Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

Thank you MIB88!
And thank you for your hard work putting this together :ok:

Hard work?! Please! I'm like, one of the laziest guys ever!
Hahahaha nah man, making all these FO2 mods work together is no small task.

Been meaning to ask do you have source codes for the Megamod? Although, I seem to remember you mentioning that you work with decompiles but I may be wrong.
If you do have sources would you share them with me, if possible? I'd like to make a mod for this project.

Yeah, I just decompile everything. I doubt my source codes would be in a format that would readily work for you. But, sure, you can have them. My filing system is something that would make another person pull their hair out, but I could put something together for you. Do you want every script I've ever changed? Or just certain areas?
Hard work?! Please! I'm like, one of the laziest guys ever!

Yeah, I just decompile everything. I doubt my source codes would be in a format that would readily work for you. But, sure, you can have them. My filing system is something that would make another person pull their hair out, but I could put something together for you. Do you want every script I've ever changed? Or just certain areas?

Lol I can relate my mod files are pretty disorganized too :lol:

But sure, if it's no bother, I could use everything! Do you use headers too?
Lol I can relate my mod files are pretty disorganized too :lol:

But sure, if it's no bother, I could use everything! Do you use headers too?

There is no need for header files for me. Everything is in the source.

I'll get something together for you.
Hmmm, how to play in higher resolution?

I checked the instructions and there is no Start_mm.bat file to change the resolution in the megamod folder.

Any other way to change resolution in the mod?
I dunno how or even if the picture is added, but the file "ddraw.ini" down by graphics you got fullscreen/windows options and a dx9
mode graphics width/height setting, i wrote in my own screen's resolution there, so it looks like the picture i tried to add here

I dunno how or even if the picture is added, but the file "ddraw.ini" down by graphics you got fullscreen/windows options and a dx9
mode graphics width/height setting, i wrote in my own screen's resolution there, so it looks like the picture i tried to add here

View attachment 27717

Strange, I did that and I cannot start the game.

Does it also require downloading and installing a resolution patch?
no, but you likely didn't set a Dx9 thats also shown in the picture, just above resolution, you must pick one of the dx9 settings, if you have done so and there is still a issue, i have no idea whats going on with your copy of the game
@Nightingale is right: you can adjust settings in ddraw.ini. Or, you could also install and run the hi-res patch separately.
Otherwise, I also have no idea what's going on with your game.
It's been ages since I played this mod; in 2011 or so, I found it on an ancient Polish forum for Fallout stuff. Back then, it was a challenge to get it going, and, after 12 years, history repeated itself. First, I installed it the "ModDir" way, but it didn't work. Then root directory, but it didn't work either. Then Sfall started to give me crashes and report weird memory violation access errors. Then I learned there are 3 versions of Sfall: one of v3.X (for compatibility), then v4.X (for new shiny functions), and some Russian version of v5.X (and that 6.X is on its way xD).

I tried the Russian one, but it made the texts display in Russian in some places. Then the v4.X crashed right away, with some "It won't work, son!" message. Application of the latest Sfall from the v3.X development branch fixed the crashes, and I could finally enter game. But then, entering the Temple of Trials resulted in crashes too. So, it turned out I didn't enable Hi-Res patch from Mash (just setting things inside DDRAW.INI for my monitor's native resolution and DX9 graphic options didn't result in seeing more game screen; instead, everything was just upscaled, hah).

But behold! This time it all panned out, and I played the mod for 8 hours straight. That's right, it was this captivating, hehe. Anyhow, I encountered two crashes (like with the showdown at Colly or when initiating combat in Den), but otherwise it was a smooth sail. Maybe there were outright bugs, but I didn't notice them as such, so screw it. However, one big, big gripe with this mod is the textual representation: it's a downright mess.

I won't get into details. I bet everyone who has any interest in this mod is aware of the situation. Thus, instead, I opted for the next best thing: I simply corrected a few text files as I saw fit, so they convey as terribly. If the author is OK with me lending a hand every now and then with this aspect of their mod, then let me know. Otherwise, I made my attempt, hehe.

Good luck.


