Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

Another one (hurray!, I guess :roll:): You may use the enlarged death animations from Fixt (that's (BE, BH, BJ, BK, BN, RE, RH, RJ & RK) for MAMTNT(...).(...) & MAMTN2(...).(...).

You may also update some death animations, for example Fixt added a few to Power Armour (used the same as for mutants just enlarged (but only to medium size). Anyway, I believe those can be used for any Power Armour (Advanced (HANPWR) and without helmet (NAPOWR)) as they are “neutral” animations (aka all burnt, fried, cooked, lightened up, chicken winged, toast).

There are more options. I posted this before (frm archive) but it may not be up anymore, so here is another version of the spreadsheet I use to navigate frms: http://www.filedropper.com/falloutcritterfrmsv02 (this version has a few typos fixed)

Just select all, unmerge and sort and you should be able to check if any mod out there added a new frm to an existing set (like RP added MAMURTBH.(...) but it is included in MM). Anyway, that's how I put together my frm feedback for MM. And if you want you can check it for new frms to add to MM, like the PA of Fixt etc. (just sort (by type then armour) and compare).
Hi. I sky rocket most of the conversation but i have addition on that defend farm against Mezers mans. So I dint know if it was answered.
I think that disappearance of the attackers weapons are on purpose.
Look at this. It will give the player a to good advantage on early game, for low price.
I think if there will be a add-on to the end quest line like: "Sorry. We will take the weapons, because we need something better like this pipe rifles, for our defence on our trip. But here I give you that promised weapon, some ammo, and some cash." So it will clear the confusion.
I found a way to look into scripts (aka open int files). And I went and have a look if it's really as simple as I thought.

I made some notes and found a few more (minor) bugs (DcBilly.int, DcBilly.msg, DcMetzge.int, McKarl.int, NcKitty.int, NcCorBro.int, vcNancy.int) and a more severe one (Leyla.int). If you haven't already this may help to make the fixes (probably some repetition of the obvious, but still): http://www.filedropper.com/feedback

Anyway, I hope this solves more issues than it creates.
Some elements of MM are not yet adjusted to the three Fallout genders (male, female & dumb).
I went and checked the Colly dialogue.
I appreciate that implementing a dumb version (and female alternatives) is a lot of work, but in several cases it may be possible to just tweak the msg a little and fix it that way.
I did that and listed all gender references I found in the document, as well as a few simple options to fix the text.
Eventually it will need to implement all three Fallout genders (male, female and dumb), but for now, you may go over the document, include the simple msg adjustments (if you agree with them) and keep the rest of the document for later when there is time to implement the two other genders (female & dumb) fully. Which probably takes a bit (female) or a lot (dumb) more time.
However, I believe Colly can be a lot of fun for a dumb character (Humphrey, Grizzley's kid (playmate), the red haired kid, Leyla feeling sorry for the simple “chosen-one” and so on.)
Currently everything is just “Err...”, when surviving Humphrey and his gang.
I've also listed a few typos as well as two minor bugs (NcCorBro.int (bug) and Josie.int (a removed option?)) I found.

Guys, can you upload the last version of Megamod files in a host ?

I cant find the last version because this was deleted! and because this, I cant play fallout 2 again :(

Thanks very much!
I am new to the Megamod and I absolutely love it! Great Work!

However, I am stuck in the Abbey, as I cannot find the secret room and brother William in the basement. I have been searching the walls in the north-east corner of the basement........cant find anything yet. Any idea how to find this secret room?
->Trapper Town
->Person: "a pretty young lady"

I can talk with her, I can offer her to join the bath business but refused because we dont know each other enough.
So I talk with her, flirt with her until I reach the dialog with 2 options:

->[She tries to keep her distance] Honey, Your so sweet... But I got married not so long ago...This all went to far...

1.So? We both like this game, so why should we stop?
2.Your are married.Yeah you are right there.

I try to pick option 1 but it always stays with the same dialog...only option 2 is working...Please, for the god of chads, let me have my way with this wahmen
I love the mod ! But I think some items are underused and needs some rework.

Something that can increase Sequence, Armor Class and Critical Chance are needed.
For example : Nuka Cola adds +10 Sequence, Psycho adds +10 AC, and Jet adds 10% critical chance (not really lore friendly but addiction is really underused by players).

Anyway love the mod, love the community.
->Slaver Camp

Once Im there and talked with the leader of this group, I get a key to the house on the right site to get some slaves for metzger. Once I try to open the cage It chashes. Tried it with my group and alone, still crashes.
Marcus not speaking and unresponsive after talking with him about sterility issue with mutants.

After much experimentation, i found out that by changing the value of his 5th and 6th local variable to 0 using a save editor will solve the problem.
Is the secret room still there in the Abbey or has it been removed in previous patches? Can I still join the Abbey?
Marcus not speaking and unresponsive after talking with him about sterility issue with mutants.

After much experimentation, i found out that by changing the value of his 5th and 6th local variable to 0 using a save editor will solve the problem.

Thanks. I will look into this.

->Slaver Camp

Once Im there and talked with the leader of this group, I get a key to the house on the right site to get some slaves for metzger. Once I try to open the cage It chashes. Tried it with my group and alone, still crashes.

I've never tried using it on the gate. I always talk to the prisoners inside. I'll test this out and see if I can replicate the issue.

Is the secret room still there in the Abbey or has it been removed in previous patches? Can I still join the Abbey?

The newer Abbey from the RP has been added. What used to the Abbey in the MM is now called the Liebowitz Monastery. And that secret door is still there. And you can still become a member of that faction (Liebowitz Monastery)... but not the Abbey.
Thanks. I will look into this.

I've never tried using it on the gate. I always talk to the prisoners inside. I'll test this out and see if I can replicate the issue.

The newer Abbey from the RP has been added. What used to the Abbey in the MM is now called the Liebowitz Monastery. And that secret door is still there. And you can still become a member of that faction (Liebowitz Monastery)... but not the Abbey.
Err.... So, basically there are two versions of Abbey on the world map?