Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

Got a CTD in Broken Hills when aim at Chad's house door. Doesn't matter if i have quest or not. Shooting it or trying to blow it up also causes a crash.

Guess it's not related to a specific script, but to some variable or condition, because drawer inside also causes a CTD
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Reseting levels from party member - error in the script gl_party_combat script (Mr.Stalin fixed this bug).

MM bugs - when you look at a scorpion & smalt scorpions in BH there is a crash. Need corect proto files, from old version mm or RP. They are not in the new version (2.47.x)
Hi fellows... do you know Fallout 2 mod (conversion) called Nevada?
There food actually gives a Healing Rate for several hours for resting purpose, and few HP right when eaten. Some fight whit irradiation, some increase carry weight. So how it sound?
There is crafting system that can produce stuff by using special camp-fire and some engineer tables. You can prepare foods there like noodles for +25HP, or produce ammunition, preparing medications or drugs (chemical lab table).
So on the question of food how it will sound this. How hard it will be implied or is even possible for MM? Will be authors of Nevada angry if it will be used?

fruits and veggie = +1-10HP, +1-10(Based on Endurance?) Healing Rate, +1 Irradiation point
any meats = +1-10HP, +1-10(Based on Endurance?) Healing Rate, +1-10(Based on Strength?) carry weight, Chance to get poisoned
Nuke-Cola and Fizzy Drinks = +1-5HP, -1-10(Based on Endurance?) Irradiation [decrease], Chance to get poisoned and if drink to much strength/ resistance decrease
Healing Powder = no weight, +5+Endurance+Luck+1(for every 10 points in doctor)HP, Chance to -1 Perception, -5 on end use of all Skills (Because hallucinogen), increased shop cost
Stim-pack = +5-10+2*Endurance+2*Luck+1(for every 10 points in first aid)HP
All Alcohols: -5 on end use of all Skills (Because drunk), Chance to get poisoned and if drink to much Perception/ Intelligence decrease (maibe for frst -1 one, but for -2 two others)
Beer = +1-4 Healing Rate, -2-8 poison,
Booze = +1-3 Armor class, + 5-10% poison resistance, -1 sequence
RootGun = +1-5 Irradiation, + 5-10% Irradiation resistance, -1 Healing Rate
Jet = shall not have permanent -1 strength but long duration -5-1(based on Luck) on end use of all Skills

buying/ paying for rest room = 10-20 Healing Rate and process actual resting or half
All right, I did some further testing, up to Navarro.
The party bug still haunts me, but I read about solution, so no biggie.
In abbey I can't escort unhappy brother to Gecko. He doesn't want to go, his loss.
I can't get location of EPA, Myron won't drop it even if I do drop him.
BOS bunker and research facility are still bugged. Can't get to enter either of them without editing gvars.
Can't get to Carson or broken reactor.
In Navarro there are no longer quests to visit Toxic caves or retrieve black box.
In Primitive tribe I didn't get the quest to deliver knives and spears. I am playing with female character, maybe that's why.
In San Francisco I can't get quest to find missing corpse.

I did get the kevlar armor for Dogmeat. That looks great.
All in all, game is quite playable.
In Primitive tribe I didn't get the quest to deliver knives and spears. I am playing with female character, maybe that's why.
You didn't get the quest with knives and spears probably because it was replaced with the "expose the dishonest trader" quest. )
I just ran into bug where in Toxic Cave map there is not exit grid, playing in 1024x768 resolution, latest version of the mod. Until now i have not come across any other bug but this one.


try a higher resolu

edit : also if using f2 reso mod,check this setting in f2_res.ini

; if IGNORE_MAP_EDGES=0 - Hi-Res map scroll edges are enabled.
; if IGNORE_MAP_EDGES=1 - Hi-Res map scroll edges are ignored.

; if IGNORE_PLAYER_SCROLL_LIMITS=0 - scroll limits from player are controlled by the variables SCROLL_DIST_X and SCROLL_DIST_Y found below.
; if IGNORE_PLAYER_SCROLL_LIMITS=1 - scroll limits from the player are ignored.
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Thanks for tips but neither higher resolutions (actually i tried every single resolution) nor the edit in f2 ini helped.

Any other suggestions ?

thanks in advance.
Thanks for tips but neither higher resolutions (actually i tried every single resolution) nor the edit in f2 ini helped.

