More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
G4 has put up an extended gameplay footage with comments from Todd Howard. It's nearly the same that was shown at the Microsoft's Keynote, but some parts vary:

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Thanks Jiggly McNerdington.
Yea, pretty much the same.... But... seriously, "Mr. Chipper?" Upbeat woodchipper?

Also- I did notice that there were difficulties with the VATS. At least for Todd. So it's either not idiot-proof or it just ain't that good. Or both. I dunno.

And... yay...we get random dungeons for no reason: AKA- the Metro tunnels. Wouldn't they have collapsed after two hundred years?

And what the HELL was with the safety tube and the Chinese 'commando?' The entire War took just a few minutes- when would the Chinese have had time to send a commando? How would the Chinese make it into the CAPITAL OF ENEMY TERRITORY during a war? And why wasn't the tube already blasted open or torn apart? Further, why weren't all the contents of that tube dust, even considering that nobody decided to tear open a big-ass tube that's been sticking up out of the wasteland for two hundred fricking years?

Dammit.... I know it's pretty much the same gameplay, but it's made me like FO3 less.
Worst.........GAME designer........Ever.

Is it just me or is it about time to get the pitchforks and torches out? This is getting beyond ridiculous.

How could someone who -CLAIMS- to have played F1 and F2 turn it into this??

Son of a bitch.........worst day in CRPG history.
Did Todd Howard's intro implicitly give him credit for creating the Fallout universe?

It's said something like "Todd Howard is responsible for creating....." And they show a little clip of Fallout.

Also...I can't believe people laughed at the teddy bear part. And then they applauded when he killed her with a teddy bear? WTF?
~4:22 That sniper shot (yay at constant single shot kills) looks even more and more ridiculous every time I look at it. What was going on in the developers' minds when they came up with it? Pot fumes?

~8:30-8:44 Teddy bear shooting in action/Todd has a VATS problem.

The crowd seemed quite happy. I feel jealous and almost wish I were brain-damaged as well...
I may just be a lurker, but all these technicalities everyone is complaining about is a bit ridiculous. So there are still buildings and "protection pods".

If you wanted true realism in the post-apocalypse world, you wouldn't have too much to work with. There is plenty in F1 and F2 that doesn't make too much sense following nuclear devastation, does it?

I understand alot of the critiques, but sheesh. Someone earlier even complained that there was a couch that hadn't been obliterated to smithereens. I mean, c'mon.
wow teddy bear death sounded stupid but seeing it in action makes it seem ten times more idiotic

if there's a lockpick game whats the skill for ? makes it easier ?
at least it looks better then the oblivion lockpicking

the enclave soldiers really do look so far as Fallout Tactics BOS armour ... i liked the enclave armour from FO2 better .. it was bulky and kind of hunched and had a menacing posture. FOT BOS armour was cool too but always looked like the good guys armour
Bodybag said:
gc051360 said:
Did Todd Howard's intro implicitly give him credit for creating the Fallout universe?


Lockpicking minigame looked interesting.

Actually it did. When it was showing the settings of the Elder Scrolls, and talking about the worlds he's created...they showed a clip of Fallout.

And did you just seriously claim that a minigame looked interesting? It's a minigame. By definition those are tedious and lame.
That was a better run through this time.

The beginning almost hinted that Bethesda made the original Fallout.. I hope the general gaming public comes to know that isn’t the case.

The sounds and visuals borrowed from the original Fallouts bring back some memories.

I have a feeling lock picking is going to be quite gay. I never liked the addition of player skill involved in a fucking RPG where everything else is stat based. There should be a 'fighting minigame' where how hard I hit my enemies is determined by how hard I push the mouse! Retarded.

I'm interested in different forms of power armor, the Enclave seem to have the FO:T armor (which makes no sense). It would be interesting to see the original T-51b and the Advanced Power Armor modeled in the game some where. However, Bethesda seems to be redesigning everything, so I'm sure that wont be the case. I betcha all the ones Bethesda made are 'different versions' and the old ones are simply missing from the DC area without a good explanation.

Teddy bear launcher... And it even looks like the gravity gun from HL2.
The ending was also totally nonsensical.

Shot one of the Fatman (well, actually, Todd qeued up THREE shots of the Fatman, which explains the three mushroom clouds) blows up the raiders or whatever they are at POINT.... BLANK.... RANGE. Does the newbie Vault Dweller die from radiation? Does the FP vision go white for a while? Nooooo.... NOTHING happens. Ridiculous and totally effing crazy.

