More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

Moving Target said:
Nope, I'm actually a pretty mellow person in real life. Unless something gets me riled.

Like totally moronic and senseless nuclear catapults in a game where, in the alleged predecessors, nuclear radiation was seen as a very serious and painful thing.

In Fallout 1, you had the Glow and random pockets of radiation. Without Rad-Away, you were dead.

In Fallout 3, you have a nuclear-bomb launching catapult, which you can use to shoot at enemies from close range and not get irradiated to hell.

Oh, and I forgot about the lockpicking minigame. Didn't look so hot. Should've just kept to skill rolls, not change it to digital whack-a-mole.

Yeah I see your point, it's incredibly lame. Although I think the lock picking mini game could be good. We don't know to what extent your skill effects the game, it's probable you won't even get to play the mini game if your lockpicking skill isn't high enough, and it's also probable that the game will be unwinnable if your skill isn't high enough.

I can't really see why they'd have the skill there otherwise, although it's also highly probable that bethsoft isn't that good at making design decisions. Time will tell. Until then, there's a whole wealth of happiness to be found in not getting riled up over things you can't change.
Moving Target said:
Nope, I'm actually a pretty mellow person in real life. Unless something gets me riled.

Like totally moronic and senseless nuclear catapults in a game where, in the alleged predecessors, nuclear radiation was seen as a very serious and painful thing.

In Fallout 1, you had the Glow and random pockets of radiation. Without Rad-Away, you were dead.

In Fallout 3, you have a nuclear-bomb launching catapult, which you can use to shoot at enemies from close range and not get irradiated to hell.

Oh, and I forgot about the lockpicking minigame. Didn't look so hot. Should've just kept to skill rolls, not change it to digital whack-a-mole.

1. You have no proof what so ever that he was not Irradiated. Therefore your point is moot.

2. Mini-Games allow players to interact more instead of constantly clicking on somthing until your rolls are good.

Yea people may say "but it's a RPG player skills (insert shit excuse here)" however player skill should also be a deciding factor (Well not deciding but the chance to do it should be there).

There is an autoattempt feature so be happy.
I noticed that one of the drugs he had in his inventory and used was Jet, which at least going by FO 2 was limited to the area around New Reno as Myron had created it.
The Rock-it launcher urgh what pillock decided you could so lethal damage with a soft cuddle toy, hrm unless they're rock hard after so many years but I doubt that.
Tornadium said:
1. You have no proof what so ever that he was not Irradiated. Therefore your point is moot.

My point was that the nuclear catapult being used as a short-range weapon was really stupid. The lack of the remotest realism involving radiation was just icing on the cake.

So no, my point isn't moot.

2. Mini-Games allow players to interact more instead of constantly clicking on somthing until your rolls are good.

It really depends on the mini-game. The mini-games in Betrayal of Krondor were pretty good.... as mini-games go. They were still incredibly irritating and repetitive. Which is probably what will happen with the mini-games. Just like with VATS.

Yea people may say "but it's a RPG player skills (insert shit excuse here)" however player skill should also be a deciding factor (Well not deciding but the chance to do it should be there).

Stats SHOULD be the guiding principle. Yes, the "re-load until getting desired result" thing is a problem... but is it any less foolish than having a mini-game where you poke and prod at a lock, semi-based on your stats?

There is an autoattempt feature so be happy.

So why have it at all? It's like VATS.... if you can play the game without bullet time RTWP, and all VATS is going to do is have the same animations/slo-mo shots, constantly, why have them in the first place?

It really doesn't add up to me.
killap said:
I am confused with VATS. Do you never miss with it or something? I swear I saw really low hit percentages (even 0% once I think) and Todd was still hitting the target.

Well he might have used some kind of cheat to hit everything.
Same reason he might have not been radiated from the Fat man.

Also the video pretty much gave Bethseda credit for making the previous Fallout games.

The lockpicking game seem interesting, but if its anything like the Oblivion one well it will be bad. And as this is Bethesda Im guessing it wil be the same crappy lockpicking as before.

And they really over did it with the Bloody Mess. Every time he shots some one in the head, his arms and legs get shot off also, which is just :crazy:

Was it just me or did the 2 guys asking the questions come off as complete idiots ? Same as the people in the audience. Console-kiddies what else :roll:
You people clearly have no idea what a close range nuclear blast would do to you. It's not something you can walk away from and it's not something you can cure with any kind of anti-radiation treatment. You may like the game all you want, but please don't you ever try to rationalize Fatman.

