Mods you hate or dislike

Anything and everything can be criticized. I'm not the one putting mods out there, if I was I would expect criticism regardless of whether I'm brilliant at modding or not very good.

Way to presume about me anyway Shoe. I know what goes into mod making but at the same time I don't feel it's relevant to whether I can criticize or even offer an informal opinion on a mod or not.

If I offer valid criticism to a mod I'm suddenly entitled? I see a mod I like the look of, download it then find it's not quite to my liking, but I can't say anything about it or I'll sound entitled?
Yes, you didn't paid for it, it is not a comercial product, it was made "usually" to be used by the person who made it that decided to share it with others who might like it. You didn't like it than it's all ok, it was not for you. But why do you feel you have to criticize someone else's work that was free and no one made you download, install and play with it? The right thing would be try it out, don't like it, don't endorse/like it on the site you got it from, unistall it and move on.
It's almost the same as a beggar criticizing someone who gave them some money because it was all in coins and not bills. People make mods for themselves mainly (at least until Skyrim Modding, which somehow evolved into being a popularity contest for some people) and share it with others, no one makes you play those mods.
Now I don't mean that users can't have suggestions and opinions, everyone deserves to have those, and most authors will like (and even want) some constructive criticism. But there is constructive criticism and then there is going around saying "Your mod sucks!", "I hate your mod!", "Why did you put that feature there? I hate it and it spoils the mod!", "Do what I want because I am a mod user and I am better than you!", "Change your mod to do this instead because I know better.", etc.
Remember how many people around here (even non modders) were annoyed at the console users nagging modders to port their mods into consoles? It is the same.
Modders do what they want, the way they want, they are not working for me or you or someone else, they are working for themselves and if a user doesn't like it just move on, it's not like someone forced you to use those mods and expect you to like them, or forced you to write a review about their product.
It is totally fine to criticise something that is free. Just because something's free of charge doesn't mean it's beyond all terms of quality. The fact that it's free should be reflected in the criticism, of course, but it's not like being free excempts anything from all criticism. The same goes for the skill and involvement of the critic. Yes, a person with skill in the relevant field can criticise something better than an unskilled person, but everyone can give a well-formed opinion. Of course, just saying "THAT MOD'S SHITE CUZ IT'S SHITE" isn't exactly a well-formed opinion, however, anyone can say about a quest mod that it's perhaps badly written without having to be involved in modding or writing himself if that person can explain their opinion.
So I absolutely and strongly disagree with the notion that somehow only modders and writers are allowed to criticise free mods.
After all, it's criticism from everyone that allows modders and writers to grow in their areas; without criticism nobody would know what to improve.
But I see where you're coming from; modders essentially work for free to provide content, and it kinda doesn't feel fair that random people then blast their efforts. But it's how it is, and when you put yourself out there you have to have a thick skin. Entitled brats that think that you work for their pleasure suck, and the good thing is that you are allowed to tell them that. After all, nobody's forcing you to make those free mods available, either.

Anyway, to my contribution to this thread's actual topic:
I don't really use quest- and area-mods most of the time. It's really hard to integrate them into the host-game seamlessly, and as such they will too often feel a little off to me. Additionally, I think that the "written" content of a game should stand on its own, and I don't want to let the developers off the hook by relying on third party content to make the game enjoyable. Also, with the modern prevalence of voice acting in everything it's even harder to seamlessly integrate new content and characters into the host-game.
So I usually limit my mods to technical fixes, additional items, and general improvements, but I just don't like modding my game into something completely unrecognizable. When I want to play something different, well, I'll do that.
With Skyrim: Remastered I tried out a companion-mod to see how these are nowadays, and decided to give Sofia a try. It was advertised as "funny companion" with superb voice-acting, so why not. And still, while the audio fidelity is good, the actual voice acting is... I dunno, unprofessional. The intonation, for example, feels artificial, something often found in amateur voice acting. Too often there is a very similar pattern at the end of sentences, making the lines feel unnatural. But the effort is already pretty damn good for a free mod.
Well, I didn't particularly like the character in general, but that's obviously a rather subjective point.
So yeah, still not into anything beyond items and general improvements like anything fixing the abysmal UI of Skyrim.
I don't think I would ever slate or criticize anyone who makes a mod. No matter how big or small. I mean some mods are kinda silly yeah or really simple however they still took their time to make something worth while and offer it for free, therefore anything offer is pretty much void from 'stupid critisim' and nitt picking because well its free a free service that is completely option.

I do understand that some mods can 'crash' game etc however this is usually really easily fixed by uninstalling. All you are really offering is your time to play the mod that is completely free and completely option.

Its kinda like going to a free water cooler and saying fuck you water cooler you're not giving me a cup of tea. I mean yeah but it free you don't have to have a drink but its pretty neat if you want to.

I do think certain ways feedback can be good but why you would feel entitled to have a go at some one or say the legion are combook heros (Ohh no) is honestly pathetic. Is their apion their veiw. If insults you that much make your own mod. Invest 200 or more hours making something and we can see.

