Ohhhhh drama on the mod forums?

"less woke agenda" while you are talking against the stuff that Woke people actually have issues with
i am confused why you and your niece are together playing a 26 year old singleplayer game together, with the megamod
The tribe isn't sexist, except for the warriors, who are, as you might've noticed, tribals, and are careful with the people who can ensure tribe's continued survival while in danger of dying out, if they were sexist, he'd have told you to go back in the tent and make him dinner, not tell you you should probably find a safer position in the tribe to fill.
and yes, i dare say i've been playing this mod far longer than you and therefore can 100% say that the only real sexism in the mod, thats not already in the source game, would actually be the whole thing about not becoming a warrior as a female in your tribe, which again, isn't actual Sexism, but SURVIVAL 101
there MIGHT be some comments from NPCs that, if read a specific way, could be sexist in the mod
A: they were much closer to actual born-in-the-wilds tribals than Arroyo which started when the Elder in F2 was a teen, and before that were Vault Dwellers, who therefore had completely different survival methods.
B: The SEVERAL tribes in Honest Heart function DIFFERENTLY from each other, further prooving that Tribes function differently under different circumstance
EXTREME need for any survival
Ohhhhh drama on the mod forums?
don't worry, it's done now, they might reply one last time to me, maybe for each of my messages, but thats all thats gonna happen now, they've been trolling, i fell for it, but i've now backed outsigh..
i do have to reply to this one: I'm more female than you are humanOh and given your arguments, I seriously doubt you're a female, either. Or if you are, you're probably a GF of one of the mod creators.
You're both missing an important point:
It not ONE mod, MIB88 made a collection of smaller older mods, some broken, some not...
And yes, some of the modded dialogues where indeed written by full on MACSETS (mysogynistic and cringy slavic edgelord teens) around 20 years ago... I really don't know what there is to defend about that... sounds like it's personal? xP
You fed the troll. Nice going.
I read everything there. Can't say I was concerned or even interested in any of it. It's a game. So, people can take from it what they want. Interpret things however they wish. Play it. Don't play it. Either way, at the end of the day, I will sleep just fine. No one ever should feel the need to defend the MM.