Any other suggestions ?

thanks in advance.
what version of megamod u have installed?

i remember this from an older version,try a save from before u entered caves and dl this into ur data/maps/ folder



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what version of megamod u have installed?

i remember this from an older version,try a save from before u entered caves and dl this into ur data/maps/ folder


maybe it is the hires file that contains the edge info,try this file,dl this into ur data/maps/ folder


Perish the thought :)

I got a strange bug when wearing power armor, the one from military base.
Every now and then my character just.... slides towards bottom left of the screen. If I move him anywhere he moves from original position, but it is slightly... eerie.

Can't get EPA location from Myron. Little weasel is witholding it for himself.
Can't tell Marcus to wait for me in Vault14 armor. Game crashes. It's not GVAR777 problem (it's value was 0 at time of dismissal) or maybe it's better to say it's a bigger issue than just GVAR777
Can't re-recruit Dobbs after telling him to wait for me. I'm flying solo and tried to get him to join me again, but all I get is that I'm too crowded (even though I'm, as I said, solo). That's message number 1100a, node1100 in his script. I'm not versed enough in fallout scripting to read it properly.

EPA, yellow level, after fixing lightning, I repaired the director of science, I can enter dialogue with him, I get to the part where I reboot him, then I have only [continue] dialogue option, but that one exits the dialogue.
EPA, orange level, after I fixed 4 holograms, groundskeeper gives me task of cleaning out plants, but I already did it and can't finish the quest.
EPA, green level, definitely can shoot creatures in cages through forcefields, walls, windows...
Game crashes if I try to open deathclaw grounds without first killing all the caged creatures.
EPA, grounds, I collected about 5 ornate rings, which are actually pamphlets. Also collected flight data recorder, which is actually bug spray

Liebowitz Monastery
I don't get holodisk to use on Vault City computer once I accept the quest from the main monk. In fact dialogue skips immediately after second choice to monks request to get data from Vault city.
In the basement, dialogue of the younger of two brothers is bugged after first branch.

I'm still getting most of these issues, as well. With a few exceptions:

Myron DID give me the EPA location, only after I actually dug up the Mordino stash.
Dobbs seemed to "un-recruit" himself shortly after I got the combat implants. Maybe, because of the charisma drop? He simply disappeared. However, I do see him leveling in the text window now and then.

I did manage to finish the EPA groundskeeper quest after killing the plants first. However, the reward, of letting you access the shacks on the surface; didn't seem to work. The doors are all locked. I didn't get a new keycard or anything either.
Game didn't crash when killing creatures through the forcefields for me.
I picked up an item that came up as "Matron" in the description it was a person.

In addition, the door to the EPA research computer was inaccessible after I cancelled the password attempt before I found the "Flowerpot" password. Now that I have the password and click on the door, it just comes up as "continue" and wont open.

When travelling from the EPA, I'm moved to a part of the world map that is about 7 tiles below Vault 13, rather than the EPA itself.

Also, when wearing power armor and I try to loot something, I'm getting the remove helmet animation for some reason.

Still getting the rest of the issues posted above using MM posted by Pyran on the previous page.
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Hi guys, I'm having trouble using Alt + Tab with this mod. ( Already searched the thread but couldn't find anything so i'm sorry if it's been asked before.

I'm using 1280 x 720 resolution with Fullscreen option, tried all of the Directx settings to no avail. The outcome is always the same, I can alt tab to desktop, but when i try to switch back to the game, all i see is a black screen. Tried to switch to the game from the task manager, that didn't help either. When i hit ESC while i'm looking at the black screen, the menu appears, but as soon as i hit any button, menu stays there frozen, nothing changes. Tried to quit the game to the main menu while on the black screen, and when i load any saved game from the main menu, black screen returns. The only thing to do is to shut down the .exe completely and then relaunch the game.

I'm using win 7 x64 bit with intel hd 3000 graphics. Is there any parameter to change to correct this from .ddraw or f2_res.ini ?

This is so crucial for me, and i don't wanna play this with a windowed mode :(

note: I haven't encounter such thing while playing the Restoration Project, Fallout Resurrection, Fallout 1 FixT, Nevada, or any of the vanilla games.

note2: running fallout2.exe on compatibility mode doesn't solve the issue either.

**SOLVED** Copying Fallout 2 High Res Patch 4.1.8 files
to the game folder and overwrite the files seems to solve the problem. I don't know if this has any side effects but Alt + Tabbing back and forth seems to work now.
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Hey guys.

