Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

Scare Torr for Duntons quest is bugged if you want to actually scare him.

So you get mud on your face in dialog with Duntons, then grab scorpion claws and scorption tail, then talk to Duntons. They attach both of those.

After then approaching Torr start scare 'animation' /'in-game cutscene'. "Clack clack" from Player, Torr respons with "Torr shake! Torr scared! Torr wet panties!" all seem fine so far, but then nothing happens. Torr stays in place, cutscene/animation does not end. Either wandering scorpion intiate combat to end it (quest not advanced though - Dunton's still tell you to go scare Torr) or you have to kill game manually.

Seems like a bug, unless there is something wrong with my installation or setup (seems unlikely though, everything else works well so far).

I tried variants like:

- Waiting 30+ min
- Taking companions or leaving them in Klamath or taking them to Torr pasture but kicking them off party
- changing game resolution
- bringing claws first and then tail or bringing both at same time
- equipiing claws and tail to hands slots or leaving them in inventory

Nothing brings any change.

I wanted even to check stuff "under the hood" myself, but I have 0% experience in Fallout modding and I don't even know where and how to start with such script? animation/in-game cutscene problem?.

Edit: my character this time is female, if that could have any impact on bugs

Edit2: Adding SAVEGAME. It is in Dunton's house. Just speak to them and choose option #5 to start Torr scare quest in brahmin pastures.


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2.47.5 Installer version was missing most of the music from original Fallout 2 areas, had to copy them from Fallout 2 installation.
2.47.5 Installer version was missing most of the music from original Fallout 2 areas, had to copy them from Fallout 2 installation.
The installer contains only new tracks. When installed, these standard tracks are copied to the desired folder.

Please, give me savegame, where the music is missing
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Well the installer didnt copy the tracks then since the music folder inside Megamod install folder contained only the new added music.
Well the installer didnt copy the tracks then since the music folder inside Megamod install folder contained only the new added music.
Copying tracks to the megamod folder is not required. See & change Fallout2.cfg settings.
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Bug report:

Vault City village (location near VC you get from Corrections Officer quest) is all black space once you enter it. You can run in it but cannot leave it, there is nothing there.
I'm on version 2.47.5 and I've tried everything besides downloading an old version of the megamod to check if I'm the one doing something wrong or if it's the mod itself bugging out, but I can not for the life of me actually use the vertibird after going through the flight training and showing the requisition form to both Maria and the guard next to the helipad. Any help would be appreciated.



- Lots of "Reserved Item" in Redding 'shops' - i.e. Painless Doc Johnson and Mayor Ascorti (if you barter with him) in Redding. Also present in other places, NCR, sometimes even containers in random encounters. Haven't saw this in any early game places (Klamath, Den, even Modoc, etc) for some reason .

- If you put gun without ammo in car trunk and go to other city, this gun or guns will have full magazines.

- Corsican Brother won't talk to you if you're slaver. Even if you have quest to shake money from him to crime boss.

- Balthas Wife still crying about her son missing after he's been returned.

- Prostitute in "The Hole" in Den, once you enter map for 2nd or 3rd time, stops having conversation with you. "Get away from me bitch!" (not exact - something similar), without any reason. Happens during female playthough. Haven't tested male chatacter yet.

- Slaver Camp - coming near guard -> guard intiate dialog -> dialog interface freezes and bugs, you can't talk or continue game even.

More bugs:

- BIG BUG - either my install is borked or EPA location is completly broken.

a)When you enter you start at middle of the map and not at gate, if you came by car then car is fused partially into one of the buildings (and afaik generally in wrong place).

b) None of ways I know/checked in walkthrough to get into other EPA parts don't seem to work/exist. Either nothing happens, 'teleport' your character outside of visible map (you can run back though) or it crashes game depending on which way we talk about.

c) if you leave EPA map and want to get back = crash

d) if you are at EPA for long enough (killed enough plants, opened enough containers, etc) and you save - then that save cannot be loaded (crash). If you save right after entering EPA map - then you can load it again.

e) map is SLOW, even slower than I rememeber EPA from years ago.

f) random traveller giving location of EPA does not work. Choosing it in dialogue - immidietaly finish dialogue without putting EPA on the map. Other way works though.
You can still get location from Myron.

Basically EPA is practically non-useable / non-existant atm. (2.47.5)
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It is LONG sorry, but Interesting bug this time.

Miria stats bug (?) triggered by making her wear Combat Armor or healing her by main character with Healing Powder of all things. This are some bizzare bug triggers lol


Miria - stage 2

Some of her stats:

Carry Weight - 155
Melee Damage - 4

When I put Combat Armor (specifically! Her wearing i.e. Leather or Metal Armor does not have such effect!) or heal her using Healing Powder on her by main character her stats change (permanently - removing Combat Armor does not change her back) to

Carry Weight - 180
Melee Damage - 3

Weird right.
Well I checked the files in both Proto Manager and BisMapper and they show diffrent numbers.

Proto Manager show first lower stats and BisMapper shows second higher stats.

In later stages diffrence gets bigger.

Last Stage:

Some of the stats:

Proto Manager

Carry - 210
AP - 11


Carry - 285 (!!!)
AP - 12

There are also diffrences in other stuff like sequence and so on.

Reason is that Proto Manager has her SPECIAL stats unchanged and BisMapper has her SPECIAL stats increasing a lot.

Last stage has her stats rising by +3 to Strenght, + 3 to EN, +2 to PE, +2 to Luck, etc vs her initial SPECIAL stats - making her a amazon-terminator and an ironman pack mule - with propably highest carry weight for all and highest AP for non dogs NPC in Fallout 2.

So any idea to why diffrence both in-game and in diffrent editors? I checked few other characters and no diffrences nor in-game or between editors.

Only thing that come to mind (aside of bizzare bug) is that someone scripted HUGE SPECIAL stat increases in her script, but I have no idea what I am reading there.

Does anyone with more insight into how it all works have some idea about such weird bug/behaviour?
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2.47.4 quick "wrong reward" bug

In this "old" EPA, doctor reward gives +1 EN instead of +1 AG.