Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

mysogynistic and cringy slavic edgelord teens

Coming from a Slavic country (Croatia), I've had the displeasure of dealing with those in high school. That usually ended with a schoolyard fight. 90's were an interesting time. :P

And no, I was neither joking or baiting a reaction. I was being honest. Nice to see my suspicions were confirmed though.
I think Gus Tarballs is a radical lesbian.

Oh come on Dumpsey You can do better than that.. a lesbian? Pfff...

Coming from a Slavic country (Croatia), I've had the displeasure of dealing with those in high school. That usually ended with a schoolyard fight. 90's were an interesting time. :P

And no, I was neither joking or baiting a reaction. I was being honest. Nice to see my suspicions were confirmed though.

I was only semi-serious

Although i admit I haven't read your post throughly, and just ass-umed You dislike classic Fallout in general, I have no idea how much MM dialog differs from Vanilla/RP cause I tried to play it once long time ago when the game was constantly crashing after entering temple of trials despite installing everything right. I let it go and haven't came back. It turned out later, that it was a release booger so there was a hotfix soon after, but i really disliked how MM used additional executables to run the game data2.exe or whatever was it back i the day.. Perhaps I'll try it now, since there is no better advertisment to a movie or a game than hearing or reading leftists cry and complain about it..

Anyways Fallout was always catered towards male audience as gamers back in the day were mainly young men.

As I said before, to me, anyone who plays games other than TPP as a female, is a leftist or has a freudistic urge to pretend to be a woman, which in my regard such person could never be right-winged, and should visit a psychiatrist along with people claiming to be one of the other 50 or so virtual sexes.

Although leftists often try to put right-winged worldwievs on a spectrum, like they do with leftwing worldwiews, but it does not compute.

In today's world political spectrum beeing Right-Winged is a pretty narrow space, especially that the left started to pull the worldwiev even further left so that traditional right wing behaviour is wieved as extremism..

Hell in next 20 years we're going to see trannies and self-voulonteered transhumans full of piercings and tatoos claiming to be right winged, and to make matters worse the world will acknowledge them as such, because it has steered so much left off the centric course, that probably communism will be considered far-right-winged, and people such as me will be pushed beyond the acknowledged worldview spectrum as last of us die out of old age as forgotten relicts of the past, with political views marked as unknown/"dragon land" or even equalled with flat earhters or other bullshit..
as for the StoneToss meme the world is not quite there yet but it's obviously heading in that direction.
as for 10st female.. it's like black man asking what's white and is 11 inches long..
the answer is: nothing such thing does not exist in the real world :D
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I had to remove the 1.02 patch to get this mod to work. (deleted the Patch000 file). Otherwise it's crashing at the temple entrance. With the patch removed, the thing works, albeit unstably. Couple that with cringy dialogue, and it's not worth it.

nothing such thing does not exist in the real world


Think again. :P Do you wanna tell her she can't be a warrior, or should I? Actually scratch that, we can leave that to Lucas and watch him get his head ripped off. xD Credits go to my niece for picking out a good pic!
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nah maybe an 7/8st but not 10

10 in my regard is someone like Pudzianowski.

Lifting a couple of dozen of kilograms doesn't make it to 10st, perhaps in the eyes of a weasauce men with st<4 this looks like 10st, Strongman world champions could literally be clad in a Fiat 126 stand up with it on the shoulders, and walk through a park while clad with it.

this is 10st:


Although some, my cousin included, argue Pudzianowski's strength is 13st cause he's a supermutant, not a human :D
They look about the same muscle-mass wise, to me. xD Your national pride for a fellow countryman notwithstanding lol

And that's not a couple dozen kilograms, that looks to me like a 100-so kg dumbbell held in a forward curl. Face it buddy. She's a 10. Tbh that's probably a result of quite a bit of juicing on her part in addition to training but still, a 10.
wait you actually were serious? okay, i do apologize for taking the piss outta you

honestly, when you started saying stuff that just had no connection or was straight up false, i thought you were joking, again, sorry
Apology not needed, but whatever. At least we're past the name-calling stage.

And I haven't said anything that was either false, or had no connection. Everything I said was factual, especially regarding tribal cultures. You can accept it or not, it doesn't change the facts.
A: Honest Heart are a completely different set of tribals who's been tribals longer than Arroyo
B: you tried to add a "Great" to the fact that Vault Dweller is grandfather to Chosen One
C: Woke isn't a political party, you being Right Wing doesn't have anything to do with it
D: The Elder video is completely vanilla, yet there is people in the tribe that doesn't like you anyway in the vanilla
E: The Duntons aren't sexist, because they hate the chosen one and will mock them regardless gender (they are also evil pieces of shit anyway)
F: You can beat the shit out of the NPC's, why would you need a dialog option to just smack them?
G: When i said i play as female you took it as me saying i am one and insulted my femininty, so i insulted your humanity

Yeah, you have said things thats unconnected or false, but as i've said either you were trolling, and i was meeting you at your level
or you were serious and again, i'm sorry for offending you.