I want to give this a try.
I'm starting a new game with this mod, but i'm unable to get past the second door in the temple. In vanilla you're supposed to blow the door up, but here it seems like a normal door (Also there aren't explosives in the pot near the door). I can't open it, it just says 'error'. I tried lock picking it, same message: 'error'.

What i'm doing wrong?
Ok, after some new installations i got it working now.

I'm pretty far into the game right now, really great new fallout experience.

But i have a serious bug: I can't enter the military base, it's always crashing.
I tried going with fellows and alone, it doesn't seem to make a difference.
Ok, after some new installations i got it working now.

I'm pretty far into the game right now, really great new fallout experience.

But i have a serious bug: I can't enter the military base, it's always crashing.
I tried going with fellows and alone, it doesn't seem to make a difference.
Sounds very much like a crash that occurs when your version is censored. Try to reduce violence setting to None before entering the base. If that fixes it, your version is missing death animations and corpses. (the crash occurs as the game tries to spawn corpses it can't find). If that is the case you may want to look for a blood patch or replace your critter.dat. (your critter.dat is probably 128.842 KB and the one you want should be 163.039 KB. You may try Fallout Nevada.)
Ah ok, that did the trick, thanks a lot.

Now i have the next two issues: The tanker crew and the emperor both mention the submarine, and i also got the password to go there. But there is no boat on the docks. If i just go with the tanker i can get without issue to the enclave.

I also can't get to the EPA. Myron doesn't mention it when i try to leave him, he only tells about golgotha over and over again.
In a guide i found that you can also get the location from dr. Sheng. I found the personal note of him in the biology workstation, but i don't get the dialog option from Dr. Wong to ask him about Sheng.
I watched some youtube videos with some walkthroughs for the restauration project, and it looks completely different to mine. There are enhanced graphics/tilesets which i don't have.
My Frisco looks completely like vanilla. Is it supposed to be like that or is my installation missing something?

Also in the abbey i can't get the quest(s) to retrieve data from the different computers. Is it supposed to be there or is the megamod missing some missions from the restauration project?
Fix and Maps for hi-res 4.1.8 (drawn frames (edg) and tiles, no items and other things have been added)
- Small aesthetic change tiles: Coliweb, Gamovies, Vault14.

MM Packed archive (with processdat2)

Thank you very much for these fixes. I'll make sure to include them in the next release.

I know I "went dark" for a while. Work and travel have kept me extremely busy. But, I promise that I'm not finished modding yet.

Now i have the next two issues: The tanker crew and the emperor both mention the submarine, and i also got the password to go there. But there is no boat on the docks. If i just go with the tanker i can get without issue to the enclave.

I also can't get to the EPA. Myron doesn't mention it when i try to leave him, he only tells about golgotha over and over again.
In a guide i found that you can also get the location from dr. Sheng. I found the personal note of him in the biology workstation, but i don't get the dialog option from Dr. Wong to ask him about Sheng.
I watched some youtube videos with some walkthroughs for the restauration project, and it looks completely different to mine. There are enhanced graphics/tilesets which i don't have.
My Frisco looks completely like vanilla. Is it supposed to be like that or is my installation missing something?

Also in the abbey i can't get the quest(s) to retrieve data from the different computers. Is it supposed to be there or is the megamod missing some missions from the restauration project?

I haven't added the submarine from the RP yet.

Regarding Myron and the EPA: Have you already taken care of everything at Golgotha? The way it is set now, trying to leave Myron gets you one of three things... but only after you have accomplished the thing he has spoken about. So, take care of Golgotha and try to leave him will move to his dialog about the EPA. Taking care of the EPA and trying to leave him will open another option.
I honestly don't know if Dr. Sheng tells you about the EPA in the MM. If that is in the RP, I may not have added that aspect in yet.
And yes, there are differences in the EPA between the RP and the MM.

San Francisco looks the same between the MM and vanilla because I haven't added the new artwork regarding the boat to get to the submarine. If there are any other differences, I don't know what they are.

I'm not sure what you are referring to about the Abbey. The missions to retrieve data from the various computers is not from the Abbey. Er, rather, it was the Abbey. But I have added the Abbey from the RP. I'm sure there are some bugs. But the quests are completely different. The place with the computer data quests should be known as the Leibowitz Monastery. Again, as I've introduced/moved things around, I probably added some bugs.

