we still havn't answered the qustion if intelligence is actually a necessary product of evolution. From all the life on this planet, only ONE has reached for the Stars so far. And right now, we're on a pretty good way of destroying our selfs so ... only god knows how many variables are required for life to come that far.

The creation of live, it's like trying to cook a soufflé in an iron box on a camp fire in a huge snow storm. Or as some other scientist explained it, balancing razor blades on top of each other ...

Naw, who are we kidding ME is if anything 'soft' (like very soft) Science Fiction. The real appeal of Mass Effect was the rich Universe they created with like a hell of a lot of Lore, and that is what I really respect. Hardly any AAA RPG these days is doing that. But hands down, ME could have worked just as nicely with a Fantasy Setting or no clue something else. What makes ME so unique is the fact that there are really not many RPGs set in a setting with lazers, space ships and the like. But Mass Effect isn't Plansecape in Space to say it that way. It is an action RPG at it's core.
EDIT: That or the character is self-aware and she's trying to kill herself, but because it's so shit it doesn't work.
No I found the stream and she shoots with it. Fucking hell. Fuck this game.

You know my montage of Bethestard comments for my signature? Might be getting an update soon thanks to these Andromedrones praising these bugs.
No I found the stream and she shoots with it. Fucking hell. Fuck this game.

You know my montage of Bethestard comments for my signature? Might be getting an update soon thanks to these Andromedrones praising these bugs.

Someone made a GIF:


Elsewhere someone said
Ha. Ok, while this is funny, it's not a disaster or "embarrassing". Almost no one here saw it until it was presented in slow-motion and pointed out. It's not game-breaking or pre-order canceling huge. The OT had plenty of these kinds of bugs/mixups.

It's not embarrassing? I beg to differ, me thinks I'd be embarrassed if I was an AAA developer. The fact they still have these bugs despite the time that's passed since the original games doesn't reflect well.

Oh and I'll throw this in as well since it made me chuckle.

I really don't like the Asari. They always make me feel slightly ashamed to be a geek.

"A major part of our game lore is a hot race of blue bi women!"
I really don't like the Asari. They always make me feel slightly ashamed to be a geek.

"A major part of our game lore is a hot race of blue bi women!"

The Asari just remind me that the devs have blood-pumping through their veins.
And you could remove all the Sci-Fi-High-Tech stuff, replace the reaper with Dragonz, the technology with 'magic' and you would have your standard fantasy-kill-the-super-evil-guy plot.
Didn't you say the exact same thing about Star Wars?
Yes, and?

- Look, the difference is that Mass Effect contains still more "Sci-Fi" Elements than Star Wars even if you would remove all the techno-babble, still Mass Effect is no deep Science Fiction experience. But it does contain a couple of if you want philosopical themes and ideas the player can explore, like human-alien interaction for starters. Star Wars contains none of that, it's just an adventure in space. Mass Effect is in many ways just an fantasy-action game in space, but it contains still more complexity than Star Wars, unless we're talking about the expanded Universe.
Yes, and?

- Look, the difference is that Mass Effect contains still more "Sci-Fi" Elements than Star Wars even if you would remove all the techno-babble, still Mass Effect is no deep Science Fiction experience. But it does contain a couple of if you want philosopical themes and idea the player can explore, like human-alien interaction for starters. Star Wars contains none of that, it's just an adventure in space. Mass Effect is in many ways just an fantasy-action game in space, but it contains still more complexity than Star Wars, unless we're talking about the expanded Universe.

Clearly you don't understand the importance of trade disputes.