Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

A little bit weird suggestion. It would be funny to have some perk which is the opposite of "Gifted". Name it "Challenged" and place it instead of "Bloody mess", for example, (because that one actually doesn't do anything meaningful). The idea is to give the player 7 LESS Stat points from the start, but let him have Perks every 2 levels, not 3.
It might be really challenging to balance such small amount of Stats and you'd really have to think of new strategies for the playthrough! :) Also it may encourage players to use Experience Master Perks (which are usually ignored).
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Back home. I've got a few pages of this thread to go through and ponder/answer. I'll get to those soon. But first:

1. Item descriptions being wrong. I created the file to use, but then forgot to rename it in the update. If you look in the data/text/English/game folder, you will see a file called pro_item - for patch. If you simply rename it pro_item (after removing the one that is already there), then the items will have the proper names.

2. @chieftain486 - you've mentioned that you've had issues with the Primitive Tribe in 2.47 but not 2.46. It was thoroughly screwed up in 2.46. It wasn't even the right tribe. I've played through 2.47 Tribe like it's supposed to be, with no issues. What problems are you referring to?
I've played through 2.47 Tribe like it's supposed to be, with no issues. What problems are you referring to?
I tried 2.47 - and there was no way to get the starting "deliver knives and spears"quest, as the person spoke in Errors and unrelated nonsense. As some other tribals.
I tried 2.47.1 (installed from latest Pyran's repack) - there's a different starting quest (with merchant and "stimpacks"), but the whole map of the location has issues, and all tribals except from the one, when spoken to, are causing the game to freeze and shut down.

Maybe I didn't get the latest corrections, but I think I used what was available. Also it seems Pyran didn't have those updates too. :)
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There is no knives and spears quest. That is the old Tribe. And there were no issues with errors in their speech. Did you install 2.47 first, and then enter the Tribe? Or, did you enter the Tribe under 2.46, install the update, and then try to play through that location? Or, something was left out of that repack.
If you look in the data/text/English/game folder, you will see a file called pro_item - for patch. If you simply rename it pro_item (after removing the one that is already there), then the items will have the proper names.
The problem is, files "PRO_ITEM.MSG" and "PRO_ITEM - for patch.MSG" are identical (I compared them binary). So, either PRO_ITEM.MSG is already patched in the release or "PRO_ITEM - for patch.MSG" is not the latest, corrected file. )
There is no knives and spears quest. That is the old Tribe. And there were no issues with errors in their speech. Did you install 2.47 first, and then enter the Tribe? Or, did you enter the Tribe under 2.46, install the update, and then try to play through that location? Or, something was left out of that repack.
I made clean install over original english 1.02D - both times.
I made some screenshots (2.47.1):
1 - immediately after entering the tribe map. You can see strange black border.
2 - the only person in tribe who can speak
3 - merchant and "stimpacks", the container is bugged and if you try to look into it - game freezes. The only way to complete the quest is to choose without looking (kinda obvious :) )
4 - example of Errors I got when I pointed cursor over people. And when I tried to speak with them - yep, freeze.

I really hope it's just me doing something wrong. :)

P.S. I forgot to mention, one of those Error messages is from the tribal besides the well. The bucket is not there and the pot(?) to his left is not a usual container but a selectable object that turns into bucket in the inventory.
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I was wrong. I just downloaded the version 2.47.1 from mediafire. The file pro_item - for patch is not even there. The correct file is there. No changes are even necessary. I don't know what file it is you are working from, but it should be from May 4, 2017 at 2:06 pm.

Just entered the Tribe again to test things. I don't experience any of those bugs.
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-information is out of date-
Notice, that when setup (Using proseccdat2.exe), you will lose some proto's. (Fallout 2 GOG)
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Made some speedrun with ridiculous character (4th screenshot) just to test new repack and Primitive Tribe. Clean install over original F2, as before.
Screenshots: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I see same problems as before - Errors, strange map borders as I enter the map, etc...