In addition to the dcBilly.int script (which, btw, changes the payment if replacing the one in MM), RP mod has another script (dcjoey.int) which features an improvement compared to its MM counterpart (i.e. Joey walks back after sex, as long as you don't leave the map before he's done walking, then he gets stuck and always returns to that spot from then on). Not a big deal, but as there is a working fix (in both cases) I guess MM can simply copy & paste that part in without too much difficulty.
I've just included those two scripts for the next version. Thanks for the reminder.
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Bugs/Problems (version

I've been wandering around aimlessly and:
  • In this save I have no quest from the Cold Heart faction. (Slot39Noquest) which is at the NCR.

  • But I do in this one “escort Jimmy” (Slot40Quest) which is at Vault 23. So there appears to be a false trigger/flag between NCR to Vault 23. I shouldn't have done more than travelling, perhaps entering a shop in NCR, but that's it.

  • However, as travelling is a bitch I created this save from slot39 (slot30Questbug). It's shortly before Vault 23, and upon entering, the Cold Heart quest appears. This bug is consistent.
(all three save slots mentioned above: http://www.filedropper.com/savesmmbugs)

Other stuff:

- When I use speech to get the flint from Aunt Morlis I get no 50 XP, as I do when trading the pot for it. May be on purpose? Or an oversight.

- When I have to prove that I've past the trial, the only option to do so is to name the culprit to Aunt Morlis and get confirmation. As far as I know, one has only one shot at this. If this is the case it may need a failsave. Like, more than one guess, or the option to confront Jordan (or anyone?) openly (i.e. Morlis is only conformation, not trigger), and have a fight (only 80 XP similar to attacking Jordan straight up). Or someone intervenes (Elder) to stop the infighting but it gives no XP as one's name hasn't been fully cleared (like: “You stopped the rumour from being uttered publicly, but your name hasn't been cleared. Doubts remain among your tribesfolk.”). I mean it's better to end the quest with a bad taste, than not ending it at all. Unless I'm missing something.

- Around Arroyo & Klamath I have too many Kaga encounters. Feels like 1 out of every 4. I think Kaga should be more special, as, first, he is very deadly and second, well, it is supposed to be special. Right now it seems that dude is everywhere around Arroyo. You may have a look at how RP handled this. There it seems as if the player always gets a single Kaga encounter early (on the way to Klamath), but then it slows down and becomes more rare. (I think...although memory is a traitor ;).)

- Ghost Town has no city label (in the menu on the right side when on the world map).

- Lucas (Arroyo) says I have 12 days to bring him three pelts (in dialogue and quest entry). I tested it and it seems to be 14. So the dialogue/pip-boy entry has a typo/not been adjusted. Anyway 14 is good, as the quest may involve a travel to the Toxic Caves on top of travelling to Klamath, so the time may be needed. Wouldn't even mind 16 days, to allow to heal for a day, or dally a little (training, reading books, using first aid etc.).

- The taxi in New Reno, puts the Stables and Golgotha on the world map, but not the SAD. Is that correct? I mean putting the SAD permanently on the worldmap for a 1000, seems OK, especially, when Sam Pritchard's Map is in the game (Golgotha).

- This is from memory (earlier version): When I want to become a shaman I must avoid to kill the spore plants through force. The issue is that when I'm accompanied by Nagor or Klint, I can end up in combat with the plants and because I'm having a party I can't end combat other than by leaving the map. Should it happen that Nagor or Klint kill a spore plant, the shaman quest is over. At least that happened to me once. This is not really a bug, but more a beginners trap. But perhaps it's possible to reduce the aggressiveness of the plants somehow, perhaps by reducing their PE or a line of sight blocker? Not sure if that can work. Anyway, the aggressiveness of the plants was not an issue, until the player could end up not having to kill them. That redesign requires a redesign of the plants, too.

