Max Payne 3

Doesn't matter. I want to be marketed to! If they refuse to market to me, I refuse to buy their product.
^^^ Ugh... ugly.

This is, and always be, Max Payne:

rcorporon said:
^^^ Ugh... ugly.

This is, and always be, Max Payne:


If that's pretty to you, you got pretty low standards my friend.

Anyway, I don't judge the game on those few screenshots, it may go Deus Ex:HR way, that is get better as new information comes. Come to think of it, after killing hundreds of people, losing two loves of his life, as well as his child and eating painkillers like they're candy, some mental breakdown is very much in place for our old Max. I certainly wouldn't want an "everything is fine, I'm just depressed" shift a la Max Payne to Max Payne 2.

But rcorporon is right! That is and always should be Max. I don't get the whole idea of drastic changes of character's appearance. I mean ok, new hair, clothes and such. But seriously, do American policemen earn enough to have their fucking faces COMPLETELY remodeled by plastic surgeons every once in a while? Seriously, unless the same character in two games uses the same model, it's almost certain that they'll look different. Tha fuck?

And about technical side of it... Well, back there Max Payne looked absolutely fantastic! As did MP2. And it was one of the first games to use Havoc in such way.
Ravager69 said:
If that's pretty to you, you got pretty low standards my friend.
I think he was talking about the look/design of the character not so much about the graphics and visuals. But I might be wrong.

Though in the case I am not. I have to agree. The max looks shit. And I mean not "I am a fucked up character" shit which would fitt to the setting and the Max world. But shit in like well simply shit ...
I haven't been following Max 3 but after looking at those screenshots I am wondering if Max progressively turns bald in this game.
(And grows a beard to compensate the loss of hair..)



His face should be identical; they're using motion capture with the dude who provided his likeness for Max Payne 2, like I said.

I wonder if he's also gained weight.
Yea it is, the story bounces around everywhere with him in a few different clothes across a decade.
Though they never say what order it's in so he could be bald as a disguise and then grow his hair back later when he starts kicking ass again.
Still Max Payne outside of NY without his leather jacket looks weird. I don't mind the face remodelling but the lack of a leather jacket is really wrong no matter the climate. :V

Edit: Motion capture is very rarely used on faces so that shouldn't matter much.
Well I can live with the revamp as long as they give the mood of it right, make the player *feel* like this is what Max would do, giving the current situation. Besides, a change of pace is nice, but as I said before, make it right.

Times change, there are other places and situations that would make a good story, not just mafia and corrupted policemen in LA. I agree, the setting is pretty much a big story for Max Payne franchise, but I won't hold to it desperatly as long as the new one will compensate the loss.
No way.

Bald Max Payne wearing Hawaiian shirts and living outside New York?! A god damn blasphemy.

Aww, from what I see at least...we can use a cover system like in GTA and shoot like Niko! Epic...that guy at least could have more weapons on him than Max will in MP3.
Perhaps the South American storyline will only be a part of the game, with a big chunk of it still in the NYC? There are screens to support it after all.