EDIT: In regard to the following post, it seems rather unlikely at this point that BethSoft will give us the editor. We know for a fact that it won't be supplied with the game disk, and all we have as of now is Tood Howard's vague promises that are unreliable at best. Don't get your hopes up.
Seems that F3 will reguire extensive modding from the start. I never really had my hopes up. I was mostly expecting a fairly fast paced romp through a falloutish post-apoc world...

First things that need modding are heavy toning down of the idiotic exploding bodies. Gritty and gory is far away from this clown business.

Second thing is removal of the Fatman. No ammount of toning down is enough in this case.

Third is removal of the compass. It takes all the fun out of exploration.

There is no chanse that Beth would make any change to these things. It's their dear retard baby afterall.

I guess I can't give my final judgement before playing... But I sure hope this was some dumbed down demonstration version. The gameplay looked bland and generic like Oblivion was... And... boring.

He never really used cover and the AI seemed somewhat dumb. Another thing to mod I suppose. As an optimistic after thought... This might be a decent base for Fallout fans who want to make a more faitful and in general better Fallout experience... the graphics aren't all that bad.
Riiiiiiiiiiight. First of all, i have to apologize. About a year ago i was on bethesda forums claiming that we can't know whether this will be a good game,a true fallout or whatever. I know the error of my ways now and i am deeply sorry! I ask for forgiveness!

I also ask if you guys can go over there and torch their offices or something!

Now on the matters at hand. This.... thing? we saw is NOT even a bloody good FPS for crying out loud. I've played quite a lot of games in almost every category and if this is their idea of combat..... To quote them "we have the technology now, so there is no need to make it like 10 years ago!". Although i have to admit that even fallout 1/2 had combat that could be exploited if you knew what you were doing, this thing we just saw is ridiculous. It not an rpg. If it plays even remotely as in this demo and i can probably finish the whole game with a small pistol. And yes i know he probably had god mode on, I am just commenting on the AI and the fact that out of vats player skill comes in. Hello? if i wanted a FPS i would go play FEAR or something which actually had some AI in their combat!

What DOES this game have?

About the audience.... my idea of humanity just shrunk a little....

About fatman, i don't really care. If the ammo is sparse enough and you don't have to use it, i'm just gonna pretend it doesn't exist.

About the mini game. It has become a trend unfortunately and i can't see the reason why. Yes you could abuse the luck system in most rpgs with safe and loading or just trying multiple times, but instead of trying to find a solution they just had to have a minigame!

I was furious when i read about the character creation, the f**king compass making a come back etc. Now that i watched the previews... whatever hope i had has gone. The bloody hilarious thing is, that i liked oblivion for what it was. One more messed up game that companies make to also appeal to the console players... I didn't expect something grand, nor did i see it as an rpg (lol)! But i wanted them to make this right, i wanted a fallout 3. A true fallout 3! Oh well, back to waiting me guesses!

PS: Will it gonna be difficult to make a mod where the name fallout is erased from the whole game?
Jesuit said:
We don't know to what extent your skill effects the game, it's probable you won't even get to play the mini game if your lockpicking skill isn't high enough, and it's also probable that the game will be unwinnable if your skill isn't high enough.

I can't really see why they'd have the skill there otherwise, although it's also highly probable that bethsoft isn't that good at making design decisions.

If lockpicking in FO3 is anything like Oblivion, all the skill does is decrease the number of tumblers that fall when the player messes up. Also: "As your Security skill increases, tumblers move less rapidly, giving you more time to fix the tumbler." as mentioned here.

So, if it's anything like Oblivion, the minigame determines if the lock opens, but the skill just makes it easier for the player to open, which is retarded.

I'm not 100% sure how the automatic lockpicking worked in Oblivion, but I'm sure it was a roll. The video had a mention of 'Forcing' the lock open, so maybe that's a dice roll.
Ranne said:
You people clearly have no idea what a close range nuclear blast would do to you. It's not something you can walk away from and it's not something you can cure with any kind of anti-radiation treatment. You may like the game all you want, but please don't you ever try to rationalize Fatman.



