Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

has anyone tried to download this this year? there is a redirect covering the download so i can not download it. also it uses pop ups to screw with you.
win 10 and firefox. mediafire keeps sending me a script called otnolatrnup. it seems like the script is a popup malware thing. i installed a a plugin popup blocker called ublock in firefox and it goes to the mediafire site and says there is no such file now. which os and browser do you use Vali?
what you guys playin at? this site is detected as having a trojan and your links off site have malware you guys have no idea about. or should i blame my browser that got infected cause you said the file was safe? i should know better than to just trust people. i do not know what is goin on with this site but it is not good. if anyone with malwarebytes tries to get to your site it will say it has a trojan.
sorry not talking about the actual files. i am talking about the bad link that i do not want to get near again.

EDIT: someone mentioned it is not worth it anyway to bother getting it cause he explained why he did not like it.
ok i just sound like i am crazy right now. the link redirected me from mediafire and malicious software one the other site. i got the norton malware thing that kept asking me if i wanted to open it or install it in the lower right corner of the screen and asking me for money. i talked to someone else and they described the mod to me enough that i should not get the thing anyway. so the link is allright and it is safe so i will try it again to see if my chrome browser i do not use much will catch something to see if i was just imagining it.
looky.jpg i was just wondering why you guys do not actually try and download the file and assume it is safe to click the link. you keep saying there is no malicious code at all hijacking my browser and trying to for me to download another extension that i do not know what it does. i could paste the code here but it is something i do not know enough about and was thinking it was illegal to paste stuff like that anywhere on a website. just the name of the url of the place it sent me to is the name of some popup browser highjacking stuff. the base url without the extra site info is is otnolatrnup.com. not sure if i wanted to paste the url of that place but there is part of it to look up the virus name. also maybe when i have my Ublock addon on and the download link will not appear. if i turn Ublock off it appears when i reload. the file link to the zip file for might be there but i can not find it. Ublock addon off and Ublock addon on. the nasty download button of hell dissappears when Ublock is doin its thing of blocking popups.with ublock on.jpgwithout ublock.jpg

so i am gonna do something else so im gonna leave my big red bloody sore alone right now. i am starting to look a little butthurt right now. i kinda wanted you guys to just download that file and say it is allright so i can do it next.
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View attachment 16773 i was just wondering why you guys do not actually try and download the file and assume it is safe to click the link. you keep saying there is no malicious code at all hijacking my browser and trying to for me to download another extension that i do not know what it does. i could paste the code here but it is something i do not know enough about and was thinking it was illegal to paste stuff like that anywhere on a website. just the name of the url of the place it sent me to is the name of some popup browser highjacking stuff. the base url without the extra site info is is otnolatrnup.com. not sure if i wanted to paste the url of that place but there is part of it to look up the virus name. also maybe when i have my Ublock addon on and the download link will not appear. if i turn Ublock off it appears when i reload. the file link to the zip file for might be there but i can not find it. Ublock addon off and Ublock addon on. the nasty download button of hell dissappears when Ublock is doin its thing of blocking popups.View attachment 16774View attachment 16775

so i am gonna do something else so im gonna leave my big red bloody sore alone right now. i am starting to look a little butthurt right now. i kinda wanted you guys to just download that file and say it is allright so i can do it next.

I dont know what you have the links working.
it might be worth clearing your browser cache... or try downloading a portable version of Chrome, Firefox (or any other browsers) and check the given links...
so you have not even tried to actually download the file. the link works. i get to the mediafire page. if my ublock origin extension is on the download button is missing because it detects malware and blocks it. if i turn ublock origin off the download button comes up and i click on it. i thought mediafire had a different theme or something or it was a similar named file hosting site that i am confusing with this. but anyway when i click on the download button it tries to get me to install an extension that looks like a popup blocker. then i stop and do not touch the extension it wants me to install. so how many of you have this malware looking popup blocker installed in their system just to download that one file? you know since the download works and you guys have that MIB88 Megamod in the folder you want it to be in. why will no one tell me they actually downloaded the file a little while ago. by the way you guys talk and it seems like you dont care your links have redirects and malware is probably because you want it to spread is the thought i am getting here. would you please prove me wrong and actually click on the link and download the file. it would be that easy. man i would have to figure out html to find what was goin on with the redirect and fake button that i kept pushing cause you guys say the file is okay.

here is the external link from this site to mediafire


it should be easy to test this out if you click on it. i copy and pasted the link from this site.
also i got the file but it was through the link that was in the virus report that said the virus was safe.
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because the link you posted doesn't lead to anything?

odd reaction, but ok

Hey Sir MIB, is there any progress in getting EPA fixed?
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I checked it on opera and firefox without addons - left click on the button - I didn't see any problems. Both links work
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- Laughing Gas Salvatore quest. Planting does not produce results after you took Salvatore first quest. Need to do it before (or possibly after you're Made Man? -- I've not checked)

- Freelance Slavery/Slaver Perk sometimes don't get "turned on". Meaning you choose this perk but then dialogue option of taking ownership during speaking never comes up. There are just your 2 usual dialogue options of freeing a slave.

I have no idea how to reproduce this bug. When Slavery Perk works then it works all the time, if it does not work - then it never works and you just wasted a perk - and you can't even use F12SE to reset/regain perk cause SlaverPerk is not listed there in Skills/Perk tab.

I propose to modify this from being a perk into something more akin to Gecko Skinning - meaning you get it via quest/something in-game rather than from perk selection at level up.
It would make more sense given preety low utility/gain even when it works.

- English Bob and Den child quest. He still gives you quest after Tubby's death but then with Tubby dead, child is not there so you cannot complete quest.

- Den crashes - around mid-game - Den Main Street starts crashing often upon entering - seems preety random but happens often as it might not crash when entering from wasteland but crash once you enter it again through Den Residental area or other way around.

Den Hole/Metziger area and Den Residential themself never seem to crash.
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I was looking at the downloads page, but cannot see 2.47 on there. Is the download link hidden somewhere in this thread?