Hi, I've been a lurker on the forums for a while now.
I've seen a lot of talk about the stories, lore inconsistencies, nonsensical settings, etc. of most of the modern Fallouts, but I haven't really ever seen any discussions about the creatures introduced in the newer additions to the series.
What are your thoughts on the newly introduced creatures of FO3, FONV, FO4, and FO76?
Personally, I find that Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas both added some great new creatures to the series. I found Fallout 3 to be weak overall (although I get the impression that FO3 is generally much more disliked here than it is by me), but I think probably the best new feature of Fallout 3 were its new creatures. I found Mirelurks, Yao Guai, Radroaches, etc. to be really fitting creatures. I thought the same of the Cazadores and Nightstalkers of New Vegas. The only creature from FO3 that I didn't like were the Mirelurk Kings, anything alien related, and the Vault 87 Super Mutants, all of which I found to be silly in either concept or design.
By contrast, I actually found the creatures of Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 to be some of the worst parts of the game -- about as bad as their watered down RPG elements, lore retcons, and weak story. The new fauna shown here feel like they'd belong in parodies of the game.
The radscorpions of the classics and the radroaches of FO3 were both good in my opinion, but then FO4 and FO76 introduced rad-everything. Radtoads? Radrats? Radstags? Radgulls? Radrabbits? RADCHICKENS?
The gatorclaws are equally bad. They took deathclaws and combined them with an alligator. Their backstory is even worse.
"Gatorclaws inhabit the Safari Adventure area of Nuka-World. They were created by Dr. McDermot for security purposes, using a combination of alligator and Jackson's chameleon genetic material, along with brain cells from a super mutant. The gatorclaw is close in name and appearance to the deathclaw."
And then there's the weird, out-of-place synthetic gorillas. And the... ghoulified gorillas that are of course called... Ghoulrillas.
The weird Anglerfish-Deathclaw things that look like something out of ARK: Survival Evolved.
The unbelievably unfitting cryptids of Fallout 76.
They got lazy and it shows.
I've seen a lot of talk about the stories, lore inconsistencies, nonsensical settings, etc. of most of the modern Fallouts, but I haven't really ever seen any discussions about the creatures introduced in the newer additions to the series.
What are your thoughts on the newly introduced creatures of FO3, FONV, FO4, and FO76?
Personally, I find that Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas both added some great new creatures to the series. I found Fallout 3 to be weak overall (although I get the impression that FO3 is generally much more disliked here than it is by me), but I think probably the best new feature of Fallout 3 were its new creatures. I found Mirelurks, Yao Guai, Radroaches, etc. to be really fitting creatures. I thought the same of the Cazadores and Nightstalkers of New Vegas. The only creature from FO3 that I didn't like were the Mirelurk Kings, anything alien related, and the Vault 87 Super Mutants, all of which I found to be silly in either concept or design.
By contrast, I actually found the creatures of Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 to be some of the worst parts of the game -- about as bad as their watered down RPG elements, lore retcons, and weak story. The new fauna shown here feel like they'd belong in parodies of the game.
The radscorpions of the classics and the radroaches of FO3 were both good in my opinion, but then FO4 and FO76 introduced rad-everything. Radtoads? Radrats? Radstags? Radgulls? Radrabbits? RADCHICKENS?
The gatorclaws are equally bad. They took deathclaws and combined them with an alligator. Their backstory is even worse.
"Gatorclaws inhabit the Safari Adventure area of Nuka-World. They were created by Dr. McDermot for security purposes, using a combination of alligator and Jackson's chameleon genetic material, along with brain cells from a super mutant. The gatorclaw is close in name and appearance to the deathclaw."
And then there's the weird, out-of-place synthetic gorillas. And the... ghoulified gorillas that are of course called... Ghoulrillas.
The weird Anglerfish-Deathclaw things that look like something out of ARK: Survival Evolved.
The unbelievably unfitting cryptids of Fallout 76.
They got lazy and it shows.