I don't mind at all. I'm going through your files, comparing them to what's already in the MM. Some are good catches... things that need to be corrected, I feel, that the original authors or I missed. Things like consistency for actions (such as when a character chuckles or hiccups) I will wholeheartedly accept corrections for. Other changes you added may be more stylistic and actually not in my style, such as adding commas that may be optional or corrections to words that remove distinctions in how people speak. For example, changing 'round' to 'around'. Sure, that is proper English, but not necessarily how some people might speak. Going with that example, the dialog really should have been written like this: There are lots of geckos 'round here. So, what you've pointed out is that I do need to correct these kinds of lines in some way, even if it means adding an apostrophe. Thank you for your contributions to the mod.
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Dialog is always to be written as the character would speak, while narration/information should be in as proper english as possible right?
Dialog is always to be written as the character would speak, while narration/information should be in as proper english as possible right?

Absolutely! But, one of the problems with the dialogs in the mods incorporated into the MM (as well as the standard game) is the inconsistency of the narration/information. For example, when a character coughs, sometimes it is written as [He coughs.], [coughs], (cough, cough), ::cough::, or something else. So, when I find those dialogs, I update those for consistency. Personally, I prefer a version like [He coughs.].
What's with the damage values on attacks in this mod? They don't really match the stated damage range of whatever weapon is equipped. I've had basic NPCs hit me with a 10mm for 3hp crits, then the next attack shaves off 25hp in a non-crit. ??? I built a hi-strength, dump luck, Heavy-Handed char, and she does 2-4 hp most of the time with a spear, even on unarmored targets. Then I made a hi-luck low ST character, and it rarely goes below 8hp, with a basic knife. Why does Luck have so much impact on normal non-crit damage? That's dumb and totally unbalanced.

And whoever wrote character dialogue for NPC reactions to female PC's, needs to go back to his neckbeard incel basement and put a flowerpot on his head for the rest of his life. To say they went overboard with lame-ass sexist remarks is an understatement. Cringe. Every 2nd male NPCs is an insecure edgelord, in this mod. My 15-yr-old niece had a field day laughing her ass off at the dialogue :P

For something that's been in the works for 10+ years, this mod is... feels like an alpha-build. Not even a beta, an alpha. Especially given how much crap I had to go through to even get it to work, including deleting the 1.02 patch from the game.

Yea... back to Restoration Project for me. At least there things make sense.
What's with the damage values on attacks in this mod? They don't really match the stated damage range of whatever weapon is equipped. I've had basic NPCs hit me with a 10mm for 3hp crits, then the next attack shaves off 25hp in a non-crit. ??? I built a hi-strength, dump luck, Heavy-Handed char, and she does 2-4 hp most of the time with a spear, even on unarmored targets. Then I made a hi-luck low ST character, and it rarely goes below 8hp, with a basic knife. Why does Luck have so much impact on normal non-crit damage? That's dumb and totally unbalanced.

And whoever wrote character dialogue for NPC reactions to female PC's, needs to go back to his neckbeard incel basement and put a flowerpot on his head for the rest of his life. To say they went overboard with lame-ass sexist remarks is an understatement. Cringe. Every 2nd male NPCs is an insecure edgelord, in this mod. My 15-yr-old niece had a field day laughing her ass off at the dialogue :P

For something that's been in the works for 10+ years, this mod is... feels like an alpha-build. Not even a beta, an alpha. Especially given how much crap I had to go through to even get it to work, including deleting the 1.02 patch from the game.

Yea... back to Restoration Project for me. At least there things make sense.

Well excuse us, to plow down your ivory tower, poor feminist damsel in distress..
Maybe You haven't noticed, but this forum is a conglomerate of testosterone ridden sexual tyranosauruses, so if you don't like it, take your slutty barbie girl dolls and go play something else...

Basically it's like this:


This game is our private space, don't tread on it, or we're gonna bite back, If You don't like it, leave. There's no one place good for everyone, some are always going to disagree, those that do, simply leave, cause they won't find likely minded individuals here..

