Moon Movie

Just found out that Moon's director, Duncan Jones is the son of THE David Bowie. How awesome is that?
Professor Danger! said:
Ew. The Solaris remake totally blew. Why would you bother with that instead of the far superior original?

The problem with the remake is that it was based on a movie, not the book. That's like copy of a copy of a VHS tape.

The problem with the original movie is that it had little to do with the book.

Result: two shitty movies.

Tarkovsky's Solaris was the most pretentious piece of shit I've ever had the misfortunate of wasting time on. And I watched it in native Russian. Not that it matters during the 10-minute highway driving scene or the 5-minute shot... of... a... fucking... tree.

Event Horizon, casually dismissed by most as a blah horror movie, actually had more Solaris spirit in it than either of the "Solaris" films. Which is not saying much, of course.
iridium_ionizer said:

Thank you! I recently watched "Solaris" (the old version) and was pretty stoked. Excellent atmosphere, I have to thank you for that tip. :)

Maybe I'll try the newer version also, tho'.

"Sunshine" had also his moments, beautiful atmosphere, but had also some not so good scenes in it. However, the soundtrack was really great.
Watched Serenity the other day. A pretty decent and underrated sci fi flick, in my opinion. It's not like the Moon but if you're into good sci fi, check it out.

Also, I definitely approve the Gattaca recommendation.

TheGM said:
Oh you read the first page too.

No need to be an ass.
maximaz said:
Watched Serenity the other day. A pretty decent and underrated sci fi flick, in my opinion. It's not like the Moon but if you're into good sci fi, check it out.

Also, I definitely approve the Gattaca recommendation.

TheGM said:
Oh you read the first page too.

No need to be an ass.

Might as well watch the awesome "Firefly" tv show too. Since that's where "Serenity" came from. Woo! Yay, Joss Weadon. Except for Angel.
Yea, I heard about the Serenity having something to do with Firefly. Is the series as good? I liked the movie a lot.
maximaz said:
Yea, I heard about the Serenity having something to do with Firefly. Is the series as good? I liked the movie a lot.

Get off your computer and buy Firefly immediately. I feel like it was one of those shows that was ahead of it's time and was canceled. Like Arrested Development.
I will at least rent it.

Now back to the Moon. I was wondering what everyone thought about something that was brought up on imdb. [spoiler:8a088449be]Was Sam dying due to radiation or do clones simply have an expiration date of 3 years? [/spoiler:8a088449be]

Also, [spoiler:8a088449be]can someone explain to me why they needed to wait for Eliza team to go to Earth? At first, I thought they were going to kill them and take their ship but then it seemed like they could just hop into one of those pods. [/spoiler:8a088449be]
maximaz said:
Now back to the Moon. I was wondering what everyone thought about something that was brought up on imdb. [spoiler:be36115ab3]Was Sam dying due to radiation or do clones simply have an expiration date of 3 years? [/spoiler:be36115ab3]
[spoiler:be36115ab3]It's not stated anywhere, but I think it's fair to say the movie implies that the clones have an expiration date. That's what a casual audience will figure out, IMO, and it is a wink to Blade Runner.[/spoiler:be36115ab3]

maximaz said:
Also, [spoiler:be36115ab3]can someone explain to me why they needed to wait for Eliza team to go to Earth? At first, I thought they were going to kill them and take their ship but then it seemed like they could just hop into one of those pods. [/spoiler:be36115ab3]
[spoiler:be36115ab3]Saw the movie quite some time ago, so I don't remember the exact finale very well, but if my memory serves me right, it's just time constraints. It's typical way of ending a flick, innit? Builds up some pressure and suspense ("OMG! They'll never make it in time!").[/spoiler:be36115ab3]
coliphorbs said:
A good movie, albeit way too predictable.

Agreed. A question:

[spoiler:d264f73ceb]Were the hallucinations ever explained in any way? They weren't part of his implanted memories, so were they like, supernatural?[/spoiler:d264f73ceb]
alec said:
[spoiler:845095ef3b]Saw the movie quite some time ago, so I don't remember the exact finale very well, but if my memory serves me right, it's just time constraints. It's typical way of ending a flick, innit? Builds up some pressure and suspense ("OMG! They'll never make it in time!").[/spoiler:845095ef3b]

[spoiler:845095ef3b]I don't know. They really seemed to be waiting for them to arrive in order to leave. Maybe it was just to add tension though because I just can't see any reasons for it. [/spoiler:845095ef3b]

Per said:
[spoiler:845095ef3b]Were the hallucinations ever explained in any way? They weren't part of his implanted memories, so were they like, supernatural? [/spoiler:845095ef3b]

[spoiler:845095ef3b]I don't think they were ever explained but in the special features, the director mentioned how three years seemed right from the sociological perspective. It would be just before a person would start going insane in Sam's situation. So, I guess the hallucinations were due to that and partly due to the sickness, perhaps. [/spoiler:845095ef3b]