Maybe NMA should start chatting on Steam

Yeah discord is free and pretty cool someone needs to set that shit up though. SOrt of like a chat room but you get voice massages and normall massages too. You can also get different rooms
I pity those who do not glory in the radiated spring of this gloriously empty NMA chat.
I know. I said stuff.

Never tell your password to anyone.
HansSalmon entered chat.
HansSalmon: Is this the chat?
HansSalmon: I guess it is.
HansSalmon left chat.
White Trash Toront has changed their name to Toronto, Canada.
Toronto, Canada: damn he left
Toronto, Canada: well I'll keep this log going to spy on people "Toront said to himself as he went back to his devious plan to take over NMA"
Toronto, Canada: Few will know in the years ahead about how it all went down here, in the asscrack of the southern US...
Toronto, Canada: Those who from the shadows were said to control the very nature of NMA at will
Toronto, Canada: They have lurked silently waiting for the day when the time could possibly most likely happen if performed on a Full Moon, with the Quaff a virgin drank from a certain fruit...where was I? Oh yeah the quaffer. It's important man. you don't know how important until you blow that load so far into some bitches snatch that she accidently forms another human being.
Toronto, Canada: I mean how many of you fucking queers knew Odin?
Toronto, Canada: Welsh?
Toronto, Canada: BROTHER NONE?
Toronto, Canada: WHERE ARE YOU!?
Toronto, Canada: Roshambo would rip a fecking noob in half if he saw this disgrace.
Toronto, Canada: At least The Order chat has 4 guys sitting around not talking.
Toronto, Canada: Per wrote walkthroughs for these assholes
Toronto, Canada: No respect
Toronto, Canada: I mean I saw Killap's Restoration Patch cure some dudes impotence. If that isn't magic I don't know what is.
Toronto, Canada: So this chat room amirte?
Toronto, Canada: Don't mind the typos you worthless sons a bitches
Toronto, Canada: I sit here all ay shitposting and the least you could do is humor me
Toronto, Canada: dont mind that typos bitch
Toronto, Canada: or taht one
Toronto, Canada: or T-H-A-T
Toronto, Canada: finally...breathe Toront they can't see you
Toronto, Canada: *breathes in slow and takes a nice long drink of Cream Soda*
Toronto, Canada: It was at this point that Toront had a psychotic episode and killedthe chatroom- The End
Only reason I'm on the NMA steam group one is cause I already have Steam and I usually have it open so I can play a quick game of something so it's easy and convenient. Getting another program just for this? Nope. I'll just stick to talking to myself about big booties over on Steam.
Discord is pretty cool from what I have seen, but Steam fills the need I am looking for along with this place. Discord tries to replace this.
If anyone from the forum wishes to add me on steam (and possibly chat) my username is Padishah, the real name is Sasha (last name omitted for obvious reasons) and country of origin is Islamic Republic of Iran (not actually, I live in the US and am a Canadian/Iranian citizen)
Visited the chat today for a few minutes. There was only two people there talking about a subject I wasn't interested about (talking about the plot of games they want to make), then my lunch was ready and I went to eat and left the chat.
It was better than I thought though, at least people were talking :postviper:.
I left too because I had pressing matters to attend to with top men...TOP MEN.
I don't get how people join a chat room and leave unless someone says something within 2 minutes. This is the nature of chat rooms. If it's empty it will stay empty unless you idle there until two or more people are there at the same time. If you join, see it's empty and leave, it will always be empty. "Only people who were AFK". I'm usually in The Order group chat all day, sometimes I check it often and sometimes not for several hours, but how am I ever going to have a conversation if I don't have it open and can read what's been discussed while I've been busy? I would be like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know.

Oh well, might as well idle in the NMA group chat too.
I prefer discussion boards tbh. But the Steam chat could be good as a in-game chat, or a chat one uses while gaming on a Steam game.
Thing is my internet is so amazingly shitty so I can't leave too much running at once while multi tasking, so if I see a bunch of dudes sitting, and not talking, I pop back in later to see what is what. If I start downloading I have to drop out. If I play a game I have to drop out. If I take a shit I have to drop out. It is so lame and I hate this fuckng godawful piece of shit state/region/everything so much since I can't move into the GODAMN 21ST CENTRUY MOTHERFUCKER ARGHGHGHGHGHGH!!

Yes let us play games you sacks of shit. ;)

I mean loading your pics in your LP in The Order barely loads up. @Dead Guy
I don't understand how people can enjoy playing games and being constantly interrupted by messages. If I am killing stuff in a real time combat game I don't want popups appearing telling me this guy just said "Hi" and stuff like that. Then I have to pause the game and reply with something witty like "Hey." or something... :scratch:
Thing is my internet is so amazingly shitty so I can't leave too much running at once while multi tasking, so if I see a bunch of dudes sitting, and not talking, I pop back in later to see what is what. If I start downloading I have to drop out. If I play a game I have to drop out. If I take a shit I have to drop out. It is so lame and I hate this fuckng godawful piece of shit state/region/everything so much since I can't move into the GODAMN 21ST CENTRUY MOTHERFUCKER ARGHGHGHGHGHGH!!

Yes let us play games you sacks of shit. ;)

I mean loading your pics in your LP in The Order barely loads up. @Dead Guy

I think one good thing about Finland is that over here Internet is cheap. You might be able to come over as refugee and get all the benefits. It's possible. It's cold though. But you'll be inside gaming and stuff, right? You're not one of those mobile, on the go - gamers?