Besides playing with low luck in this game where it's the second most important stat after agility and intelligence is dumb and should be laughd at and punished, same thing as playing hi str female chars.

the only time You need to pick female char is when you play third person perspective game so you don't stare at a man's but all day long, As for first person perspective or izometric view, a guy that picks jacked female character to represent him in the gameworld, and expects to be treated seriously has something seariously f*cked up in their brain..
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It's same reason why I kicked the sex shit out of ettu. It's been cringe writing by horny teenagers. Nothing of value lost when it gets deleted.

Also, not sure if guspost is joke or serial.
It's same reason why I kicked the sex shit out of ettu. It's been cringe writing by horny teenagers. Nothing of value lost when it gets deleted.

Also, not sure if guspost is joke or serial.

i am pretty sure he's joking

Considering the post before Gustar is a shitpost itself, i think it's as exaggerating just like Okradion did, i play as female character and did not get sexist remarks or meet any insecure edgelords until The Den (which is a lawless town you can help fix) and New Reno, yes there were jackasses everywhere, but thats from the source game as far as i'm aware

and Gustar's PS is pretty sexist and sounds like a insecure edgelord
which fits pretty well in if it was a joke and slam upon Okradion's rather rude and pointless post

sadly we do have to acknowledge that gustar can be 100% serious, but again, i think he's joking

(also funny to note: Fallout 2 has a 16 year age limit, some places has a 15+ rating, true, but still, why is a 15 year old niece watching you play a 26 year old game? modded or not?)
Gustar, you've just proven my entire point with your post. :P Megamod is a Safespace for edgelords like you. Back to your mommy's basement, please, and keep playing 'alpha male simulators'. I guess that's the closest you'll ever get to being an alpha male.

Honest question, did she beat you a lot as a kid? That rage's gotta come from somewhere...

we're gonna bite back

ROFL. Bring it on, cupcake.
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i play as female character and did not get sexist remarks or meet any insecure edgelords until The Den

Guess you skipped most of Arroyo and never talked to the Duntons in Klamath, then. Unless we're not talking about the same mod. Are you playing F2 with Megamod?

And why is my niece playing old games? Why not? Old games are best and require one to use one's brain (and have less woke agenda woven into them). She finished Daggerfall a couple months ago.
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Guess you skipped most of Arroyo and never talked to the Duntons in Klamath, then. Unless we're not talking about the same mod. Are you playing F2 with Megamod?

And why is my niece playing old games? Why not? Old games are best and require one to use one's brain (and have less woke agenda woven into them). She finished Daggerfall a couple months ago.

"less woke agenda" while you are talking against the stuff that Woke people actually have issues with

I don't mind your niece playing old games, i am confused why you and your niece are together playing a 26 year old singleplayer game together, with the megamod

The tribe isn't sexist, except for the warriors, who are, as you might've noticed, tribals, and are careful with the people who can ensure tribe's continued survival while in danger of dying out, if they were sexist, he'd have told you to go back in the tent and make him dinner, not tell you you should probably find a safer position in the tribe to fill.

the Duntons are full on antagonistic regardless if male or female, which ruins the whole sexist bit, since sexists have a problem with opposite gender, NOT both.

and yes, i dare say i've been playing this mod far longer than you and therefore can 100% say that the only real sexism in the mod, thats not already in the source game, would actually be the whole thing about not becoming a warrior as a female in your tribe, which again, isn't actual Sexism, but SURVIVAL 101

now if the tribe had 100% survival, no famine, no sickness, everyone armed with gauss rifles, i'd understand how it could be sexist to want to protect the females from stuff like, going out and fighting. but this is a dying tribe you are meant to save, not a utopia.

edit: And quite honestly, have you played the source game itself, or did you maybe just download the dialog file mentioned earlier, find some stuff you didn't like, then decide to go "THIS IS SEXIST!?"
addendum: there MIGHT be some comments from NPCs that, if read a specific way, could be sexist in the mod, that doesn't exist in source game
so maybe not 100% no sexism, but quite honestly, i've played as a male character six times, there is fully possible i've missed more than one NPC who's basically Myron that you can win over with the trait (and therefore inviting Sexism, because you PLAY ON IT) Sex Appeal, simply by being female... And he's actually worse in source game