I do get some mods are a bit unrealstic and it hard to find that right quest mod that is actually lore friendly and not too overtop with anything. But there mods for people who like that and mods who don't

Feed back helps the mod community and criticism hurts it. I total absurd to criticism a product that was totally optional and total free
Ok, I think you might have a misunderstanding of what "criticism" means. Criticism is feedback. There's positive and constructive criticism, which is what helps a modder to grow and helps a community, and there's negative as well as destructive criticism, which certainly does not help anyone in the free modding community.

Yes I agree with you however I don't think its my understanding of criticism I think it is some people. For example having a ago at someguy for making the legion comicbook bad guys is again not criticism. Be demanding and self entitled is not criticism either.

So i guess constructive criticism would be the correct term
Ok, I think you might have a misunderstanding of what "criticism" means. Criticism is feedback. There's positive and constructive criticism, which is what helps a modder to grow and helps a community, and there's negative as well as destructive criticism, which certainly does not help anyone in the free modding community.
Yes, I even said that constructive criticism is usually welcomed and even wanted by mod authors, but most of this thread was lacking that, for example the OP said that he doesn't like A Word Of Pain because it does exactly what the mod says it does in it's description. :confused:
Description of A World of Pain:
Adds 114 intense locations to the wasteland filled with enemies and loot. They vary from small Gas Stations to huge maze-like sewers and derelict factories. Adds several days of new gameplay possibilities. A massive new linked Underground complex awaits filled with quests, NPCs with dialogue, vendors and some of the toughest enemies you will encounter anywhere in the game. Also adds many Mark II weapons, Armors and items to the game with enhanced statistics to help and hinder you throughout.
First one is actually quite contrary, one of top of nexus' network, which name is "A world of pain" for New Vegas. It bloats the worldmap with loads and loads of dungeons and boring copy & pasted quest of kill x or deliver y and various fluff like player houses which does nothing but eats your time on crap and makes you level up too fast. It basically applies Fallout 3 philosophy to New Vegas. Dungeons feels exactly like dungeons instead of real world locations, which is what Fallout 4 suffered later from.

Or how any mod that relates to the Mothership Zeta DLC sucks because that DLC sucks:
Second is everything related to Mothership Zeta for F3. DLC was a chore but playing more of this? No, thanks.

Or how Fallout 1.5: Resurrection is a superb roleplaying game example but the writing is a complete horseshit even if it makes sense for the NPCs to behave like that in a post-apocalypse wasteland (what?):
Fallout 1.5: Resurrection. Now, as a roleplaying game it's superb but the edgy writing is a complete horseshit alarming about lack of taste of people who wrote text for this total-conversion. Even if it makes sense for NPCs to behave like that in post-nuclear New Mexico, stuff like teenage virgin selling herself to the player character casts a certain thoughts about writers. Original games and Nevada handled dark humor better IMO.

Nothing much constructive there :confused:.
OP said that he doesn't like A Word Of Pain because it does exactly what the mod says it does in it's description.
That doesn't mean I should like the execution of what it does. Then again, since the creator already did what it did, why should he look further away from nexusmods somewhere far to NMA to hoard for "constructive criticism"? The thread is about personal experience and personal dislike.
Nothing much constructive there :confused:.
It's an opinion in general. Granted, I don't usually write walls of text, but still, it's all would boil down to that simple thought. I said it somewhere else befoure though, and nobody jumped to keyboard with "there's someone wrong on the internet" mindset. Then again, since the creators already did what they did, why should they look further away from nexusmods somewhere far to NMA to hoard for "constructive criticism"? The thread is about personal experience and personal dislike.
Or how any mod that relates to the Mothership Zeta DLC sucks because that DLC sucks:
And what's wrong with that? The mods' content expands on the absurd DLC content.

Should exactly I also take back all my Fallout 4 review part text because I borrowed the game? (basically got it for free)
That doesn't mean I should like the execution of what it does. Then again, since the creator already did what it did, why should he look further away from nexusmods somewhere far to NMA to hoard for "constructive criticism"? The thread is about personal experience and personal dislike.
So this thread is just to bash on mods?
So this thread is just to bash on mods?
It's about bashing the people that bash mods too, for example, I used have respect for @0wing , had him in my sights for posts he made. Now when I see the name @0wing , I think "entitled" My personal experience with his post on this thread are that they are immature, and not of the caliber of someone I could respect.

Just because people can shoot each other with guns, doesn't mean they should.
Just because you can shit in someones mouth doesn't mean you should.
Just because you can hold a modder to the level of a game designer, doesn't mean you should, and if you do, maybe your complaints will have weight when you buy the mod from the person.

Nothing worse then a hobo complaining about the quality of the cardboard sleeping box he took from someones trashcan.
It's about bashing the people that bash mods too, for example, I used have respect for @0wing , had him in my sights for posts he made. Now when I see the name @0wing , I think "entitled" My personal experience with his post on this thread are that they are immature, and not of the caliber of someone I could respect.

Just because people can shoot each other with guns, doesn't mean they should.
Just because you can shit in someones mouth doesn't mean you should.
Just because you can hold a modder to the level of a game designer, doesn't mean you should, and if you do, maybe your complaints will have weight when you buy the mod from the person.

