Military discussion thread


Me and zegh8578 just had an interesting chat about the role of MBT's (main battle tanks) on the battle field today and what will become of them. Talks about military stuff are cool, so if anybody wants to discuss military matters, here I am.
I guess I can fire off some contribution by re-posting my fanatical MS-Paint gun-project :V
As with many similar obsessive-compulsive projects, it started strong - then died off just as strong :D
But, fun while it lasted. And a bit tiresome :D
Every year that goes by I am more disappointed in myself for not telling my parents to go to hell and joining the military. (Sergeant Bowman, I am so sorry.). Now I'm old and broke down and tied down to a family.

Met some Civil Air Patrol people at the town fair this summer--the last vestige of Civil Defense, sorta Air Force Auxiliary. They said I should sign up; I said "You'd HAVE me?" They were like, "Yeah, evenings and weekends."

...And I haven't called them because most people start when they're still in high school and most older members are pilots with planes. I am terrified that I have nothing, absolutely nothing to bring to the table. I would absolutely love to learn military courtesy and protocol and help in some way and be proud of that but I'm such a f*ckup I'd probably poke my eye out trying to salute.
You should go for it. Military appreciates any talent they can get, the basics are really simple. Only reason I´m not in it is because I´m lazy :shrug:
Normandy Tank Museum in France is selling its collection in the next month:
Including WW2 armored vehicles.
More than 40 armored vehicles, along with thousands of military items used during World War II and dozens of mannequins in full battle dress, will be sold on September 18 by Artcurial, a Paris-based luxury auction house. The sale will be held in Catz, a town a few kilometers from Normandy’s Utah beach, where the Allies landed to liberate German-occupied northwestern Europe in June 1944.
Seems that project of European army united under one HQ is getting a little closer to realisation:
The Franco-German initiative was reportedly cooked up between Von der Leyen and Le Drian in the margins of the Nato summit in Warsaw in July and is to be discussed at an EU summit, which will take place without the UK, in Bratislava on Friday.

Call it a close support weapon. Tanks can still have explosive armour, rockets, and all the other shiny shit, but for the love of god bring it back. Makes for great barbecues.

Call it a close support weapon. Tanks can still have explosive armour, rockets, and all the other shiny shit, but for the love of god bring it back. Makes for great barbecues.
They just use WP instead now. For "area denial" and "smoke screens". Still a good BBQ.
True true. I do like me some smoked meats.

Still though. Those Vietnam era tanks shooting napalm is a true work of art.
Speaking of which there is an Arma 3 Vietnam mod where you can go down the rivers of Vietnam in those. If only I had a computer that could run it; barbecued viet-kong every day after work.

I'd rather be a pilot in those times though. The amount of munitions they got to drop was fascinating. Cluster bombs, fuel tanks, napalm, CBUs and so many other things.
I'd rather be a pilot in those times though. The amount of munitions they got to drop was fascinating. Cluster bombs, fuel tanks, napalm, CBUs and so many other things.
Mmm... killing dirty communist peasants really brightens up my day!

Why don't we go on a big bombing campaign where we use biological warfare to deform their kids! YAY!!!
You actually can in the mod. Eve has Agent Orange I believe.

Cluster bombs and napalm have the nicer graphics but that is about it.
I know that feel all too well. Arma 2 is so much better but Arma 3's mods are getting impressive.

Ace and the other mod clean up a lot of my problems but it doesn't fix the flinching issue when people get shot. You just felt so much more fucked up in Arma 2 after being wounded.
I know that feel all too well. Arma 2 is so much better but Arma 3's mods are getting impressive.

Ace and the other mod clean up a lot of my problems but it doesn't fix the flinching issue when people get shot. You just felt so much more fucked up in Arma 2 after being wounded.
Hell yeah, being wounded in Arma 2 was really bad.
Thermobaric weapons are much more dangerous than napalm. Russian RPO Shmel can create a fireball with temperatures up to 3000 °C, which is enough to make iron boil.