I'll add a check to their scripts so you can only get experience once. Regarding the karma issue: should the player really receive positive karma in the situation you describe? Has the player character already been given positive karma by freeing Sulik?
I think this has always been the case. I checked Jorner's guide but it makes no comments on karma. I need to check this. But anyway the amount of karma is too high either way.
Maybe I could just add a fence around the garden? And make it so the plants can't see or shoot through it. Make it locked unless the player has the quest to deal with the plants. Neither Klint nor Smoke will enter then. Also, if the player then chooses to pick the lock (very high chance of success) then they can deal with the consequences of their actions. What do you think?
That would work. It may not even necessary to lock the door. As long as the player does not end up in combat, other than on his own volition (i.e. walking inside) it should be fine. Although the locked door would make sure that the player doesn't wander into it. On the other hand it would mean that a Warrior would have to start Hakunin's quest to kill the plants (and actually before agreeing to become a Warrior, as that cancels Hakunin's quest).
I would like to have a different sprite for Klint. But, I have to be careful. Using the long hair dude, for example, would allow Klint to use all weapons. I don't want that. Plus, I still want him to look like a 'tribal'.
There are some tribal options:
There's NMPRMB(...).(...) in the RP Mod (Cat/African) but he can only use spears.
HMR00S01 _hmwarr(...).(...) from Appearance mod (long hair) (hammer, spear, SMG)
HMR00S02 _hmwarr(...).(...) from Appearance mod (bald) (hammer, spear, SMG)
HMWAR2(...).(...) from FoRes (bald) (uses spear)
HMR001S00 _hmwarr(...).(...) (Dreadlocks/African) (all animations, but you can always simply delete those you don't like)
Sorry, but this is going to be long (I hoard too much)
Take your time! It took a week to test, compile and write it. So you can take a week to read it
Rustle the brahmin
-This quest does not appear in the pip-boy (which may or may not be an oversight).
-The 250 XP for solving the quest (i.e. when reporting back to Sajag) are not displayed in the text window, only the karma loss is (if enabled).
Umbra Tribe: treaty negotiations
- It is possible to repeat the “treaty negotiations” with the Umbra Tribe indefinitely (just hold down 1) and each and every time it gives 1500 XP.
http://www.filedropper.com/slot23negobug (you need to set up the agreement once, then you can repeat it over and over by holding down 1).
Car breakdown
- There is a minor bug when the car breaks down: upon leaving the encounter the player continues to travel with car speed until entering a settlement, however, this is kind of convenient when running to a mechanic

), and second, a bit more serious bug, I managed to have the car break down on the Den circle, which makes the “broken down car” inaccessible.
http://www.filedropper.com/slot45carbug. I had this a couple of times when driving from the Den (Smitty's place) straight to New Reno, however, for some daft reason (tired probably) I saved the “broken down car” over that save. However, it should be easy to reproduce anyway, just take the car from Smitty and go south-east, when the car breaks down quickly it should be on the Den circle (as in the save I submitted).
pro_item.msg has two typos (in bold are the fixes):
{31500}{}{Condom (Green package)}
{31501}{}{This is a Jimmy Hats brand condom, a very reliable brand. This one contains phosphorous green
{31600}{}{Condom (Red Package)}
{31601}{}{This is a Jimmy Hats brand condom, a very reliable brand. This one contains
phosphorous red
Has a typo, the word nephew needs to be cousin (fixed below). Btw, this is actually a vanilla error that's still in the RP Mod.
{203}{}{I'm still looking,
When having Sulik translate Torr's grunts & hollering (aka the sound and fury of the human soul trying to break free from its earthly prison), and ask about more details on rats. The following plays, but the part (in bold) is cut off as it goes beyond the number of characters allowed (that's 899).
