@Dude101: The deal with making the whole proto folder was something I added as a result of the strange hit points with NPCs and other random crashes. When those protos only were set to read only, files were still being created inside those folders, and they were screwing with the mod. As soon as I set the whole thing to read-only, those random files were no longer created, and my game ran a lot smoother.
@ Nemiah: You can't bash or screw my image...I am not worried about that. I welcome bug reports. And never apologize for your English. So, that said:
Nemiah said:
1 -st of all, the "error" message on pipboy is present (at least in my game)
Yes, someone else already reported this. I thought I had found the source and corrected it (it is a carryover from the EPA mod). I am still looking into this.
Nemiah said:
» if I try to lockpick certain doors, the game crashes (eg Klamath, the locked door in the room behind Sulik)
You said 'doors'...which other doors are doing this?
Nemiah said:
» » the hunting rifles sold in Den by the "thieves patron" merchant (forgot the name, is in the middle of east side, the one with lots of addicts sleeping inside the building) are not working
I need you to be more specific. What about them doesn't work?
Nemiah said:
» » the nuka-cola machines are not working either
Again, which ones? There are a lot of these.
Nemiah said:
» some random encounters with caves are giving me empty caves - there is nothing inside, are only the caves but no creatures inside.
I don't know if this is even a bug. Can anyone else confirm this? Are there some locations where there are caves to enter, but no critters inside? It makes sense that not every cave has critters...
Nemiah said:
» sound seems to be messed up, I have to play with the volume adjustment all the time
That sounds like a personal problem to me. Seriously, you need to check out your own system. There is nothing in the mod which isn't already in the unmodded game that would mess with your sound.
Nemiah said:
» » even Sulik is supposed to be the brainless-beserker-fighter, the newly aquired friendly Klint makes him as useful as a 5-th wheel at a car. Compared to Klint, Sulik is lazy and coward, even they have exactly the same equipment and custom settings. I tried to look in AI.txt and party.txt but I wasn't able to figure out a way to make Sulik more active.
Not a bug, obviously. Klint is modeled after Sulik. However, feel free to mod these characters however you want. I never changed Sulik. And Klint is the model created by Dodger. I don't know what to tell you here, other than if you find one character more useful than the other, then only take the one you like.
Nemiah said:
» I know is part of NewVision mod, but the most logical step would be to buy corn from Sam in Klamath for the village, like in Fallout 1 you bought water for Vault13, not to find a solution applicable at the next harvest.
Not a bug. Take this up with TeamX.
Nemiah said:
» Bunker 21 is too easy to reach, too close of Arroyo (you get good weapons too soon in game) and have way too much equipment available.
This was a location mod created by Lich. I thought of changing this stuff around at some point and making it more relevant. And Chris Parks and I have discussed this location as well. However, I haven't had that chance yet to do anything with this. But, the really easy fix is for you just not to go there until later in the game.
Nemiah said:
» according to readme's, this mod was supposed to make the game harder. At present time, on "tough" dificulty and "rough" combat, only with Klint and Sulik in party, there is nothing that can beat me on the map, and I'm level 14. I did not reached SF yet, hell, I did not even reached Reno. I'm not bragging, but I don't think is ok to wipe floors with enclave soldiers at that level. Maybe there is a way to increase the difficulty a bit? (but not by pumping the initiative of the enemies so they can shot you 1-st no matter what or by giving them all area_attack weapons)
Also not a bug. The only mod that even said anything about making the game harder is the New Vision 2 mod, because it now includes the New Year mod. That mod changed the amount of ammo in the game, changed some of the special encounters, and changed the sniper rifle. Nothing really major. And those other mods definitely weren't added to make the game harder. I will consider this, but there are other things I intend to do first way before I get to this one. However, if you are finding the enemies to easy, then I suggest you do what I said above, and stop going to Bunker 21 to load up on heavy equipment.
Nemiah said:
» PS There is any way to have only: Klint, Killap & Seraph patches, Armor Changing, Fixed Worldmap, Mr. Fixist mods?
Because I LOVE the NewVision mod, but when you leave/finish it and return to the normal game you feel like you lost something. I mean now are lots of quests in the begining thanks to TeamX , and very less after. Frustrating. You keep looking for them, even you know are not there.
I don't understand this. Are you saying that you want New Vision 2 along with those things you mentioned above? Or just those items above without New Vision 2? I suppose it doesn't matter, because the answer is the same. There is a way to do this. Ready? Learn to mod! That's what I did!

Seriously, this started off as a huge undertaking for me, something that was just for me originally. It isn't easy to just go through and take out this piece or that piece. I wasn't making this for others. However, you have given me an idea. You know, maybe I could take requests and make custom mods. Of course, such an undertaking would be time consuming. And might require some sort of...compensation. Hmmm...