MATN Fallout 76

Nuka Cola Cherry again...and lots of Robots. Tactics is still just semi canon, eh?
As much as I like his other Fallout videos and as much genuine he was for the most part, there were some moments where it sounded like he was reading from a page held by good ol' Pete.

I've had to pause a video for a while after he said that you can still kinda interact with and join factions, because while they're still dead you can do tasks they set for themselves in their calendars.
As much as I like his other Fallout videos and as much genuine he was for the most part, there were some moments where it sounded like he was reading from a page held by good ol' Pete.

I've had to pause a video for a while after he said that you can still kinda interact with and join factions, because while they're still dead you can do tasks they set for themselves in their calendars.
Meh. I kinda see the whole no-npc's thing as the lesser of two evils. If there had been living npc's, they would have had to make them essential, to prevent players from murdering quest-givers, and we know how much people love the essential tag.
Meh. I kinda see the whole no-npc's thing as the lesser of two evils. If there had been living npc's, they would have had to make them essential, to prevent players from murdering quest-givers, and we know how much people love the essential tag.

I don't have that big problem with no NPCs, I just found it really funny when he said that you can interact with and join factions just like in previous games, while he enters a hospital filled with dead members of said faction and their patients and proceeds to take a quest from a computer to check on one of their patients who also is kinda dead.
I don't have that big problem with no NPCs, I just found it really funny when he said that you can interact with and join factions just like in previous games, while he enters a hospital filled with dead members of said faction and their patients and proceeds to take a quest from a computer to check on one of their patients who also is kinda dead.
Ah. Yeah, that bit kind of threw me off too.
Nuka Cherry technically. It was originally called Cherry Nuka-Cola. So they couldn't even maintain the lore when it comes to the name of a fucking soft drink.
Don't really have a problem with renaming it Nuka Cherry. Roles off the tongue better.
I remember when this guy actually used to be one of the better Fallout youtubers, back when he was mostly doing New Vegas. Ever since Fallout 4 came out, he's lost a lot of credibility. At least in his case, his "shilling" as you say, seems to come mostly from rose-tinted sunglasses instead of actually taking money from BGS.
More like he noticed that he would get more views if he started to shill for Bethesda. Hence why he decided to defend Fallout 3 and decided to criticize and use New Vegas to make the game better than it really is. Because he knew it would get a lot of views (just look at the view count in that video). You can see in the video that he's stretching for his points and in a lot of cases he's flat out wrong (someone in this forum debunked a lot of stuff he said).

Honestly don't know how people can take this guy seriously. He seems about as bad as MrMattyPlays.
More like he noticed that he would get more views if he started to shill for Bethesda. Hence why he decided to defend Fallout 3 and decided to criticize and use New Vegas to make the game better than it really is. Because he knew it would get a lot of views (just look at the view count in that video). You can see in the video that he's stretching for his points and in a lot of cases he's flat out wrong (someone in this forum debunked a lot of stuff he said).

Honestly don't know how people can take this guy seriously. He seems about as bad as MrMattyPlays.
I understand how you could come to that conclusion, but I do not believe you are correct in this case.
First, for years he has consistently stated that New Vegas was his favorite game of all time, including in interviews, and he started doing New Vegas content half a year before he began doing fallout 3 content.
Secondly, he seems to be fairly honest and genuine, for example refusing to accept sponsorship deals, and avoiding clickbait-ey videos.
As for FO3IBTYT, I would argue that he wasn't trying to get a lot of views, but instead, as I said above, was just wearing metaphorical rose-tinted glasses, pointing out clever things that Bethesda had (sometimes unintentionally) done.

And really, is anyone as bad as MrMattyPlays?
What people say isn't always true and i know some youtubers that make videos around games they don't actually like or don't like it as much as they say they do and they only do it because that's what get them views. People change, sometimes for the worse. And sounding genuine doesn't mean you actually are, a lot of youtubers just put up a front.

The reason why i came to that conclusion is just all too obvious. Fallout 4 comes out, he said he "likes" it, notices he's getting more views and comes to this sudden defense of Bethesda Fallouts because he knew it would get more views. This shilling he's doing for Fallout 76 just makes all too much apparent and too much obvious.

And the Fallout 3 video title was clickbaity as shit. He didn't just called Fallout 3 review, like a lot of people would. He decided to call it "Fallout 3 is better than you think". Come on now, that's clickbaity as shit, basically saying the game is actually better than a lot people make it out to be, to devalue a lot of the legit criticism. He knows in recent times Fallout 3 has been getting heavily criticized, specially after hbomberguy's video and he knew he would get a ton of views if he defended the game.

I have seen this happen with youtubers too many times to not notice when it happens again. And yes, he seems as bad as MrMattyPlays when it comes to Bethesda shilling.

Maybe it's actually rose tinted glasses for Bethesda crap, i'm gonna see it as Bethesda shilling until proven otherwise.
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At this point it's fucking comical and a lot of people are actually eating up what this guy is saying.
This reeks F2P title, why demand 60$? The only answer to "why Blizzard didn't fail with WoW?" is not walking too far away from source material (at first). What the hell is this and what left of Fallout here aside from brand recognition and why it's not a free MP update for Fallout 4 - I demand an answer from Bethesda if they want 60$.
"It's sooooo dark you guys, it's almost like the older games." Yes, in the same game with 95% of the play base running around in their underwear with birthday hats on.