First time out of the vault

Not everything the Army does is a "hopeless cause". I can understand frustration and anger if you were drafted and forced to fight in a war that was started for shady economic deals or some other less than honorable notion. but i find it hard to believe that you wouldn't help to defend your country against those that attack it.
was going after the Taliban a hopeless cause? Is freeing the people of Iraq hopeless? I would do some serious thinking about why you wouldn't defend your country.
and after all that thinking, if you decide you still would rather run to another country than defend yours, why not just leave now? if you're willing to enjoy the benefits of others who defend our country, but not be willing to accept a modicum of responsibility and help out yourself, i'd call you a coward. not that you are afraid to fight, or that im disrespecting your freedom of choice and thought, but that you don't have the personal integrity to not take what you don't deserve. there are many freedoms in America that we enjoy; we have those because people have been willing to sacrifice and fight for them. So if you don't want to fight for our country, but you still want the benefits of living in our country, i say get the fuck out of my country.
was going after the Taliban a hopeless cause? Is freeing the people of Iraq hopeless? I would do some serious thinking about why you wouldn't defend your country.
and after all that thinking, if you decide you still would rather run to another country than defend yours, why not just leave now? if you're willing to enjoy the benefits of others who defend our country, but not be willing to accept a modicum of responsibility and help out yourself, i'd call you a coward. not that you are afraid to fight, or that im disrespecting your freedom of choice and thought, but that you don't have the personal integrity to not take what you don't deserve. there are many freedoms in America that we enjoy; we have those because people have been willing to sacrifice and fight for them. So if you don't want to fight for our country, but you still want the benefits of living in our country, i say get the fuck out of my country.