- This is from Memory, too (earlier version): When I decide to help Smiley I can travel to the toxic caves and wipe all geckos on the ground level. Then I can change my mind and accept Sajag's offer. When I then return to the Toxic Caves the hunting party scenario plays out (kill all geckos), but it's impossible to do so as they are all gone. Perhaps the “hunting party of Sajag” could reset the map (remove all geckos, and add a few new ones)?
- This is from Memory, too (earlier version): When I decide to help Smiley I can travel to the toxic caves and wipe all geckos on the ground level. Then I can change my mind and accept Sajag's offer. When I then return to the Toxic Caves the hunting party scenario plays out (kill all geckos), but it's impossible to do so as they are all gone. Perhaps the “hunting party of Sajag” could reset the map (remove all geckos, and add a few new ones)?
I did test this with a shaman and the geckos respawn whenever I leave and re-enter the Toxic Caves (Slot24ShamanGeckoHunt, this save is before accepting the quest from Sajag, you can now travel up there kill some (they respawn) or take the quest, kill some (they respawn)). So that shouldn't be an issue.
After experiencing this I thought this was fixed now, or that I remembered it wrong. So I did a test with a Hunter, and it did bug out as described. Here is what I did: Slot12GeckoStart (I know of the toxics cave), Slot15GeckoDead (I just travelled to the cave and killed the ground floor Geckos), Slot16SamThief (I do the Sam quest by paying 200), Slot17KeyQuest (I take the key quest from Sajag), Slot18NoGeckos (and there are no Geckos at the Toxic Caves and it is impossible to finish the quest. I even tried to kill other geckos (Klamath) and get other skins. But it didn't work. Apparently the trigger is to kill 5 geckos (at the toxic cave) and deliver 4 pelts. The problem is that there are no 5 geckos left to kill). (Note: it may not to matter which geckos at the cave are killed, at least the Shaman can respawn geckos, kill those and it counts).
I tried it in another combination: Slot13learnedskinning (I learned to skin geckos from Hughes, travelled to the cave. The hunting party was already there, just wouldn't talk. I killed and skinned all 5 Geckos, returned to Klamath got the “key quest”, back to the cave and it worked fine).
So it seems the problem is: killing Toxic Cave Geckos as a Hunter before “betraying Smiley” as apparently the respawn of geckos is disabled for the Hunter. Something the Shaman isn't bothered with as the Geckos seem to constantly respawn. Which may be an economy exploit actually.

- When I have to prove that I've past the trial, the only option to do so is to name the culprit to Aunt Morlis and get confirmation. As far as I know, one has only one shot at this. If this is the case it may need a failsave. Like, more than one guess, or the option to confront Jordan (or anyone?) openly (i.e. Morlis is only conformation, not trigger), and have a fight (only 80 XP similar to attacking Jordan straight up). Or someone intervenes (Elder) to stop the infighting but it gives no XP as one's name hasn't been fully cleared (like: “You stopped the rumour from being uttered publicly, but your name hasn't been cleared. Doubts remain among your tribesfolk.”). I mean it's better to end the quest with a bad taste, than not ending it at all. Unless I'm missing something.
Part of this problem may be that strangling the info out of Morlis is too difficult (apparently ST+EN needs to be 14 or more). Perhaps a more realistic requirement like ST6 or EN6 instead, or something like Unarmed 60% to 70%. Or a speech option. It is also possible to just kill Jordan (without any confirmation (i.e. talking to anyone, just attack and kill him)), but that feels weird. And on a side note Shania even tells me that Jordan fancies the chosen one (if female), which makes it even weirder when talking to people for clues. She literally says (underlined part):
acshania.msg said:
{721}{}{Now you must swear not to tell anyone, because my source would get in trouble for having told me this--but I heard he was getting ready to approach the Elder on a palaver over you, Chosen One, just as this time of Arroyo's troubles began. Surely you've noticed the way he admires your figure? And if ever any express doubt about you, he is quick to talk about how capable you are. With all these crises besetting our village, I think he doesn't want to distract you from your duties with overtures of romance.}
As this is a stark contradiction to what Jordan is doing (spreading ill rumours) perhaps that needs to change to:
acshania.msg said:
{721}{}{Now you must swear not to tell anyone, because my source would get in trouble for having told me this--but I heard he was getting ready to approach the Elder on a palaver over you, Chosen One, just as this time of Arroyo's troubles began. Surely you've noticed the way he admires your figure? Alas, I fear his admiration has turned to bitterness ever since you became the Chosen One. Perhaps he feels that you are out of reach now?}
Here is a save to test it: Slot9Shania (go 2-2-4).

Quest: “Rescue Smiley the trapper.”
- When I use the reward from Ardin Buckner to free Sulik I get the 500 XP twice, once when talking to Ardin, and again when talking to Maida.
- When Sulik is already free, the “nothing” option with Ardin Buckner does not give +75 karma.
Save to test: Slot14SmileyReward

- I don't know if the items are in the game, but their attacks are mixed up: Dart (thrust has a range of 15, and throw a range of 1) and Rusty Chain (swing has a range of 1 & 4 AP, and Punch a range of 2 & 5 AP) probably needs to be the other way round. And a minor point: the Envenomed Throwing Knife has a ST req. of 2, while the normal Throwing Knife has one of 3.

Package of all saves mentioned: http://www.filedropper.com/mmsaveslots
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