original kctorr.msg said:
{254}{}{Oh! Rats, grab-grab! Chuk-chuk, rats! (Well, dear friends, today we are going to talk about rats. Rats (Rattus Fischer) - are a genus of mammals from the mouse family of the class of rodents. The length of their body is 8-30 cm, they have a tail of a similar size, usually covered with sparse short hair. The muzzle is oblong, their eyes are large. There are approximately 68 recorded species. They mainly inhabit tropical and subtropical forests; some (grey, known as Norwegian rats - Rattus norvegicus, and black - Rattus rattus) have spread very widely, their domain following the patterns of domesticated territory. Black rats, which prefer to inhabit the "heights" (attics mostly) have contacted with humans for a very long time. Originally, Norwegian rats, just like grey mice, lived in South-East Asia. And in the 18th century something led them to the conquest of the world, which started with China. The crossing of the Volga river by the masses of rats was observed by shocked Russian witnesses.)}
Either you need to add another line (255?) or shorten it to (changes in bold):
fix kctorr.msg said:
{254}{}{Oh! Rats, grab-grab! Chuk-chuk, rats! (Well, dear friends, today we are going to talk about rats. Rats (Rattus Fischer) are a genus of mammals from the mouse family of the class of rodents. The length of their body is 8-30 cm, they have a tail of a similar size, usually covered with sparse short hair. The muzzle is oblong, their eyes are large. There are approximately 68 recorded species. They mainly inhabit tropical and subtropical forests; some (grey, known as Norwegian rats - Rattus norvegicus, and black - Rattus rattus) have spread very widely, their domain following the patterns of domesticated territory. Black rats, which prefer to inhabit the "heights" (attics mostly) have contacted with humans for a very long time. Originally, Norwegian rats, just like grey mice, lived in South-East Asia. But in the 18th century, shocked Russians were able to watch them cross the Volga in mass.)}
I tested it and it's exactly on point (899 characters) (in fact, I had to remove a space and minus sign to fit it all in, but that's OK as the commas made it superfluous anyway). However, it removes the “China” and “conquer” reference but it may be self-explanatory. And it cuts down the joke a bit as its now an explaining metaphor, rather than an afterthought.
And another option, more matter-of-fact would be:
...in South-East Asia.
It was in the 18th century,
when they started their conquest of the worl
You may consider to use this rewrite, as it makes the riddle a bit clearer. At least to me. The first time I failed because I didn't understand what I was supposed to do (i.e. chose a number of coins from each bag, and then weigh them together).
original acslik.msg said:
{440}{}{Listen. Here are three bags. Each bag contains five coins, but one of them is filled with fake ones. Real coin weights 3 grams, fakes - only 2. How can you find out which bag contains fake coins using these scales? You can take the coins out of the bag, mix them, but you can weigh them only once. Just once. Is that clear?}
Suggestion (changes are in bold):
fix acslik.msg said:
{440}{}{Listen. Here are three bags. Each bag contains five coins, but one of them is filled with fake ones. Real coin weights 3 grams, fakes - only 2. How can you find out which bag contains fake coins using these scales? You can take coins from each bag, mix them, and then weigh them all together once. Just once. Is that clear?}
Sexpert (SP)/Gigolo (G) seem to be messed up. My guess is is that some of the new content triggers SP, while old one still triggers G. And while I was at it (no pun intended), I also assigned Virgin of the Wastes (VW) to all saves and tested that (same thing: new content that triggers SP, removes VW, old content that triggers G (doesn't). There is only one exception; the Rave (oddly enough). Anyway, it may not take much to fix this (and include VW if wanted). For example, I run the scripts dcbilly & dcjoey from RP, and that alone switches it from “G” to “SP & VW removed”, so all it may need is to copy that section of the script and paste it in the old ones (right...?). Anyway, here is a list of all encounters I'm aware of (VW is only mentioned when removed): Shania/Arroyo (SP & VW removed). Trapper encounter (female on a specific male (one bald in leather armour, who appears to use EcTrapr2) is SP & VW removed, but any other case (i.e. male, or female on other males/females) is G as they appear to use EcTrappr) (note: that EcTrapr2 appears not to work properly, especially with males, see the open office document in the save folder). Bathhouse/Klamath (full body wash & Jenny (or Emily if enabled) are all G) (hand-wipe is G, but should probably not count as sex, see Cat's Paw BJ option), Emily as lover (G), work at bathhouse (doesn't count, which is OK as