Moon Movie

Looks interesting enough, but I reckon it'll be one of them flicks with a nice twist that kinda sorta seems extremely contrived when you meditate about it afterwards.

Will most probably rent it.
Saw the trailer for this yesterday, and it does indeed look quite good. Hopefully they stick to Sci-Fi Drama and not fill it up with lame, out-of-place action scenes.
Cloaked Figure said:
Saw the trailer for this yesterday, and it does indeed look quite good. Hopefully they stick to Sci-Fi Drama and not fill it up with lame, out-of-place action scenes.

I agree, but also I'm surprised to see such a prominent RPG Codex member here. Welcome to NMA.
since I read about this movie here, I've been waiting for him, and couldn't see a damn review, a damn footage, or a damn cinema that has this movie. I thought that maybe this movie wasn't coming to Brazil (a thing that it is not common, since most of American films come), but I can't neither find a single torrent to download this movie, nor anything else.

"Moon premiered at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival and was released in selected theatres in New York and Los Angeles on 12 June 2009. The release was expanded to additional US theatres on both 3 and 10 July[2] and was released in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Ireland on 17 July.[3]"

So, anyone has a clue why I can't find nothing?
Please don't discuss torrenting films on this site.

Also, just look up a release schedule. Imdb is usually good but doesn't list Brazil this time, though it is to be noted that the film isn't out everywhere yet (including the Netherlands)
anybody saw this movie? It seems its even gettin in DVD now, and I didnt heard of a single person who saw this, though it seems a really interesting movie and lots of persons (here) thought it seems a good movie too.

I am going to see it right now, I'll post what I think after.
I watched it and it was super awesome. I wont say anything meaningful because it will ruin the film for you.
geez, it is great! I mean, amazing! Better than District 9, and I really liked District 9.


As it started, I was kind of skeptical about it. But history really drags you into it, and in the end, I caught myself really fixed into the movie. I am glad that I finally saw this movie, I was waiting to see it for a long time!
It was very atmospheric, and the music which is a generally really important aspect of these types of films; is minimalist and just serves as an awesome backdrop to a powerful narrative. Although the story is simple, the process of transformation of Sam rockwell's character is excellent.
Saw this last night. A fantastic movie. I expected it to be good but the quality still really surprised me. I can honestly say that it was A LOT more enjoyable to me than the Hurt Locker.
It is the most atmospheric movie I've seen in a long time. I really liked it, are there some other similar movies you guys could recommend?
Surf Solar said:
It is the most atmospheric movie I've seen in a long time. I really liked it, are there some other similar movies you guys could recommend?
The type of film you seem to be describing is a Hard Science Fiction film set in outer space. Other than the preceding suggestions from Wikipedia, I would just say the usual suspects 2001, Sunshine, Solaris, Alien, and not much else. It's kind of a niche subgenre. Most sci-fi tends to be action, horror, or silly in either its tone or its tenacity towards realism.

On the other hand, maybe you were referring to a hard science fiction film that is also a suspense (aka thriller) film (not necessarily set in outer space). Or maybe you thinking mainly of it's isolation based story. There are probably a few more of those kinds of films and some of them might be good. I guess you'll just have to sift through all the crap that is imdb searches, wikipedia lists, amazon recommendations, and google searches through random blogs.

Regarding Moon, it is funny how with all of the film's realism they didn't even bother with the fact that gravity on the moon's surface is only 1/6th of the gravity on the the Earth's surface. The director joked about the discrepancy in the special features, but it was probably more of a function of the films budget ($5 million). Other films try to deal with low or no-gravity effects by using wires, actually filming select scenes in Vomit Comets, or using a sci-fi technological convenience Velcro socks, magnetic boots, centrifugal motion, or (the most common, but ridiculous) artificial gravitational fields.

I'm sure it would be prohibitively expensive although nonetheless cool, if a movie studio would build a small sound stage that is in fact a large controlled free-fall elevator. Sure it would only provide a few seconds of no or low gravity, but that would be all you would need for a couple of shots that would greatly enhance the realism of a sci-fi film.
@ Surf Solar

I would recommend Solaris, and probably the remake with Clooney. That one is definitely in the same vein.

Other than that you might enjoy Gattaca, which is simply superb.
Saw it, original, but average, I'd recommend watching it, but it's not like "OMFG MUST WATCH NAOWWWEWW@!!!!!!@@"

"A good movie, albeit way too predictable." < This

Overall it has a great atmosphere, semi-original story(reminds me of the Island) but it was extremely predictable, I literally said he was DO NOT CLICK UNLESS YOU'VE SEEN THE MOVIE [spoiler:deffefb41d] A clone, of a clone, and the original guy hasn't been there in a long time, and a corporation wanted to make money by exploiting slave labor.[/spoiler:deffefb41d] Like I said, it reminded me of The Island.
alec said:
@ Surf Solar

I would recommend Solaris, and probably the remake with Clooney. That one is definitely in the same vein.

Other than that you might enjoy Gattaca, which is simply superb.

Ew. The Solaris remake totally blew. Why would you bother with that instead of the far superior original?

I do second Gattaca. Freakin' awesome film.
'Cause the Solaris remake is closer to Moon in atmosphere than the original Solaris is?

'Cause George Clloney is fucking sexy?

