
More loose bits of data stream down the river of the Internet. Chris Avellone and J. E. Sawyer both updated their Twitter pages with two new entries each. MCA:<blockquote>is companion'ing away as fast as his little fingers can type

is dropping the Vegas slang like it's going outta style</blockquote>J. .E. Sawyer:<blockquote>maybe eight hours straight is the limit for weapon tuning within a single day.

for now all pr/marketing questions should go to bethesda. hopefully not too much longer. :)</blockquote>In addition, the Hans Kloss of Fallout mentions that we might get the first real info on Fallout: New Vegas this month.

Thanks, Ausir.
I am feeling like "oh gawd, give me input, it will be great" and in the same time "oh gawd, it's based on Fallout 3" and in the same time "oh gawd, meh.."
Lexx said:
I am feeling like "oh gawd, give me input, it will be great" and in the same time "oh gawd, it's based on Fallout 3" and in the same time "oh gawd, meh.."
Kinda how I feel too.
Are we that jaded that we can't recognize good things when they blatantly explode in our faces?
Well, I'm as big an MCA fan as anyone, but his work on Fallout before wasn't his best.
That being said, there's no writer I'd prefer over him to do this.
I've been burned so many times now with Fallout, it's hard to get excited anymore... also, isn't this game being built of the super-shitty Gamebryo engine? It worked for Morrowind, but that was a long time ago.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Well, I'm as big an MCA fan as anyone, but his work on Fallout before wasn't his best.
That being said, there's no writer I'd prefer over him to do this.

The best town RPG-wise in the whole of Fallout is "not his best"?

For the love of god.
At least it can't be as bad as vanilla Fallout 3?
I'm just hoping it dosen't end up being in one big city like how GTA IV turned out (compared to San Andreas), and like others have said - that there aren't a bunch of well dressed suit wearing mafia thugs everywhere

sure hope they start giving us some news on it soon
How about we ignore Twit forever because it is stupid. Seriously, it's like we're standing outside the window and hear someone saying from the inside, "I think I'm gonna work on some scripting today!" and we go "Ohboyohboyohboy SCRIPTING"
Goweigus said:
At least it can't be as bad as vanilla Fallout 3?

Isn't that like saying "Having the dry heaves isn't as bad as puking your brains out?" Neither is pleasant.

How much control is Beth having over this project? Will Obsidian have free reign (within reason?)