it's probably a hand-wipe job only), replace Jenny and work properly at bathhouse (triggers both SP & G, which is appropriate. However, they need to be switched around, i.e. G is guaranteed and SP only if scoring a rating of 9+). Krom (SP & VW removed). Den: Joey (G), Billy (G), Metzger (SP & VW removed), Sheila at the Hole (G), Karl (nothing, but should count as sex, you may check RP mod, which should have this fixed). Rave Party encounter (G & VW removed (oddly enough)). Leyla/Colly (nothing, but should count as sex). Miria (G), Davin (G). Amanda/VC (G), Phyllis (does not count, which is correct). Francis (SP & VW removed). Fannie Mae (SP & VW removed). Cat's Paw (Oral (does not count, which is correct), sex (SP & VW removed), talk (does not count, which is correct), special (SP & VW removed)), Little Jesus (G), Porn Star (G) (audition-failed counts but can't assign G because (scoring a 9+) is the requirement to pass the screen test (although it may be possible to fudge this: KSM, SA, CH8, ST10 and either EN or AG of 8+ while the other is below 8, should fail but trigger G (tested and it's correct))), Fluffer (does not count, which is correct), Mrs. Bishop (G), Angela (G), T-Ray (G), Myron (SP & VW removed). And that's all I've tested. I think each G should trigger SP instead (just as RP Mod did, otherwise marrying Miria/Davin may trigger Gigolo which feels wrong: “Monogamy Gigolo”)).
Other stuff (repetition for convenience): replacing Jenny needs to switch G & SP around, the hand-wipe/Klamath needs to be set to no-sex (not as important yet, but may when including Virgin of the Wastes), EcTrapr2 may need fixing (see document), and Karl/Den and Leyla/Colly need to count as sex.
Btw, you can check gvar 358 for “how many times” and gvar 194 for “how much it got rated” (194 is the total but I've set all saves to 0).
Adjusting the old scripts shouldn't cause any problems (after all both G & SP have no effect in-game, as they are only representatives of an effect (scoring a 9+ on the sex-rating) or behaviour (having repeatedly sex). At least I'm not aware that they are used for anything else.
Encounters that may/should exist but that I haven't tested are: Miss Kitty (I tried but couldn't shoehorn my way into the end-game, but it may trigger SP anyway, as the whole “Cat's Paw” seems adjusted), Robert Baron (from RP (Vault Village), the text is there but appears not be included?), Dex (EPA, from RP (EpaC10), appears not be included?) and Lao Chou (from RP (info on submarine), the text is there but appears not be included?). However all those are from the RP Mod anyway and should already be set to trigger SP.
I think this should finalize the switch from G to SP (as RP did) unless I missed new stuff particular to MM. And once done it would also allow to implement VW, if wanted.
Here are the saves (bigger package, VW is assigned to all cases and all saves are “edited” to trigger SP/G (rating of 9+) so you can test if changes trigger properly etc. You have to go through the dialogues though, hope you know your way around, it's not always obvious and guides often pass over it):
Losing to Francis should add +1 EN (it says so in the text window), but it actually reduces 1 point of EN (bug). You can test in the saves above but you'll need to reduce EN first (F12se). I tested it and it reduces EN once, and then not again. If I have EN 10 it gets skipped, which is correct, as 10 is maximum. I like this as this +1 EN may actually help to win the next time (if the req. are still the same as in vanilla) so this feature is kind of cool.
During the marriage ceremony (Modoc), Davin & Jo keep looking in the wrong direction (there is always one when taking a picture, isn't there).
Looking at Sheila (Den) with the binocular triggers an error message. I checked it and it's because her new msg changed that line to 110 (I think), while in the original it was 150 and the script still seems to look for that removed line. When I switched 110 to 150 the message would play. However, I don't know what the best method is, as Sheila has currently not implemented content. However, you may simply paste the original 150 line into her msg for now (perhaps with a comment that it's just a placeholder). I did that and it works. Here is how the top of my DcSheila.msg looks like:
DcSheila.msg said:
{100}{}{You see a prostitute.}
#This line is a temporarily placeholder until her new script is fully implemented
{150}{}{This is your usual, run of the mill, prostitute.}
{110}{}{A typical run of the mill prostitute, wearing way too much makeup to obscure the fact she's not very attractive.}
{111}{}{She's smiling and having a good time.}
{112}{}{As usual, Sheila looks exhausted and about twenty years older than she really is.}
{113}{}{Whenever anyone isn't looking, she glares and sneers at you.}
{114}{}{She looks you over from head to toe and shakes her head in disgust.}
….etc. etc...