Nothing worse then a hobo complaining about the quality of the cardboard sleeping box he took from someones trashcan.
Your logic is so flawed it's staggering. Why would you even care what hobo thinks about your trash? :D
" My personal experience with his post on this thread are that they are immature, and not of the caliber of someone I could respect.
I don't bump into you on the forum (very often), not to mention PMs and Skype/Teamspeak, not a big loss of "respect" of someone far away.
Nothing worse then a hobo complaining about the quality of the cardboard sleeping box he took from someones trashcan.
Not a very smart analogy... Only if you find your mods (or you colleagues' ones) trash... But that's offensive and dense move.
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Not a very smart analogy... Only if you find your mods (or you colleagues' ones) trash... But that's offensive and dense move.
In the analogy I was comparing you to a hobo. I didn't want to come across as being rude and I really have nothing but respect for hobos. The reason I am comparing you to a hobo is that like the hobo, you do not have the skill set to do what AWOP did. But to give credit to the hobo, the hobo wouldn't be bothered by a mod, so in retrospect, I will take back my analogy, you are not like a hobo, hobos for the most part respect other humans and don't value their opinion so much that they feel they need to preach to the world how someones free gift wasn't to his specifications.
I would say you are like a vulture, but Vultures don't complain when they got something for free either.

I try to think of the most deplorable creature on Earth. Spiders, snakes, rats, insects, skunks, I can't think of anything to compare your behavior to, because you are part of a unique breed that think your opinion matters or has value. Creatures don't complain about free things, most humans don't either.

Most people are happy they at least have a choice. I find your opinions ignorant, entitled and pathetic.

If AWOP wasn't what you wanted, why didn't you fix it or make your own?
Because you are not creative. You feed off of others creativity and have the audacity to think your opinion matters when you contribute nothing.

I don't use AWOP, not because I don't like it, not because I don't think it is good. I don't use it because I have no reason to, but I am grateful that the author has shared it with the world and that MANY people get enjoyment out of it.

You have nothing better to do then complain about gifts, to me you don't deserve those gifts.
I wouldn't say that I "hate" any mods, because at the end of the day I can just choose to not use them.

I've never found a companion mod that I liked though, in NV or 4 (never tried F3 modding), because they just don't fit into the world, at least the ones that I've tried.
If AWOP wasn't what you wanted, why didn't you fix it or make your own?
Because you are not creative. You feed off of others creativity and have the audacity to think your opinion matters when you contribute nothing.
And you know that how? Have you considered that some people might not care about video games enough to learn how to use a special development kit, learn a new scripting language, learn how to use 3D tools and texturing just to fix a video game? Making a mod is a lot of commitment that some people might not care enough for to take on.
And you know that how? Have you considered that some people might not care about video games enough to learn how to use a special development kit, learn a new scripting language, learn how to use 3D tools and texturing just to fix a video game? Making a mod is a lot of commitment that some people might not care enough for to take on.
Agreed, but they sure do invest a lot of time in bitching about what they don't like. Also, they shouldn't criticize someone else or their work on a public forum unless they want to be treated the same. His opinions are no more or less valid then my own. They are just opinions, and as stated earlier, if he doesn't want people to criticize what he is sharing he should share his opinion, just like if I don't want people criticizing my mods I shouldn't share them.

As discussed, no one is immune to being dissected by the world if you put yourself out there.

My opinions might not be popular, but if I wasn't honest and stood up for what I believe in then what would that make me? Everyone has a right to dislike 'thing' I dislike that he shares his dislike of free gifts.

@SarcasticGoodGuy and @Risewild worded their dislikes properly. No naming whose mod you dislike, no casting them down as inferior. Stating it wasn't what you like as a person and moving on instead of crusading hate.

Like someone that criticizes mods can be criticized on their criticisms.

How far does it go then? I criticize your criticism on my criticism of the mods someone's made?

But you are putting your opinions out there and so must accept or expect your opinions to also be criticized.

People who release mods must accept or expect their mods to be criticized. You can't just decide who can criticize and who can't.

Educated guess based on your comments and 10+ years of modding games.

You clearly do not.

You know nothing about me. Just because I don't share your opinion on criticizing mods does not mean I have no idea of what goes into modding.

I do. Just as you are able to openly dissect a mod and it's author here on NMA, I am also able to dissect you and your words and lack of experience here as well.

I think your criticisms are without weight and you lack the knowledge to make an informed opinion of the subject matter you engage in..
If you bring nothing more to the table then a well mannered chimpanzee, how would your opinion have more weight then a well mannered chimpanzee?

My lack of experience according to you. Again, just because I don't share your opinion doesn't mean I know nothing about modding. Not only do you make presumptions but you're condescending as well.

I try to think of the most deplorable creature on Earth. Spiders, snakes, rats, insects, skunks, I can't think of anything to compare your behavior to, because you are part of a unique breed that think your opinion matters or has value. Creatures don't complain about free things, most humans don't either.

Complaining and constructive criticism are two different things. There's no need to be insulting. I don't fully agree with what @Risewild said but he at least has been civil about it.