More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

Hrm with regards to the lockpicking, given the time restraints I presume that the lock was set to require a 0% lockpicking skill to open, as all it appeared to need was a bare waggle and hey presto it opened.
On a lighter note, A warped theory regarding some of the ammo used for the rock-it launcher, the things which appeared to be teddy bears were not actually teddybears, they superficially resemble those but are in actuality a failed cloning experitment of someone which when removed from the Vats produced the Teddybears Of Doom, which have a far denser composition that their looks would suggest.

Edit: for clarification of my first point, I was trying to mean that I presumed that the difficulty of the lock Todd picked was reduced for the purposes of the demo and thus reduce the time he needed to spend on picking the lock and hence spend more time with what he so obviously wanted to show off aka the wanton carnage of the combat aspect of it.
Stubs said:
Hrm with regards to the lockpicking, given the time restraints I presume that the lock was set to require a 0% lockpicking skill to open, as all it appeared to need was a bare waggle and hey presto it opened.

Don't get me wrong, the locks were hard to pick, for the actual player. But the actual player shouldn't be able to surpass his character's skill level in an RPG simply because he's good at reacting quickly. That's twitch gameplay.
I don't want my character with 10/100 lockpicking unlocking a chest that is supposed to be "very difficult" or "impossible." Getting more "phat lewt" instead of building a more combat-oriented character should be the trade-off you have to deal with.

Bethesda is pretty good at letting you make God-like characters, though.