I believe Miria should use the 500 line in DcBilly after being pimped, but the Miria mod (?) seems to prevent that, and plays a standard conversation piece, which is a bit unfortunate as it takes the edge off the situation. If possible try to restore that as she should be revolted. I think it's important that actions have consequences, and she shouldn't just gloss over it with casual conversation.
The same applies to the Fluffer option. It should play the 1200 line in NcCorBro.msg (for Davin & Miria) but doesn't, it again plays a casual response that disappears within a second.
Perhaps it is possible to shoehorn the trigger from the original scripts (DcBilly & NcCorBro) into the new Davin & Miria ones?
Miria & Davin do not switch back to “naked” (i.e. their original state) when taking their armour off. However, this may be considered an improvement as they switch to a hero model and look less goofy. However, not sure how I feel about this, as looking like the PC-Dude makes them look less unique. Then again, it's more of a hot-fix anyway, until they get their own armour models eventually (...in a galaxy far, far away).
Sulik' dialogue screen (face animation) goes to a black screen when wearing leather jacket.
The Gecko pelts at the Dunton's place, and the pelts found in Trapper Town (locked room) don't stack (different script?). However, Slim has no problem to accept 3 of each, so nvm.
And you may want to add the new appearance mod options:
And Foxx made a few fixes to the existing ones:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yJbymGlqbIZPlJw7i4qODxgA5sA-KtL7 (but, see also below, where I put together a download with only the adjusted frms which should make inclusion easier)
Here is a list of frms errors I'm aware of (I tried to test most but I may have made a few mistakes, especially regarding Lightsabers, and I may make an update, but I post this for now, as it's getting too long again):
- HaEnroAN.(...) & HaEnroAO.(...) “may” need to switch their ending (i.e. AN is AO and vice versa). Although I'm not really sure. AN looks like getting hit, and AO like a dodge. However I can't tell what AP is (getting hit or dodge?). Normally, AN is dodge & AO & AP are getting hit (front & back), but perhaps it got switched around in FoTactics? Note: It's the same with MaArde(...).(...). So apparently FoT did this differently. Does this translate to Fo2? In my experience it shouldn't, as the game should use AN for dodge and AO & AP for getting hit (front & back). Same with HaFoTP(...).(...). Also with MaBot2, MaKomo, MaRat4, MaRch1 and MaRch2, but it's less obvious with monsters. If this is an issue, perhaps use AN for both AO & AP and use either (AO or AP, whatever looks better) for AN in all cases listed? I tested it in game and cockroaches play the dodge animation when hit (duck; AO/AP) and not the hit animation (jerk up and back; AN).
- HaEnro(...).(...) is also missing placeholders (sword & saber, i.e. it needs a renamed set of D (Knife) for both). When I tested the Environment Armour with sword & saber it bugged out (btw, looks like walking around in an old, heavy diver-suit, weird at first but then kind of appropriate).
- HaFoTP(...).(...) is missing placeholders (sword & saber, i.e. a renamed set of D (Knife)).
- HaPow2(...).(...) P (rifle) is a placeholder. And placeholders for O & S (Saber) & Q (Sword) are missing. However, this model fights with „Helmet On“, so I think you may take all those frms (scoped rifle, saber, sword) from (HaPowr(...).(...)) and combine them with HaPow2PC.(...) & ...PD, ...VC & ...VD (for O, saber) & ...WC & ...WD (for sword Q). Only saber (red) isn't covered (has no “put helmet” on animation) & may need to use HaPow2D...).(...) (aka Knife) as placeholder, although those doesn't have the “helmet” animation either. So you may also use (the green saber (O) instead?), whatever is considered the lesser evil).