That's what I was trying to say.
My guess is that the character's gimped again. That's why
he shoots so fast and never misses..
Game looks awesome in my opinion. Teddy Bear thing didn't bother me much as there have been obvious joke-weapons in past Fallout's; though I will say that my impression of general Bethesda humor is a bit more low-brow and obvious than that of previous Fallout titles. With rare exception the humor in Fallout 1 and 2 seemed very deadpan, but here it seems to draw attention to itself intentionally and asks you to acknowledge how clever it is.

But deh, it still feels in the same vein even if it's not quite as sophisticated as it could've been.

The minigames don't bug me. And I'm a big fan of mixing player skill with character skill. It feels to me like the best of both worlds. Purely character-skill doesn't seem involved enough and purely player-skill feels overpowered and takes away from the RPG aspects. But a mix of the two is great, and it seems like it'll work out well in this game.

Fatman bugs me still, and is just another example of Bethesda being incapable of seeing the benefits of subtlety. But I can forgive it, because mushroom clouds seem a staple of this Beth-version, and the fatman explosions don't look any bigger than the car explosions, and since even normal cars IRL won't explode if you shoot them yet it's common for them to explode in movies and games, I'm willing to accept them in this game.

I don't like how Oblivion the Ghouls and Supermutants look, especially the subway ghouls. But whatever. Speaking of the subway, as someone who's ridden Washington's subway system, they really got the look of it perfectly, I'm impressed.

Overall the world looks spectacular. I think hanging around here for a year started to make me really doubt that Fallout 3 would be any good, but now that I've seen these videos I'm really looking forward to playing this, as much as I ever have.
Killing with a teddybear is STUPID. It is obvious that the force of teddy's strike couldn't brake a poor raider into pieces. Ridiculous.
Tyshalle said:
the fatman explosions don't look any bigger than the car explosions, and since even normal cars IRL won't explode if you shoot them yet it's common for them to explode in movies and games, I'm willing to accept them in this game.

Ah yes the nuclear explosion cars. they must go with the Fatman.

I just watched the actual trailer and I still think there is a hint of the atmosphere left there. It doesn't help much if the game is going to be boring to actually PLAY as it would seem...
Just going to add my 2 cents in here... (I haven't read every reply, just the first 5 or so)

Honestly, I'm so sick of all the bitching people are doing about this game.

You're never going to get another Fallout 2 game, and it's something you'll have to accept. Don't like it? Fine, don't buy Fallout 3. Move on with your life.

Does it suck? Yes. I've been playing Fallout 2 ever since I "borrowed" my uncle's copy back in 2000 (Parents were strict on M-rated games)

Will whining about it help? No.

Fallout 2 is such a unique game, that even if they made Fallout 3 based on Fallout 2's gameplay, everyone would still bitch and moan about how it's not like Fallout 2. Games change as the times change. The system is over 10 years old FFS, no matter how awesome it is.

I can see that it's partly an Oblivion clone, but you people have to look past that. Will it be an enjoyable game? IMO, definitely. It's a game that I won't mind spending $60 for, and continue to play for awhile. And that's all it matters. Will YOU enjoy it? Look past the fact that it's not a Fallout 2 clone. Look past the fact that it copies Oblivion. Are you going to enjoy it?

*Dons flame suit
13pm said:
Killing with a teddybear is STUPID. It is obvious that the force of teddy's strike couldn't brake a poor raider into pieces. Ridiculous.

Though, teddy bear lunchers being completely dumb, we have to remember that he had Bloody Mess on. So I would assume that all those horrible deaths are only there thanks to the 'perk.'

Jman said:
I can see that it's partly an Oblivion clone, but you people have to look past that. Will it be an enjoyable game? IMO, definitely. It's a game that I won't mind spending $60 for, and continue to play for awhile. And that's all it matters. Will YOU enjoy it? Look past the fact that it's not a Fallout 2 clone. Look past the fact that it copies Oblivion. Are you going to enjoy it?

There's no doubt that it will be a decent game, just wont be a true fallout game. Playing that game will be like eating a decent bowl of ice cream, but with ants mixed in it. Sure, a good bit will be enjoyable, but more often than not you're gonna hit some things that piss you off.
Fallout 2 is such a unique game, that even if they made Fallout 3 based on Fallout 2's gameplay, everyone would still bitch and moan about how it's not like Fallout 2. Games change as the times change. The system is over 10 years old FFS, no matter how awesome it is.

