GreatestHits said:
I can tell I'll be looking for or making a mod that swaps out the Ceasar's Legion gear for something a little more grounded than skirts and football helmets.
Does NMA have any other nerd niggles? Superficial or otherwise?
I read "Dies the Fire" by S.M. Stirling in August. It presents a completely different post-apocalyptic universe that Fallout (in his all electricity and most explosives stopped working), but these was something that both should have and that's plausibility. Sure in Stirling's novel you could argue people seem to adapt too rapidly, that an army of craftsmen emerging within a year that make bows, swords, armor, too fast....but Fallout, mostly Fallout 3 can seem the complete opposite. It's been 200 freaking year. Figuring human generations take about 30 years, that's over 6 generations that have lived out there after the fall, yet most haven't done jack.
You point on the football helmets is right on. Peole have had generations to: 1. scrounge army supply bases for better armor and 2. actually start crafting new stuff that's far better than football helmet quality.
I'm glad to see some barbarism. People not respecting the inherent dignity of other humans. That's what would occur in a post-nuclear war. You would see a guy shoot another in the back just to take some better gear. But with that, you'd have far fewer suckers left living in the wasteland. All the bozos should be dead and looted. Fallout 1 and 2 had people clumped into protected communities. The guarded resources, shared skill sets, and were quick to screw rival communities. I buy that. Fallout 3 had a bunch of cartoon characters living in pockets of 5 to 10 people. No defense, no resources, and no skills.
My nerd giggles/rage?
Buying a RPG franchise written in a setting that I'm fascinated with (post-apocolyptic) and which has done a quality job of making a compelling print genera into playable video game form; then taking that franchise, removing all the serious logical function out (the part that make it so compelling to think about/role play in) of the franchise and replace it with stereotypic characters with no purpose/motivation to their lives, cheap B-movie costumes, and terrible questing options for the gamer....then due to having a giant world, exploding cities, a nuke launcher, and exploding heads - win multiple GOTY awards for setting the whole franchise and genera back a few orders of magnitude.

Sorry, I totally didn't see this rant coming. I just had such hopes for FO3 and really don't want New Vegas to have so many holes as well.