- HfMetlQA.(...) This one wears Combat instead Metal armour. However, fixing this one may be more tricky. A temporary fix may be to use HfMetlDA.(...) (aka Knife), but it may look weird.
- HfJmps(...).(...) has no placeholder for S. However, as O is just a placeholder, too you may simply copy those and adjust their endings (from O to S). Actually, when I tested this the green lightsaber (O) bugged out while the red one (S) worked (knife animation). Not sure if that is missing animations or the settings of MM (note: according to the pro files the weapon animation settings are switched, i.e. the green one is set to S and the red one to O).
- HmBMetlLA.(...) should be HmBMetlIA.(...), typo (i.e. replace the ending LA with IA).
- HmLthrOC.(...) is incomplete (no putting on of headband). However, you may use HmLthrVC.(...) (Unless the omission is on purpose to speed up the weapon drawing animation. Although QC (sword) plays out the complete animation).
- HmMaxxOC.(...) may use HmMaxxVC.(...) same as before.
- HmMetlOC.(...) may use HmMetlVC.(...) again
- HmJmps(...).(...) has no placeholder for S. However, as O is just a placeholder, too you may simply copy those and adjust their endings (from O to S). Actually, when I tested this the green lightsaber (O) bugged out while the red one (S) worked (knife animation). Not sure if that is missing animations or the settings of MM (note: according to the pro files the weapon animation settings are switched, i.e. the green one is set to S and the red one to O).
- NAVGULQB.(...) may be replaced by NAVGULDB.(...) so both move faster.
- NMBONCPB.(...) may be replaced by NMBONCJB.(...) so both move faster.
- NMBRSRPB.(...) may be replaced by NMBRSRJB.(...) so both move faster.
- NMCACA(...).(...) misses RA, RB & RO, perhaps he needs placeholders from HmCmbt to avoid issues? And it misses G (spear), which is not a big problem, but probably a big problem to fix (lol).
- NMCALJ(...).(...) may lose I (SMG, 10 frms), K (Large Rifle, 10 frms), L (Minigun, 8 frms) and M (Rocket Launcher, 8 frms) as Cassidy isn't supposed to use those types of weapons. You can simply remove these. Should you ever want them back you can plunder the Appearance mod frms, they are exactly the same.
- NMCANA(...).(...) is using I (SMG) instead J (Rifle) & P (Scoped Rifle). However, NmCana is oddly unique (naked with black pants) and I would not simply delete the frms, but save them (i.e. instead removing, rename them to “old etc.”. At least I'm not aware of another mod that included these. Or keep them for the time being as this version of Cassidy can't use a rifle, so the SMG is a substitute of some sort.
- NMCOPPPB.(...) may be replaced by NMCOPPJB.(...) so both move faster.
- NMFATTPB.(...) & NMFATTQB.(...) may be replaced by NMFATTJB.(...) & NMFATTDB.(...) so both move faster.
- NMGANGPB.(...) & NMGANGQB.(...) may be replaced by NMGANGJB.(...) & NMGANGDB.(...) so both move faster.
- NMMEXIPB.(...) & NMMEXIQB.(...) may be replaced by NMMEXIJB.(...) & NMMEXIDB.(...) so both move faster.
- NMMYCA(...).(...) is missing the Q (sword) placeholder (i.e. you need to rename copies of D (knife) to Q, otherwise he won't use the Wakizashi. At least that's my experience in RP. I tested it in MM and he won't use the Wakizashi, but equip a Combat Knife). (same applies to MYRNCA(...).(...) but that one may not be used anymore).
- NMMYPA(...).(...) is also missing the Q placeholder and he has too many animations (E (Club, 7 frms), F (Hammer, 7 frms), G (spear, 7 frms), I (SMG, 9 frms), J (Rifle, 9 frms), K (large Rifle, 10 frms), L (minigun, 8 frms), M (Rocket launcher, 8 frms) can be removed). However, this is a bit debatable as putting Myron into Power Armour enabling him to use Energy Weapons (Plasma Rifle etc.) is an interesting upgrade for the character. However, the others may be removed, as they are all default power armour, so no particular reason to preserve them.
