Max Payne 3

Kind of sounds like they just threw in the music so that people would think Max Payne. If it wasn't for that, it would've been less recognizable. Not to mention Max's narration doesn't sound remotely similar to the previous games. At least, it doesn't to me.
Slowly loosing hope here, but still waiting for the actual game. New Vegas also had a trailer pretty much detached from actual game value.
Meh, I have doubts about this game :?
I loved the original Max Payne games, but one set in Brazil?
What made the older ones so rich was the film noir setting of New York and the constant bad weather which perfectly reflected the mood of the game.

And I also have doubts about how Sam Lake isn't doing the writing for this one, he was great at the writing of the older ones. :?
Well, I'm done with single player. It's only 10 hrs long, which is, considering 30Gb weight, quite a little. Also, half of this 10 hrs is made of cutscenes. Though, it is quite intensive in terms of events per minute, so it doesn't feel like a short game.

Style-wise it is like Max Payne 2 meets GTA IV. Also, you might find some familiar elements from RDR and Manhunt. But mostly GTA for sure.
Dan Houser brought nightclubs, parties, coke, lots of shaking asses and 'lulzy' characters. I don't mind those in GTA, but it feels jarring in Max Payne game and sometimes it's clearly over-the-top. Even though it is tied to the storyline to show the things Max hates.

There are some QTEs which are pretty badly done to my opinion. You have to guess that you must press the button when you hear the sound. Also, some 'railway' shooting like those you see in GTA or RDR, when driving or flying, or riding a boat, which are not bad by temselves, but there many of them and sometimes controls are quite clunky for them.

What is really bad (but I hope they'll fix it with patches) is that your weapon most often resets to primary after the cutscenes. And that is sometimes really frustrating as often you're thrown into an intensive gunfight after the cutscene.

Other than that the game is mostly great. Despite the change of the game location to Sao Paulo, it is dark and noirish. Environment artists did a great job.

The plot is okay, though most of it's twists don't come as a surprise at all.

The soundtrack is fantastic.

Overall, the game is a mixed bag. It feels like a nice reboot to the series. And if you're inclined to see it that way, you might like it. It also seems Rockstar tried to stay faithful to the source while bringing 'what they do best'. And though the game has some frustrating moments gameplay- and style-wise, mostly it is fun and engaging.
Not interested in this at all. I don't like the fact that the visual style of the game looks like Kane & Lynch (blurry camera, etc) and I don't like the fact that the comic book cut scenes are gone.
That was you're only interest in Max Payne?

It's a pretty good game, it's just a shame they didn't use graphic novel cutscenes and save the time, money and disc space for more important things. I'd say it's better than Max Payne 2 (specifically bullet time by itself isn't as overpowering and shoot-dodge sees more use) but not as good as the first. Multiplayer is ok, has a few modes.
I like the music they have in the trailer that airs on TV. Also, I need some lighthearted "brains out" action!1 game from time to time, so I might get this game when it's available for 20 bucks or so.
It's because of the HD textures and bigger .bik files for the PC. I am feeling a bit ashamed, but I will buy this this game tomorrow (found a good retailer for 39€). This game oozed atmopshere and I am a sucker for these kinds of things, the shooting elements are nice too.
Running an old PC means games like these are just simply unplayable, but that's OK, I can live with it. :wink:
I.. own an xbox360, legacy of the divorce of my parents. :o Wouldn't have bought it on my own, but sometimes it is just cool to have it.
Btw.: You can get working Russian keys for around 15€. Bought one today and played through the game. Multiplayer just works fine as well. With the patch, aiming is finally a blast and it got rid of this stupid mouse acceleration/deceleration :-)
I have played it a bit too yesterday and I am absolutely loving it. The shooting feels nice, the game is very atmospheric and "stylized" as per usual with Rockstar games, the music and atmosphere is superb, the story (albeit a bit too much action-flick-y) is nice and not too intruisive too. Loved the stadium and nightclub shootouts the most for now, I am at halfway the game at the moment I think.

The game also absolutely feels like Max Payne, I just recently finished Max Payne 2 again and it's basically the same. It still feels "Noir" (people who say it's not "Noire" just because it is bright and in Brazil don't know what a noire story actually means...). I also like that it's pretty hard (you can go down in just a couple of shots) and you aren't forced at all to use the sticky cover system.

Great game.
Finished it two times already, on Hard and Hardcore, and still itching to play more. Gonna do a run on Old School difficulty soon I think. Best TPS in years, easily, even overdone cutscenes can't ruin it. As far as atmosphere goes I still prefer first two games, but that doesn't mean MP3 doesn't have a strong atmosphere of its own. It's just different.
If you really loved previous two games most likely you're gonna love this. Rockstar ain't no Bethesda.
Hehe, I have played through it on hard again now too. :D I noticed that with more exercise, one doesn't have to use the cover system at all. I hardly used it on my second playthrough and instead did all those crazy bullet time jumps in order to take out all enemy waves at once as best as possible. The only level I really hate is the police station and the "bossfight" at the end. :/

I also did those "Score" arcade mode and got platinum scores on all levels, yay. Only the "One Minute in New York" mode is pretty hard, got only silver and gold in most of the levels.
You guys just got me excited to play this. Good to hear positive reviews all around. I will be picking this up ASAP.
Now that I've ranked up in Multiplayer, I've noticed a few problems that should get patched.

1) Sniper rifles are too powerful. Soon as you hit rank 20, you unlock what is basically a one-hit kill rifle that can hit a bug across the map and it's semi-automatic! Don't even get me started on the one you unlock at rank 40 that's always a one-hit kill even with body armor.

2) Spawn points are screwy, especially in Gang Wars. It's really not fun to suddenly appear in front of four angry jerks with rifles.

3) Connection issues are still prevalent and with no easy way to quit out of a loading screen, you sometimes have to task manager your way out.

Other than that, it's rather fun.