Dude101 of Mutants Rising delivers fresh news straight from the modding front:<blockquote>As the months continue to trudge on by, so does Mutants Rising continue on its never ending quest.
We bring you a screenshot of the basement in the final location of MR - Morrows. It features complete new art for everything including a new one person elevator.
We won't release any more details on the nature of this area - that would spoil all the fun, but we do wish to point out that this area features about 90% new art courtesy of our (rather diminished!) art department.
In other news, the restoration of Elko is making progress. If you did not catch our previous update, we decided to revisit the start town and remake it. Most of the new required art has been completed and what was one huge map and a small tacked on junkyard is now a much smoother 5 map town. The old vault has been replaced with something that makes much more sense and we're even working on two new movies for this area.
Our artists are also busying them selves with the end game slides, which should give you an idea of how far we are from the end. To put the mod in perspective, as our comrades at BGE did in their last release, here are the vital stats so far:
Mod size... 400MB
700 New scenery frms
132 New inven items
373 New scripts
100 New maps
6 new music files incorporated and some more to come. We may release these before MR is finished, to wet your appetites. </blockquote>Accompanying the letter was a single high resolution intelligence photogtaph:
That is all.
We bring you a screenshot of the basement in the final location of MR - Morrows. It features complete new art for everything including a new one person elevator.
We won't release any more details on the nature of this area - that would spoil all the fun, but we do wish to point out that this area features about 90% new art courtesy of our (rather diminished!) art department.
In other news, the restoration of Elko is making progress. If you did not catch our previous update, we decided to revisit the start town and remake it. Most of the new required art has been completed and what was one huge map and a small tacked on junkyard is now a much smoother 5 map town. The old vault has been replaced with something that makes much more sense and we're even working on two new movies for this area.
Our artists are also busying them selves with the end game slides, which should give you an idea of how far we are from the end. To put the mod in perspective, as our comrades at BGE did in their last release, here are the vital stats so far:
Mod size... 400MB
700 New scenery frms
132 New inven items
373 New scripts
100 New maps
6 new music files incorporated and some more to come. We may release these before MR is finished, to wet your appetites. </blockquote>Accompanying the letter was a single high resolution intelligence photogtaph:
That is all.