I know what you mean...
Well, if I find anything else I'll let you know here.
I started doing EPA, and so far, I noticed the cazadores (or whatever they were) are gone in this version, and cant finish the kill the plants quest.... killed them all on the entrance map, but can't turn it in at the hologram.
No fruit flies?! Um... ok. I will check that out. As for the spore plants, I updated the map by adding an additional spore plant which would allow you to complete the quest. That latest map was included in the 2.45 release. Please check your data/maps folder and tell me the date of your epax.map file.
Edit: Don't bother checking the date on that map. Looked a little closer. First off, there should be some fruit flies inside the large room to the north of where the holograms are. Are you saying they are not there? Second, I found the problem with the spore plants. I added spore plantS... not just the one that was missing. And, the hologram's script checks for a specific number. So, until the next release, the trick is to try not to kill all of them. Leave 2 alive. The hologram checks for exactly 20 to be killed for now. This will be corrected in the next release.
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