I think Gus Tarballs is a radical lesbian.
Oh come on Dumpsey You can do better than that.. a lesbian? Pfff...
Coming from a Slavic country (Croatia), I've had the displeasure of dealing with those in high school. That usually ended with a schoolyard fight. 90's were an interesting time.
And no, I was neither joking or baiting a reaction. I was being honest. Nice to see my suspicions were confirmed though.
I was only semi-serious
Although i admit I haven't read your post throughly, and just ass-umed You dislike classic Fallout in general, I have no idea how much MM dialog differs from Vanilla/RP cause I tried to play it once long time ago when the game was constantly crashing after entering temple of trials despite installing everything right. I let it go and haven't came back. It turned out later, that it was a release booger so there was a hotfix soon after, but i really disliked how MM used additional executables to run the game data2.exe or whatever was it back i the day.. Perhaps I'll try it now, since there is no better advertisment to a movie or a game than hearing or reading leftists cry and complain about it..
Anyways Fallout was always catered towards male audience as gamers back in the day were mainly young men.
As I said before, to me, anyone who plays games other than TPP as a female, is a leftist or has a freudistic urge to pretend to be a woman, which in my regard such person could never be right-winged, and should visit a psychiatrist along with people claiming to be one of the other 50 or so virtual sexes.
Although leftists often try to put right-winged worldwievs on a spectrum, like they do with leftwing worldwiews, but it does not compute.
In today's world political spectrum beeing Right-Winged is a pretty narrow space, especially that the left started to pull the worldwiev even further left so that traditional right wing behaviour is wieved as extremism..
Hell in next 20 years we're going to see trannies and self-voulonteered transhumans full of piercings and tatoos claiming to be right winged, and to make matters worse the world will acknowledge them as such, because it has steered so much left off the centric course, that probably communism will be considered far-right-winged, and people such as me will be pushed beyond the acknowledged worldview spectrum as last of us die out of old age as forgotten relicts of the past, with political views marked as unknown/"dragon land" or even equalled with flat earhters or other bullshit..
as for the StoneToss meme the world is not quite there yet but it's obviously heading in that direction.
as for 10st female.. it's like black man asking what's white and is 11 inches long..
the answer is: nothing such thing does not exist in the real world