Mass Effect Andromeda lackluster dialogue

Off topic note about the lore of the universe:

The Asari are supposed to be hot because they can't reproduce amongst themselves, and require other species to mate with in order to survive. So, they attract other species with their good looks.

They were designed by a horny dude with a tablet, so their beauty standards are obviously mirroring that of human standards. But here's the problem - would another species like the Krogan, Turian, or even Vorcha find those qualities attractive? Wouldn't the Krogan be more attracted to a female Krogan because she'd possess certain qualities that are attractive to them? The Batarian space-pirate would probably be like "DAYUM look at those gorgeous quad-eyes."

How did the Asari even manage to survive as a species if their only hope for attracting a mate relied on horny space humans? Did they just venture out and find victims to rape until they had a relatively large population?
Off topic note about the lore of the universe:

The Asari are supposed to be hot because they can't reproduce amongst themselves, and require other species to mate with in order to survive. So, they attract other species with their good looks.

They were designed by a horny dude with a tablet, so their beauty standards are obviously mirroring that of human standards. But here's the problem - would another species like the Krogan, Turian, or even Vorcha find those qualities attractive? Wouldn't the Krogan be more attracted to a female Krogan because she'd possess certain qualities that are attractive to them? The Batarian space-pirate would probably be like "DAYUM look at those gorgeous quad-eyes."

How did the Asari even manage to survive as a species if their only hope for attracting a mate relied on horny space humans? Did they just venture out and find victims to rape until they had a relatively large population?

The strip club scene says that Asari are attractive to Salarians who don't feel sexual attraction.

For me, that's why I always liked the fanon statement they don't actually look like humans.


They just have MIND CONTROL.
The strip club scene says that Asari are attractive to Salarians who don't feel sexual attraction.

For me, that's why I always liked the fanon statement they don't actually look like humans.


They just have MIND CONTROL.

Perhaps. It just sounds so dumb that a species like that survived before FTL was discovered. Their entire existent hinged on bumping into another species.
It's still kinda a stupid idea, without any context given. Or do they ever explain their "evolution"?

But Mass Effect is anyway, pretty conservative when it comes to alien species, I mean most of them are humanoid, kinda like in Star Trek.
Kinky. And people looking down on ecchi when those do that.

Are there anaerobic (no use for oxigen and/or can move in space freely) sentient aliens in ME? Those are nearly always my favourites. Normally look freaky and are segregated from other species if they happen to drain O2 or something.
It's still kinda a stupid idea, without any context given. Or do they ever explain their "evolution"?

But Mass Effect is anyway, pretty conservative when it comes to alien species, I mean most of them are humanoid, kinda like in Star Trek.

Yeah, but science fiction isn't about aliens, it's about us.
I'm hearing this is shit so far lol

* No one wanted a new galaxy
* No one wanted a new character
* No one wanted a new cast
* Mass Effect, itself, was a tainted brand.
* No wanted a Wild West in space

So I'm not surprised.

No it is not. I am flattered, but I mean what would it have to do with you and me?


Science fiction isn't about aliens. It's about speculative situations to talk about real world issues like classicism, racism, poverty, imperialism, and so on. No one cares about 8 armed monsters but two humanoid aliens fighting to death over race allows issues to be confronted.

Just sayin.
You said it's about ... us though :/.

Science fiction isn't about aliens. It's about speculative situations to talk about real world issues like classicism, racism, poverty, imperialism, and so on. No one cares about 8 armed monsters but two humanoid aliens fighting to death over race allows issues to be confronted.

Just sayin.

It's about speculative situations to talk about real world issues like classicism, racism, poverty, imperialism, and so on.

speculative situations

speculative situations

speculative situations

Alien human relations.

just sayin.