Military Service-


A friend from this forum is thinking about going into the military, joining the army and go through OTS, anticipating that he'll go off to Iraq or Afghanistan.

Would you do it? Are you an American?
what's OTC?

as for doing it? well, i volunteered for my country's army reserves (officer, 13th Recce, psy ops), but got booted out due to medical reasons. bummer.
but that's something wildly different from the US military. i can safely say that we wont rush off into war or something like that (but that doesn't mean we're out of harm's way, because we are very active in peacekeeping and Afghanistan).

anyhow, if i were an american, i doubt i'd join, for various reasons but i'll list the 2 most important ones to me:
- politics (i'm not going to fight for lies and to fill some neocon's pockets), and as such not believing in what i would be fighting for. i don't buy the whole "USA OOHRAH!" stuff.
- the way the US treats its soldiers (doesn't need much explanation i think, with the recent added focus on those problems)

if i were him and really wanted to join, i'd prefer to go to Afghanistan btw.
My bad- I wrote OTC when I should have written OTS- Officer Training School.

Honestly, I think if you want to serve your country there are a lot better ways of doing with with less risk of being decapitated by an IED.
Better ways to serve your country than get killed? There *are* some. Like being an honest person working hard and abiding law. Or making an awesome economy reform. Or helping your community prosper by becoming the mayor.

I'm in military reserves due to medical problems, like SuAside, so until there's war, I don't have to worry about getting recruited.

Anyway, boot camp is good at getting some discipline and toughing up, but military isn't for everyone. For example, I don't want to kill anyone unless there is no other way to save my or someone else's life. Call me a pussy if you wish, I care not. But my friend, on the other hand, would very like to join the Army. Depends on person.
No poor dumb bastard ever served his country by getting killed, he served it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

I think tha'ts how the quote goes...

Depends on person you say? I say it depends on the war.

In WWI and WWII NZ and Australia had the highest rates of volunteers by ratio, being a Kiwi its something I'm quite proud of that these people were willing to lay down everything to protect their countries. But the stakes were different then, I cant really see a war in Affgan or Iraq spilling over and destroying the south pacific. So in these cases its none of my business to be there. If a country was attacking NZ (or possibly Australia cause we'd be next anyway), I'd sign up today.
I really can't be arsed, because my country's politics isn't exactly making me feel patriotic about it.

Soldiers ARE useful, though, especially now that the war on Islam (don't kid yourselves, it's a religious problem) is waiting around the corner.

I'd rather wait and see and let the US duke it out with them towelheads on their own. And then I'd join whichever side ends up winning and act as if I had always been with the good guys -- the strategy worked out for lots of countries in the last World War. Sometimes switching sides just before you're going down works just as well -- yay, Austria and Italy, anti-fascist saviours of Europe!

ON topic: I know some soldiers personally and they're okay guys. It's not my cup of tea, but they get a decent education and as long as the pay is okay, why not?
I've thought about joining lots of times. Even went as far as to get tested to be Helo pilot. They didn't accept me because my college GPA was absymal.

There are a lot of problems in the military and conditions aren't always great. On the other hand my older brother was a paratrooper in the 82nd for 4 years and they gave him everything he needed to become a highschool teacher (he is almost finished with school).

And while people always point out the dangers of the wars in Iraq and Afganistan, more US citizens get murdered in Detriot a month than killed in Iraq.

The really important question is why does your friend want to join? National pride? Money for school? Travel? Meeting interesting people and killing them?

What ever the reason, it has to be balanced out with the knowledge that the next 4 years will be scarifce.
I am.

2009 is when the utah national guard is slated to go back to Iraq. I'm going into basic this summer.

Fuck the policies banning gays. Its worth it the sacrifice.

I'm going into it for two reasons. To police those who would use violence to further a hate filled cause. To bring one more non bigoted attitude to a generally bigoted organization.
I am currently serving in the U.S Army in G CO 27 BSB 1CD 4BCT. I am a Self-Propelled Field Artillery Mechanic and I have worked on and driven everything from M1A1 Abrams to 1114 Humvees. It has been experience to say the least. I have been in the military for 4 years,but now they are making me get out due to the fact that I am BI-Polar. Ever since I got back from Iraq I have been fucked up in the head,so I started going to the doctor and they said I have PTSD and BI-Polar disorder. Can't carry a weapon,so that makes me useless I guess.

If anyone is thinking of joining the military in the U.S I advise Air Force. They get treated the best and have it the easiest. If I could do it all over again I would have enlisted in the Air Force because they have more options as far as location wise. My MOS basically gives me 5 different posts in the world. Even though I have the knowledge and skills required to do what the other jobs (like a wheeled mechanic) does; I can't go to the posts they go too.

Officers do a lot of paper work so if your friend likes admin that might be up his alley. Officers are also expected to lead soldiers that have been in the Army for a lot longer than them. Lower enlisted always make fun of the fresh LT's. They always act real sheepish when they first get to the unit. Unless of course they are prior service and they used to be enlisted themselves.
Boot camp breaks the soldier down, then attempts to brainwash the soldier into a individual that will not question authority and is physically fit enough to accomplish whatever task is placed before them.

Simply put: They want to own you and want you to know it.

Honestly though you can't complain about it. It's all there in black and white when you sign the 400 pages of shit that is required to go to Boot. Some people whine and complain from the very moment they get to Boot. I thought to myself

" What the fuck did you expect?"

Don't get me wrong, I hated Boot Camp and AIT ( the school where you learn your job), but I didn't once say "I wish I didn't do this".
I did it for my family and I wasn't going to back down. For officers it is a bit different,but its all the same beast. They still get treated like shit except they have added bullshit on top of it like classes and whatnot.

