MATN Fallout 76

It's no coincidence that his views started drastically shifting towards pro-Beth (and being WAY less critical of their games) around the same time as Beth started inviting him to their house to play games. That was around Dishonoured 2's release. Then they flew him out to West Virginia for the Fallout 76 party thing. Doesn't matter if you notice it consciously or not, that sort of treatment WILL change how you view the games.
That definitely explains a lot, specially that terrible Fallout 3 video. The amount of bullshit arguments and terrible justifications for the immense amount of bullshit in Fallout 3 just makes it all too aparent. And i honestly can't believe a lot of people actually took it seriously.
It's a damn shame he has shilled out to Bethesda and higher views instead of having any integrity. I used to actually like his content and he even was my favorite you tuber for a while but the quality of his chanell's content has reduced significantly over the past year or so. On top of that adding blind appraisal of fallout 76 just killed his channel for me. I cannot remember if he ever made any legitimate criticism about fallout 4 or 76 whilst speaking negatively about other games without ever finishing them. Ah well money before everything else i guess.

Same. I've been with him since below 5000 subs. Heck, I remember the freaking website.

He has changed as he's got big. It happens. You should see his discord, where people get shadowbanned for typing words that have naughty words inside (think Scunthorpe problem) and his team don't really care and just let them stay banned.

They have an auto ban list of words, AND NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT IS.

It's the same for his YouTube, I was mysteriously unable to comment on his livestreams for a good year, until he noticed a drop in his superchats and and unbanned a few of us regulars, presumably.

I watch his CK2 series and his Hitman Series at the moment. A lot of his other stuff is garbage. "Oh, x company sent me this, so I'm going to gush over it!"

It also pisses me off how he calls any rougelike game set in fucking space an "FTL ripoff". I love the everloving crap out of FTL, but he's showed some great games with unique mechanics and just slandered them as ripoffs.

My new gaming channel is Pikasprey Blue. A Canadian. Close enough, right?
It's no coincidence that his views started drastically shifting towards pro-Beth (and being WAY less critical of their games) around the same time as Beth started inviting him to their house to play games. That was around Dishonoured 2's release. Then they flew him out to West Virginia for the Fallout 76 party thing. Doesn't matter if you notice it consciously or not, that sort of treatment WILL change how you view the games.

This. 100% this. I work in Marketing.

We don't spend money unless it sells the product.

I don't work for Bethesda, but I know enough to know they wouldn't spend thousands on this if it didn't influence the creators.
This. 100% this. I work in Marketing.

We don't spend money unless it sells the product.

I don't work for Bethesda, but I know enough to know they wouldn't spend thousands on this if it didn't influence the creators.
Considering Jon worked marketing himself before going full-time on Youtube, you'd think he'd be a bit more aware of being played by the likes of Bethesda.

Which just reinforces my opinion that he's fully aware of what he's doing and just doesn't care. Too lucrative to stop now.
Considering Jon worked marketing himself before going full-time on Youtube, you'd think he'd be a bit more aware of being played by the likes of Bethesda.

Which just reinforces my opinion that he's fully aware of what he's doing and just doesn't care. Too lucrative to stop now.

To be fair to him, it looks like he was more in the Analysis and Advertising side than the PR/Influencer side, but yeah, you have to be wilfully ignorant to not recognise it.
I can't wait for "Fallout 4 is better than you think", where he just doesn't compare it to New Vegas, he takes shots at Fallout 1 and 2 for good measure.

The worst part in that Fallout 3 video is that he specifically picked New Vegas as a target and then use bullshit justifications to make it much worse than it is and elevate Fallout 3 in the process. Usually when people do these kinds of videos, they either pick the first game or the last one released, but he picked specifically the one he knows a lot of modern Fallout fans like and the one a lot of the fans of the first two games like as well.
It's inevitable honestly because he's just a Bethesda shill. At least we'll have something to laugh at, like idiotic justifications for a lot of bullshit in Fallout 4. And it's gonna be even funnier because Fallout 4 is probably the most disliked main entry. Like, i know some people that like Fallout 3 hated Fallout 4.