So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

If they think that they should not have to go through due process to come into this country then they are breaking the law.
If they know full well that they are coming into the US illegally and still do so, they knowingly break the law.
If they break the law then it shows they have no regard or do not respect said law. Just as people on the ships get deported back, so should illegals who "hop the fence". Thousands if not more people want to come to America everyday and every one of em for good reasons. However, no matter how good of a reason, one still needs to observe due process.
Second, why does not working equate to not eating? Is there some reason why the illegals cannot work in Mexico? Is there a reason they cannot move from the poorer rural areas into the cities and make their living there while they wait for their turn to get into the US? Is Mexico some kind of evil place where somehow jobs just don't exist? Is the US the only country in the world where people won't starve?
I have a feeling that jobs do exist in Mexico. However, working in the US just pays better. Is this a reason for illegally entering a country? I don't believe so.
Welsh says we should help our fellow man. If he needs support then we should give it. Well heck, why not just open the borders then. If your starving and poor, come to America. If your suffering under an oppressive regime, come to America. If you simply don't like the pay your getting in your home country and want to make more money, come to America. If your poor and cannot afford to come to this country, no problem. The wonderful US citizens will pay so that YOU may come here for free. This is the land of milk and honey and everyone gets a share in the goodness.
I mean why bother make jumping through the hoops easier when clearly having no hoops to jump through in the first place works better. Why have immigration checks at all? I hope I am not the only who sees thi slippery slope here.
As I have said time and tme again, legal immigration is wonderful. The problem I have is people use the reasons for LEGALLY immigrating to support ILLEGALLY immigrating to the US, which is still bullshit.
If they know full well that they are coming into the US illegally and still do so, they knowingly break the law.
If they break the law then it shows they have no regard or do not respect said law. Just as people on the ships get deported back, so should illegals who "hop the fence". Thousands if not more people want to come to America everyday and every one of em for good reasons. However, no matter how good of a reason, one still needs to observe due process.
Second, why does not working equate to not eating? Is there some reason why the illegals cannot work in Mexico? Is there a reason they cannot move from the poorer rural areas into the cities and make their living there while they wait for their turn to get into the US? Is Mexico some kind of evil place where somehow jobs just don't exist? Is the US the only country in the world where people won't starve?
I have a feeling that jobs do exist in Mexico. However, working in the US just pays better. Is this a reason for illegally entering a country? I don't believe so.
Welsh says we should help our fellow man. If he needs support then we should give it. Well heck, why not just open the borders then. If your starving and poor, come to America. If your suffering under an oppressive regime, come to America. If you simply don't like the pay your getting in your home country and want to make more money, come to America. If your poor and cannot afford to come to this country, no problem. The wonderful US citizens will pay so that YOU may come here for free. This is the land of milk and honey and everyone gets a share in the goodness.
I mean why bother make jumping through the hoops easier when clearly having no hoops to jump through in the first place works better. Why have immigration checks at all? I hope I am not the only who sees thi slippery slope here.
As I have said time and tme again, legal immigration is wonderful. The problem I have is people use the reasons for LEGALLY immigrating to support ILLEGALLY immigrating to the US, which is still bullshit.