Military Service-

The important thing to remember is that the military can be split into two categories. Cool jobs and un-cool jobs. Just tell him to go for a cool one.
Well, military service can be cool, but only for a time (war isn't cool at all - people die, lives are ruined). It's for 3 kinds of people - willing to make a big sacrifice in times of need, wanting to live an adventure or simply without an idea for their life.

One thing is for sure - people grow some fucking balls in the Army and that may be the only (if not the best) reason to join.
Correction: People CAN grow balls in the Army.

There are examples to the contrary.

Also, it's not a universal rule. If you're too flimsy, you might break rather than grow on it -- but then you probably won't volunteer anyway.
Ash is correct... The military life can shape and mold you into a model citizen or put your life in a better direction, but that may not be the case for everyone. During Basic, most of those who can't adapt don't make it, but like life, there are those who slip through the cracks.

For me, Army gave my life some direction and I like the work I do. And I plan to make the most of it.

There are pros and cons. What I suggest you do is research it... whatever branch you plan to be apart of. Weigh the choices and see where you fit. And never settle for less. Because they can always squeeze you in. And if they can't for there are actual cases when things are tight, like bonuses... Wait them out. Sweat them. Its your life and I suggest whatever you take, go through it all the way. Don't be swayed by what people tell you and whatever you do, get it in writing. Nothing beats hard copy paper.

You got home town recruiting. Don't leave MEPs or your recruiters office with out that annotated on your contract.

And if you get contract for Airborne or RIP (Ranger Indoctrination Program) go through with it. Better you fail than drop that contract. Same with SF selection. You may not get it, but trying and failing is a lot better than quiting.

In the end you decide. Whether your reserve, National Guard or Active Duty.

That is this Soldiers take on it.

I am not sure about the OCS (Officer Canidate School contract). If that is your path, research and find out. Get into shape. Better shape your in is much easier for you.
Alright, here's my two cents.

I've been in the US Army 6 years as of the 10th of next month, and 6 months ago i re-enlisted for another 6. I'm currently Assigned to B Co. 2/3 Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd ID. I've been deployed twice with mixed results, down to the last 3 months of a 15 month tour in baghdad.

When I enlisted I knew i didn't want Infantry, so I started figuring out my options, and decided that Aviation was the way to go, scored well enough on my ASVAB that i was basically told to pick any job i wanted. I took Medium Helicopter Repairer.. After about a year and a half of bending wrenches in a maintenance unit i was selected to be trained up as flight crew, progressed from Door Gunner, to Crew Chief and eventually Flight Engineer.

It's not all fun and games, but it's rewarding.

It all boils down really to what you want to do, and if you can mentally handle the stress, long hours, missed meals, and time away from family.

Do i recommend it? Absolutely.

Would i recommend it for everyone? Fuck no.
I can understand people who like the military service for the training, excitement and experience, and it really does give you a lot of experience. I was in the army for one week, only then I learned alot, but for me, the uniform was a living hell. I didn't want to go home, I just wanted out from the uniform and the fences surronding the camp. It's like the indians, they weren't usefull as slaves, they just withered and died :lol:

What I cannot understand is the patriotic bullshit that alot of army-people talk about, beeing proud of your uniform, etc. In Norway it's called "the kings clothes" i.e. you serve the king. I would never go in to battle for that old sod...
welsh said:
A friend from this forum is thinking about going into the military, joining the army and go through OTS, anticipating that he'll go off to Iraq or Afghanistan.

Would you do it? Are you an American?

In a few month I will enlist in the French Foreign legion. For the moment, I'm training to get ready for the d-day when I'll have to pass the physical tests. I've always been thinking about the military, so I can understand why your friend wants to join the army. In my case : ACTION, ACTION, ACTION.
FFL? are you sure you know what you're getting into? it aint all glory and acting tough. :)
oh yeah I know, believe me. It's gonna be tough, but I'm ready. It's a question of having a well-balanced mind.
Hmmm Been in the US Army since 1992. Been deployed twice since the "War on Terror" started. Currently Deployed to Iraq not to bad this time around. AC in living quarters, Foods better (still not good though),better personal armor and vehical armor.

TorontRayne said:
If anyone is thinking of joining the military in the U.S I advise Air Force. They get treated the best and have it the easiest. If I could do it all over again I would have enlisted in the Air Force because they have more options as far as location wise.

I advise this as well. Also free training in Jobs that corespond to actual civilian jobs instead.

TorontRayne said:
Tell your friend to talk to all of the branches of the military before signing shit. Tell him to pick a job that he KNOWS he will enjoy. Tell him to expect to deploy to Iraq a lot! Expect no family time. Expect lots of long nights without overtime. Expect crappy food. Expect to do things that don't make sense . DO NOT LISTEN TO YOUR RECRUITER!!!! I know recruiters. I have worked with them. They have told me they lied to soldiers. They do lie to soldiers. They don't care what you go through or what happens to you. You are a number. Talk to as many people in the military as you can and get there viewpoints. Are you Patriotic? What are your reasons for joining the military? Are you mentally and physically capable of going balls to the wall every day for a year in 130 degree weather in 50+ pounds of gear?
Why does your friend want to be a officer instead of enlisted? Does he like to get his hands dirty or does he like to supervise,organize,order,and be ordered. Does your friend have a family? If so he should expect to be away from them for a very long time all the time until he gets out of the military. The divorce rate in the military is very high.
Just a simple example of my situation:

You do get paid better as an officer. But DO Talk to all the services to see what jobs you can get. I 2nd the DO NOT BELIEVE YOUR RECRUITER!!!! They do lie ALOT just to get there quota. If you want to be a computer programer DO that. DOn't take no for an answer. If they wont give that to you don't join. Same thing with any job. If they wont give you what you want don't sign over your rights to the military.
As you can see in my "location", I live in Brittany, in France (and I'm French). I could have chosen the French army. But finally I chose the French Foreign Legion. It's gonna be weird 'cause I'm gonna be a foreigner for my own country, and I will have to change my name... but it's just for one year, then I'm allowed to get back my beautiful nombre y mi apellido.

why the FFL you'll ask? 'cause they're the best!
fedaykin said:
Will you get to choose the name yourself? Might I suggest something like "Rock Hard" or "Dick Steel".

I would prefer something more simplistic:

The Chosen One :mrgreen:
Actually, I don't know if I can choose. I'll probably take John Rico :mrgreen: .
McRae said:
As you can see in my "location", I live in Brittany, in France (and I'm French). I could have chosen the French army. But finally I chose the French Foreign Legion. It's gonna be weird 'cause I'm gonna be a foreigner for my own country,
WRONG! Legio Patria Nostra!

Just thought I would try to get you into the spirit of things, cause most likely you will have to shout that when you get in there. Besides that, I have heard that in the 80's they did not supply the legion with toilet paper, simply cause they were expecting the soldiers to steal that themselves.
McRae said:
As you can see in my "location", I live in Brittany, in France (and I'm French). I could have chosen the French army. But finally I chose the French Foreign Legion. It's gonna be weird 'cause I'm gonna be a foreigner for my own country, and I will have to change my name... but it's just for one year, then I'm allowed to get back my beautiful nombre y mi apellido.

why the FFL you'll ask? 'cause they're the best!

So who'd you kill or who are you running from?