Megamod 2.4 Technical Issues and Suggestions

Many protos for items would be different between the games. I knew that saved games with certain modified critters would no longer work, but I didn't think that would apply to certain items as well. Interesting.

However, on a stealth run to Reno to get Sulik the .223 pistol from Renow Arms, I saw that it was a mauser! I thought that was a Weapons Redone thing.

Don't know what you mean by this. However, I guess it doesn't really matter. Any change you see could be the result of the New Vision 2 mod, Weapons Redone, or just because you simply remembered wrong.

The deal with Klint, armor, and saving has already been addressed... repeatedly and on the wiki.

Mirrored shades: you remembered wrong.
Firstly, thanks for your patience.

Secondly, I do try and search for stuff before asking, but it isn't that easy to find info that is up to date.

Ok, in an attempt to make sure I am doing everything right, I have uninstalled, re-installed (new dir, rebooted after uninstall, etc).

I have only installed your mod. First the 2.35 version, then run the runme.bat, made sure critters and items file are read-only, and then dropped the 2.4 patch on top.

Everyone is wearing their armor fine (metal, leather so far).

None of the NPCs will use a hunting rifle, sniper rifle or assault rifle.

I assume somewhere I am missing the new animation, because Vic and Cassidy use shotguns fine.

How can I check/fix manually?

Look inside your data/art/critters folder. Look for files in there in which the second to last letter of the name is a 'P'. For example, nmcapaPa.frm, nmcapaPb.frm, nmcapaPc.frm, nmcapaPd.frm, etc. (These are the graphics for Cassidy, wearing power armor, wielding scoped weapons.) If you don't have this set, then there is no reason checking for any of the other new graphics... it is clear you don't have them. If you don't have them, then there is one of two possible problems:

1. The files are in the download from NMA. However, I haven't downloaded it from here, and it is possible that the files are not in the right location. You would need to look for these files and move them to the proper location.
2. Did you get 2.4 from somewhere else? If you got it from somewhere else, odds are that you do not have the graphics, and you need to download the 2.4 patch from NMA.

If the files are there, then the only thing I can think of is that you are not using the ddraw.ini file that was included with 2.4. In that case, you should check to make sure that this line looks like this:
instead of =0 or
Well, that fixed it.

The art was is /data/data/art/critters and not /data/art/critters.

I looked at the 2.4 zip files and, in fact, the zip has them in /data/data/art/critters, so that is the problem.

I got the file from NMA, but NMA doesn't seem to host the file itself - clicking download from NMA takes you to AtomicGamers website.

Thanks for the help!
Two other things....

1. For some reason my accuracy with a scoped hunting rifle is WAY lower (like by 100%) than with teh regular hunting rifle.

2. Somehow I lost 4 perception somewhere. Not wounded or critically wounded ... any ideas?
Michi said:
...Somehow I lost 4 perception somewhere. Not wounded or critically wounded ... any ideas?

Yeah. Weather mod. You saved either during a severe sandstorm or on a map where a sandstorm just seemed to end. After a storm ends, you should go to another map (or at least check your perception) before saving. I don't know if that is necessary, but I do that just in case to keep from getting permanent negative perception modifiers.

(And please edit your last post before making a new post... some admins don't like the whole 'double-posty' thing.)
updated my site with the new patch,updated my mods to be compatable and uploaded them

Fresh Ghul said:
HI, I have some problems during the combat in the Den with lara and Tyler, game cracks after 2-3 turns
Error message :

The instruction at 00457a9d referenced memory at 7fc00198
The memory could not be read from

I get this exact same problem. I installed 2.35.2 and ran runme.bat and then put 2.4 in. The game cracks every time here. For me it also cracks after a few turns with meztger's thugs in cold hearts farm.
Probably similar to the previously posted problem - the slaver camp. I get there and all I can see is a map from a previous encounter (a fight while traveling), while the cursor leaves traces, everything on the screen goes wild (like a refreshing flaw). I am not using any other mods, everything else works fine, so I guess it's a map problem.
Also, I encounter the memory error. I guess it happens when you kill a certain number of people - I think that it might have something to do with the weapon dropping modification. Would it be possible to erase the dropping weapon mod without erasing the lootable armor? I know it's technically possible, but I don't want to screw anything up while messing with the files.
I already wrote about the game crashing during some fights (this includes the Lara/Tyler thing) and the way to fix it for now.

There is no way for you to split lootable armor and weapon dropping unless you are willing to take up scripting. Remove one file, and both features go.

And you are correct, there is a problem with the Slaver camp map, as in it ain't there. I just confirmed this. I have it, but I didn't include it in the latest patch (the map was older than I thought, and I only included files up to a certain date). Anyway, expect a very small 2.41 update very soon. I might as well update a few more things instead of releasing a patch which includes just one file. Don't worry, it won't include anything that will cause you to restart your games.
According to the Wiki Scraperr Town (FO1 Demo town) has been disabled, but Lara told me about it and gave it to me on my map.

It is seriously messed up, including causing me to lose my car...
In an earlier version, I disabled it completely. Nirran fixed many errors to Scraptown, which is why this version added it back in. However, it seems as though I have forgotten to add in the car code to that map script. I'll correct that for the upcoming 2.41 patch.
Michi said:
According to the Wiki Scraperr Town (FO1 Demo town) has been disabled, but Lara told me about it and gave it to me on my map.