- NMMYRNQB.(...) may be replaced by NMMYRNDB.(...) so both move faster.
- NMOLDDPB.(...) may be replaced by NMOLDDJB.(...) so both move faster.
- NMRGNGPB.(...) & NMRGNGQB.(...) may be replaced by NMRGNGJB.(...) & NMRGNGDB.(...) so both move faster.
- NmSulaAO.(...) is missing, it seems. You may use AP as a place holder, even though he should jerk in the other direction when hit. And NmSulaBP.fr0, NmSulaBP.fr1 & NmSulaBP.fr2 may be the wrong frms (note: as the others (fr3 to fr5) are the correct ones this may not take that much to fix?). And NMmSulaBO.fr4 & NmSulaBO.fr5 may be shifty (check out RP mod, for the last two those may fix it if there is an issue).
- NMVIPA(...).(...) has too many animations (E (Club, 7 frms), F (Hammer, 7 frms), G (spear, 7 frms), I (SMG, 9 frms), K (large Rifle, 10 frms), L (minigun, 8 frms), M (Rocket launcher, 8 frms) can be removed). However, this is a bit debatable as putting Vic into Power Armour enabling him to use Energy Weapons (Plasma Rifle etc.) is an interesting upgrade for the character. However, the others may be removed, as they are all default power armour, so no particular reason to preserve them.
- HFR00S01 Foxx switched BA & BB, BD to BN and BO & BP from 1 frm to 6, as otherwise the default will be used apparently. (Fixes by Foxx:
- HFR00S01 has three misnames: 3 cases in _hfmetl(...).(...) are missing an „l“ and it needs to be added to _hfmet(...)Qg, _hfmet(...)Qm and _hfmet(...)Se, although the last should be superfluous.
- HFR00S02 Foxx switched BA & BB, BD to BN and BO & BP from 1 frm to 6, as otherwise the default will be used apparently. (Fixes by Foxx:
- HMR00S01: _hmlthrOC.(...) is incomplete (no putting on of headband). However, you may use HmLthrVC.(...) (Unless the omission is on purpose to speed up the weapon drawing animation. Although QC is complete). And _hmmaxxOC.(...) may use HmMaxxVC.(...) same as before. And _hmmetlOC.(...) may use HmMetlVC.(...) again.
- Of the New Appearance models HFR00S03 (punk girl): _hfjmps(...).(...) has problems using the green light saber, but the red one works (knife animation). Not sure if that is missing animations or the settings of MM (note: according to the pro files the weapon animation settings are switched, i.e. the green one is set to S and the red one to O). And at this point it seems as if MM can't play the special saber animations (SH, SI & SJ), only the knife swings (OG) and throwing attacks (AS) work.
- And you actually may have to add the respective DM animation (throwing a knife) as a placeholder to all Saber animations (S & O) or the option to throw the Lightsaber may not be available, I think (and I thought wrong, see update). That's: HAENRO(...).(...), HAFOTP(...).(...), HANPWR(...).(...), HAPOW2(...).(...), HAPOWR(...).(...), HAROBE(...).(...), HFCMBT(...).(...), HFJMPS(...).(...), HFLTHR(...).(...), HFMAXX(...).(...), HFMETL(...).(...), HMCMBT(...).(...), HMJMPS(...).(...), HMLTHR(...).(...), HMMAXX(...).(...), HMMETL(...).(...) UPDATE: Actually I've tested it and it is possible to throw the weapon (apparently the model uses AS), so that means the weapon is thrown, but not lost (as DM probably would). So this is not an error but a design decision. However, I tested the Lightsaber with HmMaxx and it should have all frms needed but I can't attack (swing, aka OJ or SJ) with either version and only throwing & knife placeholder work. So there must be something wrong here. For starters it seems that weapon animation of the green saber (Obi-Wan) is set to S, and of the red saber (empress) to O, which needs to be switched, as the frms are O (green) & S (red).
- Last there are a few old ones I think (HmPowr, HmRobe, MyrnCa & MyrnPa) and they may be renamed to “old HmPowr” etc. to clean it up a little.