What does it take to die... from a radioactive goddamn BOMB in this game? Be in visual range, like in real life and even reasonably well-designed games with radiation effects? Nope. You have to launch a bomb straight up into the air, watch the flash, then die a few seconds later.

Apparently, another requirement is having a rapt G4 audience yelling in awe at the terrible rag doll physics as well.

Just another example of why I hate that channel. Hasn't been good for years.
Moving Target said:
The ending was also totally nonsensical.

Shot one of the Fatman (well, actually, Todd qeued up THREE shots of the Fatman, which explains the three mushroom clouds) blows up the raiders or whatever they are at POINT.... BLANK.... RANGE. Does the newbie Vault Dweller die from radiation? Does the FP vision go white for a while? Nooooo.... NOTHING happens. Ridiculous and totally effing crazy.

What does it take to die... from a radioactive goddamn BOMB in this game? Be in visual range, like in real life and even reasonably well-designed games with radiation effects? Nope. You have to launch a bomb straight up into the air, watch the flash, then die a few seconds later.

Apparently, another requirement is having a rapt G4 audience yelling in awe at the terrible rag doll physics as well.

Just another example of why I hate that channel. Hasn't been good for years.

Wow. You seem like an incredibly bitter person. Hope that's working out for you.
Jesuit said:
Moving Target said:
The ending was also totally nonsensical.

Shot one of the Fatman (well, actually, Todd qeued up THREE shots of the Fatman, which explains the three mushroom clouds) blows up the raiders or whatever they are at POINT.... BLANK.... RANGE. Does the newbie Vault Dweller die from radiation? Does the FP vision go white for a while? Nooooo.... NOTHING happens. Ridiculous and totally effing crazy.

What does it take to die... from a radioactive goddamn BOMB in this game? Be in visual range, like in real life and even reasonably well-designed games with radiation effects? Nope. You have to launch a bomb straight up into the air, watch the flash, then die a few seconds later.

Apparently, another requirement is having a rapt G4 audience yelling in awe at the terrible rag doll physics as well.

Just another example of why I hate that channel. Hasn't been good for years.

Wow. You seem like an incredibly bitter person. Hope that's working out for you.

Wow. You seem like an incredibly condescending person, who just started posting here.

Doubt that's gonna work out too long for you.
I am confused with VATS. Do you never miss with it or something? I swear I saw really low hit percentages (even 0% once I think) and Todd was still hitting the target.
I want to puke after seeing this. But this proves why F3 is an FPS. Can you guys imagine this audience cheering the same way for a TB RPG? Sadly, that wouldn't be the case, so Fallout had to be butchered for the mainstream. Maybe it'll make a decent shooter.
Nope, I'm actually a pretty mellow person in real life. Unless something gets me riled.

Like totally moronic and senseless nuclear catapults in a game where, in the alleged predecessors, nuclear radiation was seen as a very serious and painful thing.

In Fallout 1, you had the Glow and random pockets of radiation. Without Rad-Away, you were dead.

In Fallout 3, you have a nuclear-bomb launching catapult, which you can use to shoot at enemies from close range and not get irradiated to hell.

Oh, and I forgot about the lockpicking minigame. Didn't look so hot. Should've just kept to skill rolls, not change it to digital whack-a-mole.
Moving Target said:
Just another example of why I hate that channel. Hasn't been good for years.

Hasn't been good since they took over Tech TV.
killap said:
I am confused with VATS. Do you never miss with it or something? I swear I saw really low hit percentages (even 0% once I think) and Todd was still hitting the target.

I'm pretty sure that's for demo pourposes, save time and all that. Though it looked like he did miss with the fatman.

WTF is all that bullshit about PC gaming being dead? It's already stuggling to get decent PC games now a days, the platform doesn't need bullshit from TV show jackoffs saying it's gone. Though I know Todd is a jackass, but I liked how he supported the PC platform.
killap said:
I am confused with VATS. Do you never miss with it or something? I swear I saw really low hit percentages (even 0% once I think) and Todd was still hitting the target.

I would guess he has some code that allows him not to miss... But i could be wrong.

I am sure ive heard somewhere that at depends on gun skill and type of gun. He probably did not want to look worse at playing then he already did.

Did not seem to me he was very good at his own game.