Yes the megamod has sexism, there is no denying that
Yes the source game has sexism, there's no denying that either
And even if my debate skill is immature, I have been playing the game series since the 90's, the mods that does most of this is also OLD mods, while Megamod is a COLLECTION of mods and therefore will contain outdated behaviour, at first i was taking the piss because from a BAD logic point there is sense in protecting women, but thats mostly chivalry mixed with sexism and the mod writer for the Warriors was NOT out for the chivalry bits.

as i said i'm not willing to debate it further, you'll either
1: pull up something unconnected again
2: try to degrade me again
which i've already said i won't feed the troll further, so as i said, done
I've apologised for taking the piss out of you when you were apperantly serious, i've not appologized for claiming you that you are factually wrong or dragging in unconnected stuff because you have, as prooven by points A-G

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A: Wrong. Arroyo is as old as Honest Hearts tribes, if not older. The one exception might be the White Legs, but they're more a group of raiders, then a proper tribe.
B: That is a fact. The Chosen One is a great-grandchild of the Vault Dweller. Says so in the game, in several places.
C: I wasn't talking about political parties but ideological leanings. You missed the whole point.
D: There is exactly ONE person who doesn't like the Chosen One in vanilla, and that's Morlis. Then again she doesn't like anyone else, so that's a non-starter.
E: Wrong. In vanilla, they offer you a job, regardless of gender. Only if you reject it do they get uppity. I suggest you replay the game.
F: Again you're missing the point. There should be a dialog option to threaten an NPC if they insult you. Which is sorely lacking in this mod.
G: No, I simply can read. On your bio it says female. Which made me doubt you're being honest, given your view on sexism in this mod.

No, I didn't say one thing that was either unconnected, or false, and your denial of the facts changes nothing. Also again, your apology is irrelevant as I wasn't offended, simply amused by your obstinacy.

The Megamod's level of sexism is orders of magnitude worse then the base game. In the base game, the only people who are overtly sexist are Big Jesus Mordino, and Myron. You could include that midget in the boxing gym, too. And don't bother bringing up Golden Globes, porn studios have nothing to do with sexism. You're offered a job and paid handsomely for it. Ranks in the top 3 best and easiest occupations in the world, IMHO.

Your debating skills are immature, since you continually bring up flawed points. I never once mentioned chivalry or lack of same, since the concept itself is incompatible with tribal culture. The concept of chivalry is closely tied to the Middle Ages and the royal courts, from which it propagated to modern times, where it lost purchase due to modern-day flawed iterations of feminism.

My points are factually correct. I strongly suggest you replay the game and refamiliarise yourself with it before spouting flawed points. Good night.
The "who posts the last wall of text wins" game should stop, and both of you go have a good night. Any further attempt to continue the fruitless argument will be deleted.
already said i won't debate it as long as they post false or unconnected stuff, so you don't hafta worry from me Nova. i don't mind dropping it wholesale

(forgot to write the last sentence, edited to put the sentence in)
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Been playing 2.47.8 and i'm having a blast! Installation went smoothly, just deleted patch000 and done! So far only some ctds, nothing serious. Thanks for this great mod!!

Encountered the following bugs however:

- Dialoge at slaver camp (still?) broken, can't finish Kurisu quest
- black screen when trying to get the car, worked around by saving and loading a lot in various slots, don't know what worked in the end
- Drug recipes learned from Dr. Troy don't show up in the Mr. Fixit Crafting screen.
- Dialoge at slaver camp (still?) broken, can't finish Kurisu quest

I fixed this for the next release. Turns out a file somehow got deleted. Putting slvcc5.int in your data/scripts folder should fix the problem. That file can be found in previous versions of the MM or you can get it here.
Thank you! Just looked it up, there was a slvcc5.int file already. But slvcc4 was missing, got this and it indeed fixed the problem!

Is there maybe a fix for Mr Wright too? I just tried to accept the first wright quest and get a bug similar to the slaver camp.
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Hello everyone.
I will update the installer if possible.
But also, I would like to solve some of the problems of the mod itself.
For example: the locations of Slave Camp, Primitive Tribe, Collyweb and several other locations use a script from Klamath (klatrap.int and klatrap.msg - one script and a text file are used in about 10 locations). If you replace slvcc4.int on klatrap.int in scripts.lst, the Slave Camp will start working (but we immediately find ourselves inside the house). Also, there is a discrepancy between the amount of text and dialogues.Relevant for 2.47.8.
Restore the operation of the helicopter mod and many other things.
I can't get the locations of Carson and BoS from the abbey terminals (only says the usual you fail to learn anything when using the terminals). Also, the "get the information from X" quests at the abbey which are listed in the megamod guide are not there. It's only the quests that are also in the restoration project (fix water pump, deathclaw in basement etc)

Not sure if this is a bug or a gameplay change?
Not sure if this is a bug or a gameplay change?

A change. Those other quests are from the old Abbey. Now they are quests from the Leibowitz Monastery.

Those script changes are a going to be a pain. Good luck. I had been thinking of cleaning them up. Way back when, the only reason I merged the scripts is because I hit a wall of some sort. There was a block of about 30 script lines that, no matter what I did, never had their dialogs fire. All other features of the scripts worked. I guessed it was something with the engine. I'd added a bunch of scripts together and then used the other script lines for scripts that had no dialog. After adding who knows how many scripts, I went back to using one dialog per script and it worked like normal again. I don't remember where that block of bad scripts is exactly... Somewhere around the first Colly scripts, I'd guess. And it's possible I was overlooking something. But, yeah... A pain, I think, to go back and change them now.
Those script changes are a going to be a pain. Good luck. I had been thinking of cleaning them up. Way back when, the only reason I merged the scripts is because I hit a wall of some sort.
I'm not sure. Everything should be easier, because you have new dialog files, scripts too. I think it is necessary to specify the correct number of the script (and in scripts.lst, some are mixed up) and the dialog.
Do you have a set of original mods that are integrated into the Megamode?