It is seriously messed up, including causing me to lose my car...

what were the bugs besides the car?

MIB88 said:
There is no way for you to split lootable armor and weapon dropping unless you are willing to take up scripting. Remove one file, and both features go.

You could make an ini config file and read a pair of lines there to disable one mod or the other or both, for people who don't want it. Just a small suggestion. :)
pelicano said:
You could make an ini config file and read a pair of lines there to disable one mod or the other or both, for people who don't want it. Just a small suggestion.

No. I was referring to the 'fix' I wrote earlier, regarding removing a script. If that one script is removed, then both features will go away.

And, um, it's a little more complicated than what you wrote above. Do you know what exactly needs to be done with such a thing? Or if it's possible? If you know how to disable half a script, by all means, write it up and I'll include it in some future version.

The only other thing I can think of would be to make multiple versions of the same script (hs_ondeath) and an installer where the player could choose what components were installed like Killap's RP. However, such a thing is not on my 'to do' list.
Maria at Navvaro never stops talking "Ten hut...", and so every time I talk to her I always get "not now honey" or "go back to your post maggot".

I have sat there for over 30 minutes clicking and waiting....she never comes out of the loop.
OK, I think there is another bug when fighting: you can save during first turn of fight (with SaveInCombat Fix) but if you reload the game, things get crazy: your opponent don't attack - instead, you attack all the time, but you don't make any damage to them, neither message like "X was hit for X hitpoints" appear. Not a big problem anyway, because saving in combat is generally thing to avoid :D, but in 2.35.4 that worked fine. Actually, in 2.35.4 you could turn off SaveInCombatFix and save during combat without problems (except few generaly buggy fights), but now it is not possible...
Actually, it also happened to me that everybody attacks in same time, during the Metzger fight (when you reload the game): it looks very cool :), like a new game). Anyway, if you don't save when combat starts (only before) everything works fine.
Another thing: because hs_ondeath script must be deleted for things to work right (for example, my Lara/Tyler fight worked fine, but Metzger fight was crashing after 2-3 turns), is there any way to add lootable armor back to game? Possibly by some other script - there is some script on Nirran's site, I don't know would it work with Megamod? Are you planing to repair this script somehow for 2.4.1?

Otherwise, exepct hs_ondeath problem, this megamod version seems to have far less bugs, and it's more stable! Great job :clap:

@Nirran: I think I read somewhere that you mentioned using your Levels per perk / Custom perks script with Megamod? Are they compatible with 2.4? I am guessing they are, but it's better to ask, right? :D
yes,all of the scripts i wrote should be compatable,mainly they are sfall scripts that are stand alone scripts,the exception would be the loot armor mod,as in you would have to delete the one that comes with megamod

Having a great time playing this mod, and an even better time now that I discovered Timeslip's setting for controlling all NPCs in combat! W00t!

Ok, not sure how you like issues reported, but here are the ones I have seen so far that I haven't found while searching:

1. Freeing the prisoner in the Vault City courtyard. Stevie (or whatever the guys name is in the visitor center) gives me a dialouge option "Hey do you like money", but choosing that just gives me "I was just kidding" - is that bug or do I need higher speech or something?

2. The vertibird assault team from using the Gecko reactor - well, firstly, I can go to gecko, go straight to the junkyard and from there to the settlement and not get the strike team. I like that, actually.

Secondly, while you see about 7 guys, there are really 3 times that many, as they are all on top of each other.

Thirdly, if you talk your way out of the fight, a bunch of guys despawn, and then you are challenged again, and then more despawn, and then challenged a third time. And then they all despawn.

Lastly, each of those guys seem to carry like 4 or 5 gauss pistols.

3. Even if I have only a day pass in VC, I can still walk freely into the vault... I thought I had to be a citizen.

And now a question - the weather mod really looks bad on my computer. I renamed the weather.ini file and renamed the weather folder under shaders. That seems to have disabled it, thank goodness, but is there a better way?

MIB88 said:
No. I was referring to the 'fix' I wrote earlier, regarding removing a script. If that one script is removed, then both features will go away.

And, um, it's a little more complicated than what you wrote above. Do you know what exactly needs to be done with such a thing? Or if it's possible? If you know how to disable half a script, by all means, write it up and I'll include it in some future version.

The only other thing I can think of would be to make multiple versions of the same script (hs_ondeath) and an installer where the player could choose what components were installed like Killap's RP. However, such a thing is not on my 'to do' list.

Nothing too complicated. The idea would be to have an ini file with something like this:


Then in a global script you read those settings on a game loading event, using the function get_ini_setting():

dropWeapon = get_ini_setting("megamod.ini|SETTINGS|dropweaponondeath");
dropArmor = get_ini_setting("megamod.ini|SETTINGS|droparmordeath");

set_sfall_global("mm_opt1", dropWeapon);
set_sfall_global("mm_opt2", dropArmor);

Then on the script hs_ondeath (if that's where the relevant code is) you check these variables before the "dropping" code is run:

dropWeapon = get_sfall_global_int("mm_opt1");
dropArmor = get_sfall_global_int("mm_opt2");
if(dropWeapon==1)then begin
if(dropArmor==1)then begin

That would be the basic idea I had in mind. I hope that's what you asked. I don't know if you already knew this or if there's some problem lurking around.

Anyway, it was just a small idea. I don't even play Fallout these days.