Sorry if I missed any notes on this; a Google site-search didn't raise this, and I've not the time to go through 96 pages looking for it atm. Before I go on, thanks MIB88, Killap and all the others who made this excellent mod possible. You're an inspiration to us all. Now, on to the meat of the issue..
A "master trader" attacked me at 1:30am as I was going to Vic's place in Klamath. I had done nothing to infuriate anyone (not talked to anyone outside Arroyo) and my karma is 18. The guy was off the side of the map below Vic's place as he is seen on the map editor. Why is he angry enough to initiate combat with me and say the usual negative random-encounter comments for traders like "Go Away", "Leave us", "Unclean", and "We don't like your kind around here"?
The strangest thing is that I cannot right-click to get a "crosshair" cursor to attack at all. Klint kills him for me, and I get a 10mm Colt earlier in the game than I probably should. I have a save-file I could send you if you'd like to see it for yourself, in case I screwed something up.
FYI, this is in 2.32 and I simply removed my data directory and unrar'ed the new files over the old ones I had, no patch.dat files left. Running in 32-bit XP, and the only settings I changed from default in the directx ini file were to run in windowed mode and 1280x1024.
Finally, I notice that Lucas in Arroyo trains in Unarmed and Melee, but aren't his minimum requirements of 70/60 respectively a little too extreme? So early in the game I doubt that anyone who hasn't tagged these skills will get it high enough, and if they haven't tagged it then why would they bother? Or is that the point? Would you consider this bad for play balance? I simply don't recall enough quests raising these in the original game, especially early enough where they actually matter for a character designed for non-Melee game.
Perhaps a small mod could be constructed to have him ask for Golden Gecko pelts you've skinned instead, even if you don't get the additional skinning benefit? I could see him "impressed" by that as much as 70/60 in those skills. If it's deemed "too much work" I suppose I could find the time to do some modding in the near-future. But my thesis is taking up my time right now, and it's bad enough that I'm letting myself get distracted with the amazing work you've already done