The best advice I can give and I truly mean this from the bottom of my heart; Tell your friend this:

Tell your friend to talk to all of the branches of the military before signing shit. Tell him to pick a job that he KNOWS he will enjoy. Tell him to expect to deploy to Iraq a lot! Expect no family time. Expect lots of long nights without overtime. Expect crappy food. Expect to do things that don't make sense . DO NOT LISTEN TO YOUR RECRUITER!!!! I know recruiters. I have worked with them. They have told me they lied to soldiers. They do lie to soldiers. They don't care what you go through or what happens to you. You are a number. Talk to as many people in the military as you can and get there viewpoints. Are you Patriotic? What are your reasons for joining the military? Are you mentally and physically capable of going balls to the wall every day for a year in 130 degree weather in 50+ pounds of gear?
Why does your friend want to be a officer instead of enlisted? Does he like to get his hands dirty or does he like to supervise,organize,order,and be ordered. Does your friend have a family? If so he should expect to be away from them for a very long time all the time until he gets out of the military. The divorce rate in the military is very high.
Just a simple example of my situation:

I married on May 2004.

Went to Basic Training on June 2004. Was in Basic for 9 weeks. Saw my wife for two days.

August 2004 I went to AIT ( Advanced Individual Training). Stayed in AIT for 4 months give or take.

Went home for Thanksgiving for a week to see my family.

Went to Fort Hood ,Texas in December 2004 to report to my first duty station. Wife moved in with me a few days after.

Went to train in the field over 7 times throughout 2005 which can take anywhere from two weeks to a month at a time. Worked 15 to 18 hour days on a regular basis. Went on Leave in November 2005.

Deployed to Iraq December 2005. Went on R&R in May 2006 for two weeks. Went back to Iraq until December 2006 when we finally arrived stateside. Iraq sucks. Especially for mechanics. 24 Ops. ALL THE TIME. Almost got blown up (suck), but I didn't (yay).

Went on leave for the rest of December before the training schedule picked back up. Went back out to the field (training) about 5 or 6 times in 2006. Took leave for Christmas and had a merry ol time. Found out the unit was deploying in June of 08. Thats where my story ends.

This is just a short summarized version of a few of my experiences. In short: I hate my job. Not the Army. I hate mechanics,but I can't change my job now. anyway they won't let me stay in to change it now. If I sound jaded or angry at the military it is unintentional. Carry on.
welsh said:
Honestly, I think if you want to serve your country there are a lot better ways of doing with with less risk of being decapitated by an IED.
getting decapitated by an IED would probably be the least of my worries.
handicaped for life (either physically or mentally) would be hell.

Ravager69 said:
I'm in military reserves due to medical problems, like SuAside, so until there's war, I don't have to worry about getting recruited.
except i got booted out of the reserves due to it as well. ;)

TorontRayne said:
Officers do a lot of paper work so if your friend likes admin that might be up his alley.
in terms of a factory:
Officers are the managers
NCOs are the shift bosses
soldiers are the workers
Like TorontRayne, I am in the service. I am with B Co. 2-4 INF, 4th BCT, 10th Mountain Division. I joined in June of 2006, did my 14 weeks of Training (Basic and Infantry AIT). Stationed Fort Polk, LA and currently deployed in Iraq.

currently enlisted and will probably stay in the Enlisted/NCO pipeline. Well, so far I have experienced good and bad times in the army. There is bullshit, for no matter where you go, it happens. But for now, I have completed 5 months of my 15 month deployment, now spending time with my family on R&R leave.

I have no regrets of joining the Army. Just wish I had pushed harder for the Airborne Contract.

Now when you join, do not settle for what the Recruiters and MEPS people give you. If you are more than qualified push for what you want. Like choice of duty station, contracts (Ranger, SF or Airborne). Do not settle for less.
I agree with Carib. Don't let them tell you "all those slots are filled up you have to settle for this". That is utter shit. I got pushed into a MOS that ruined my Army career and made me a little crazy. Shit happens tho I guess.
Agree with not settling for less. I did and I ended upp cleaning rust for 9 months straight. Not funny at all.
Ravager said:
I'm in military reserves due to medical problems, like SuAside, so until there's war, I don't have to worry about getting recruited.

Interesting, as far as I know, it's pretty hard to get a B,D or E category nowadays.

As for me, I got an A category. Which means that if I didn't get into university, I'd be drafted.

They proposed me a job as a communications officer, but I preferred art school.
fuck serving in the army... At least for me.

I went to a different country just to avoid the military draft. I cannot believe people are willing to go and serve out of their own free will.

But than again, for some people joining the army is pretty much an only opportunity to make something of their lives... I guess its better than to be an unemployed looser in some hick town somewhere in southern US.
Sovz said:
fuck serving in the army... At least for me.

I went to a different country just to avoid the military draft. I cannot believe people are willing to go and serve out of their own free will.

But than again, for some people joining the army is pretty much an only opportunity to make something of their lives... I guess its better than to be an unemployed looser in some hick town somewhere in southern US.
i still believe in most things my country does. and the army can teach you useful things.

and i'm not some unemployed loser from a hick town. :)
Sue said:
i still believe in most things my country does.

Aye, me too. Beer and chocolate are fucking awesome. Go Belgishishistan!
Sovz said:
fuck serving in the army... At least for me.

I went to a different country just to avoid the military draft. I cannot believe people are willing to go and serve out of their own free will.

But than again, for some people joining the army is pretty much an only opportunity to make something of their lives... I guess its better than to be an unemployed looser in some hick town somewhere in southern US.

From your post I assume you mean the US draft. But the US hasn't had a draft call since 1973(nearly 40 years), and won't unless the country is invaded by uniformed soldiers. Or until we get a president willing to be literally lynched.