Can you give the link to your latest release of MM 2.47.1? I'd like to try one more time to fix my problems. :)
It seems like most of the "rtribe..." msg files are missing in @_Pyran_ 's installer version. that's the reason for the errors and the crashes. I also had to edit my fallout2 config file from the installer version (can't find/load text fonts).
Very small suggestion: please make Klint to understand "Stay close to me" command. :) As it is now he always stays quite away from Chosen and there is almost no difference between all his distances. )

And another one: please consider adding Nirran's Party Member Perks to MM (or parts of it, anyway). It would be nice to have personalized upgrades for partners. :)
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Suggestion about expanding Private Property concept in the game. :)

All indoor containers in all residential areas, including huts and tents on random encounter maps (except maybe Arroyo and Primitive Tribe) should be assigned to person(s) living there, and, when inspected by player, should open not usual looting inteface but bartering interface. The idea is, if you want to get something from these containers, you should put there something of the equal value. Unlike shops, those Private containers, once filled (some - probably with RandomLoot script), should never restock, of cause. This should look like that Bazaar shop in NCR: you inspect the shelves - you redirected to barter with the owner of those shelves. Essentially, every habitable house with owners should be turned into unrestockable shop with random content. :)

This, probably, would make the game more realistic and more balanced.
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I like that. The player shouldn't be able to go into places and loot everything if there is an NPC there. I considered adding a feature that the player couldn't take anything a shelf near an NPC unless the player character's steal skill was high enough. But, Barter is also something to consider. I'll be adding this to my list of things to consider adding.
I considered adding a feature that the player couldn't take anything a shelf near an NPC unless the player character's steal skill was high enough.
Steal check is a great idea! If you pass the check, you have looting interface, and if you don't then bartering. :) Also maybe good idea to randomize that threshold (Steal threshold for each container is once assigned [at the first visit to the map] as random within certain range) - so in the same house some containers you can loot and some cannot, and you never know which. :)

This will definitely make Steal skill more valuable in the game - almost as valuable as lockpicking. :) It also can be made dependable on Sneak - high sneaking skills should slightly lower the stealing threshold. It actually make sense - if the owner cannot see you well, you have more freedom with his property.
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Yes, sneak was also supposed to be included so as to give it more use. In time...
Some thoughts about learning opportunities in the game. :)

We have books, that can teach us Small Guns, Science, Repair, First Aid and Outdoorsman skills. There's a magazine for Energy Weapons. There are some people who can teach Science, Doctor, Speech or Outdoorsman. We have some NPCs, who teach Unarmed/Melee and Energy Weapons skills. We have two enhancement devices for Doctor and Speech. Even Barter we can learn a bit (Slik).

What's left: Big Guns, Throwing, Sneak, Lockpick, Steal, Traps and Gambling. I think there should be some ways to improve these skills also.

First, Throwing. It's a marginal skill as it is, and that's why it should be encouraged. :) I think the game will have more potential if some person in Primitive (Umbra) Tribe will be able to SERIOUSLY improve this skill. I mean, about +50% improvement. This won't rebalance 99,9% usual game playthroughs, but some people may find it interesting to try something new. And somebody (probably, Slik in Arroyo) should mention in his stories one Great Master of Throwing, who can teach worthy warriors. As a thought, you may return quest for delivering weapons there, but instead of spears Player should bring 15 Throwing Knives to the teacher/Master - for the learning process to start. After the graduation Master returns all 15 throwing knives to player with "use them wisely" moral and that huge skill bonus. The other necessary requirement to start teaching is that the Player has to have "Throwing" tagged from the start, of cause. That will turn down all unworthy pupils. :)

Second, Big Guns - and the hardest for me to think about, because, as it happens, I never used Big Guns in MM. The first time player see Big Gun is [probably] in Marcus' inventory. This means, he probably should be the Big Guns teacher. Some skill check (previous knowledge required, so at least 50% BG and 50%+ Science :) ) to even get that "teach me" dialog with him.

Interestingly, all other skills are of the same category: these are hustler skills. I think there should be some person in New Reno casino who could teach ALL that - but in the end improve only two randomly selected skills (for example). And there should be "prove that you're worth my attention" part, where player should do some kind of initiation quest. There may be even a Special Reputation mark for that kind of training. Almost like "Vault Cuity Training", but with a twist. Probably just "Hustler", but maybe something more flashy.

It's all just brainstorming, food for thought. :)
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New here... so if this was already asked, sorry.
Can the MM be played on android dosbox Turbo?