Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Just found out that Moon's director, Duncan Jones is the son of THE David Bowie. How awesome is that?
Professor Danger! said:Ew. The Solaris remake totally blew. Why would you bother with that instead of the far superior original?
iridium_ionizer said:
TheGM said:Oh you read the first page too.
maximaz said:Watched Serenity the other day. A pretty decent and underrated sci fi flick, in my opinion. It's not like the Moon but if you're into good sci fi, check it out.
Also, I definitely approve the Gattaca recommendation.
TheGM said:Oh you read the first page too.
No need to be an ass.
maximaz said:Yea, I heard about the Serenity having something to do with Firefly. Is the series as good? I liked the movie a lot.
[spoiler:be36115ab3]It's not stated anywhere, but I think it's fair to say the movie implies that the clones have an expiration date. That's what a casual audience will figure out, IMO, and it is a wink to Blade Runner.[/spoiler:be36115ab3]maximaz said:Now back to the Moon. I was wondering what everyone thought about something that was brought up on imdb. [spoiler:be36115ab3]Was Sam dying due to radiation or do clones simply have an expiration date of 3 years? [/spoiler:be36115ab3]
[spoiler:be36115ab3]Saw the movie quite some time ago, so I don't remember the exact finale very well, but if my memory serves me right, it's just time constraints. It's typical way of ending a flick, innit? Builds up some pressure and suspense ("OMG! They'll never make it in time!").[/spoiler:be36115ab3]maximaz said:Also, [spoiler:be36115ab3]can someone explain to me why they needed to wait for Eliza team to go to Earth? At first, I thought they were going to kill them and take their ship but then it seemed like they could just hop into one of those pods. [/spoiler:be36115ab3]
coliphorbs said:A good movie, albeit way too predictable.
alec said:[spoiler:845095ef3b]Saw the movie quite some time ago, so I don't remember the exact finale very well, but if my memory serves me right, it's just time constraints. It's typical way of ending a flick, innit? Builds up some pressure and suspense ("OMG! They'll never make it in time!").[/spoiler:845095ef3b]
Per said:[spoiler:845095ef3b]Were the hallucinations ever explained in any way? They weren't part of his implanted memories, so were they like, supernatural? [/spoiler:845095ef3b]