We don't want an exact replica of Fallout 2, we want the Fallout core design to be improved, not replaced with a 15-years old system of The Elder Scrolls.
Ausir said:
Fallout 2 is such a unique game, that even if they made Fallout 3 based on Fallout 2's gameplay, everyone would still bitch and moan about how it's not like Fallout 2. Games change as the times change. The system is over 10 years old FFS, no matter how awesome it is.

We don't want an exact replica of Fallout 2, we want the Fallout core design to be improved, not replaced with a 15-years old system of The Elder Scrolls.

But how?

Sure, having updated graphics along with an improved combat system & new story would be great. It would definitely satisfy the die-hard Fallout fans. (I can't really call myself one, else I'd say "us")

But, there-in lies the problem.

Looking at it strictly from a business standpoint, it wouldn't make them money. Why? The style is old, and considered by many to be out-dated. I'm not saying that makes it right, I'm just saying that a company will always do what's best to make money. I've had to deal with that with several games over the years... (SWG anyone?)

K.C. Cool said:
Jman said:
I can see that it's partly an Oblivion clone, but you people have to look past that. Will it be an enjoyable game? IMO, definitely. It's a game that I won't mind spending $60 for, and continue to play for awhile. And that's all it matters. Will YOU enjoy it? Look past the fact that it's not a Fallout 2 clone. Look past the fact that it copies Oblivion. Are you going to enjoy it?

There's no doubt that it will be a decent game, just wont be a true fallout game. Playing that game will be like eating a decent bowl of ice cream, but with ants mixed in it. Sure, a good bit will be enjoyable, but more often than not you're gonna hit some things that piss you off.

This statement is totally inaccurate. Ants are full of protein and go "crunch" when you eat them, what's not to love?

Wait a sec.... I see what you did there.... ;)

But in all honesty, that pretty much sums it up.
But how?

Sure, having updated graphics along with an improved combat system & new story would be great. It would definitely satisfy the die-hard Fallout fans. (I can't really call myself one, else I'd say "us")

But, there-in lies the problem.

Looking at it strictly from a business standpoint, it wouldn't make them money. Why? The style is old, and considered by many to be out-dated. I'm not saying that makes it right, I'm just saying that a company will always do what's best to make money. I've had to deal with that with several games over the years... (SWG anyone?)

And that's why Blizzard made Diablo 3 an FPS. Oh, wait... I also haven't seen Civilization IV nor HoMMV turned into an RTS. How many complaints have you seen about Diablo 3 not being an FPS, aside from Ashley Cheng? Hellgate: London was pretty much Diablo turned into an FPS and Flagship tanked. Want to bet that Diablo 3 will do much better?

And the Fallout style of gameplay is not any older than the Elder Scrolls style of gameplay, used in FO3.
JMan said:
Will YOU enjoy it? Look past the fact that it's not a Fallout 2 clone. Look past the fact that it copies Oblivion. Are you going to enjoy it?

*Dons flame suit
I was thinking in those general lines a while ago. I too was supporting the idea that it can't be the same. Hell, i wouldn't want it to be the exact same thing. But they changed too much. I finally agree with those that said that if bethesda just wanted to make a post apocalyptic oblivion, they had every right to, and hell, it might even a make a nice game, but it won't be fallout! They butchered too much of the initial games that the game they are making is no longer a sequel. It has some stuff from the previous, but that's it.

They are making profit from the name. That's it. Even the negative feedback from the various fan sites is in their favor, since they can twist it around.

Will i probably play it? Probably. Will i throw it aside a week or two later just like oblivion? Probably. Mind you, i would have no problem at all with Oblivion With Guns, i just wanted a propel sequel.

And the, it's 10 years old story has tired even me that i supported the argument a while ago. What was wrong with the character creation? F*ck the combat, the view, the flying teddy bears. Can someone explain to me why the f*cked the character system? I wouldn't mind some balancing, but they didn't balance, they toned it down for the concole kiddies! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, why i can't i gain a perk every level? Eeerm, kid because....eeeerm.... wait *click a few buttons*, now you can son! enjoy!