More Fallout 3 Gameplay Footage

Ausir said:
But how?

Sure, having updated graphics along with an improved combat system & new story would be great. It would definitely satisfy the die-hard Fallout fans. (I can't really call myself one, else I'd say "us")

But, there-in lies the problem.

Looking at it strictly from a business standpoint, it wouldn't make them money. Why? The style is old, and considered by many to be out-dated. I'm not saying that makes it right, I'm just saying that a company will always do what's best to make money. I've had to deal with that with several games over the years... (SWG anyone?)

And that's why Blizzard made Diablo 3 an FPS. Oh, wait...

Diablo 3 has a MUCH bigger following than Fallout. When you got millions of fans from around the globe, you'll probably take interest in what they say.

Blizzard and Bethesda are two very different companies. You can't compare the workings of one, to the other.
If bethesda spend some time with the community, providing them with info and listening to what they have to say, we wouldn't be right here discussing this. Yes, bethesda isn't blizzard, they don't have the same resources, but it doesn't take much for a company to listen to the fans!

Sure, they would have to see through a lot of bashing if they decided to change something the die hard fans don't want changed, but a lot of things wouldn't be in. The character creation, the compass, they would have better feedback about what quests are more liked/hated, you know, the RPG part of the game! Yes, they have to make a living, but they don't need to butcher the name!
Wow, this video was like a retardfest. Do these guys normally host G4? If so, remind to never watch it again.

Anyways, demo is largely the same as the other one with a few differences. Still looks like ass. I most definetely don't see the appeal in the realtime combat (seriously, it looks weak compared to other FPS style games). And VATS looks extremely ridiciulous, with body parts leaving the body in rather strange and, yes, non-satisfying ways. Like I said in the other topic, I can't believe that this was the thing that was hyped in all those previews. It looks like shit. I was never a fan of the idea, but visually I was expecting something a lot more amusing than this.

And whoopte-doo, lockingpicking minigame.

There is nothing in this game that's reminiscant of Fallout gameplaywise, and it looks quite uninteresting and actually arcade-ish taken on its own.

But hey, I guess nuclar explosions and gore is teh awsome!!11!
The more game footage I watch, the more I don't like it. I had a small hope... a very tiny piece of hope that this would be good. But nope! That hope went down the drain.

If it's not based on GURPS, then it's not Fallout. Period.
K.C. Cool said:
13pm said:
Killing with a teddybear is STUPID. It is obvious that the force of teddy's strike couldn't brake a poor raider into pieces. Ridiculous.

Though, teddy bear lunchers being completely dumb, we have to remember that he had Bloody Mess on. So I would assume that all those horrible deaths are only there thanks to the 'perk.'

If this perk does nothing but breaking people stupidly into even parts, then fuck this perk
Can't really comment on much apart from the combat and look.

Look - the second video is better than the first. At least it's not grey.

Combat - uh, bloody mess appears to be a bit of a mess. Someone's limbs dropping off when they're pelted with a teddy bear, I feel, kind of misses the mark.

I can't really get angry, and Todd did mention that this whole situation he could have talked his way through. But... it doesn't particularly appeal to me, really.
13pm said:
If this perk does nothing but breaking people stupidly into even parts, then fuck this perk
But in the good ol' days, "bloody mess" was a trait. For me, there is no reason to get this "perk". You only get 20 perks during the game so by getting this one you'll be wasting a precious (?) perk slot.
JMan said:
Blizzard and Bethesda are two very different companies. You can't compare the workings of one, to the other.

Blizzard never fucked-up their fans with their games. Well except Starcraft Ghost. But that one is on hiatus. With their upcoming 2 big sequel, Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, the camera view and game control are retain.

Bethesda screwed-up their own fans with their own game with TES morrowind (for the Daggerfall fans) and Borevilian, I mean Oblivion (for the Morrowind fans).
Ugh, this gave me a less thrilling feeling than the last presentation.

1. Like gc051360 said, showing Fallout while talking about Todd's merits is probably not the best piece of editing.

2. The way the Mysterious Stranger perk is implemented probably makes sense in some way, but it's odd that it would be V.A.T.S.-specific.

3. It is confirmed that one shot from a sniper rifle is enough to make an enemy lose all limbs.

4. ... And one teddy bear to the chest is enough to make you lose an arm and a leg. Maybe that's just Bloody Mess, but still, ugh. We should go deeper into the field of teddy physics though.

5. When they tell Todd they've seen enough combat and ask about the world, he gives his prepared snippet about how you can be "a good person or a bad person", then quickly segues into more combat. Granted, not like he had much choice unless he was willing to skip the Fatman in favour of talking RPG elements.

6. Early demo previews stated the Fatman mushroom clouds were objectively the most amazing explosions ever. They aren't. Now if each of them had looked like the Megaton explosion...

Jesuit said:
Until then, there's a whole wealth of happiness to be found in not getting riled up over things you can't change.

Like the fact that some people may be critical of something?

JMan said:
Will whining about it help? No.

Will whining about people having opinions help? Arguably even less.
Rewatched it.

I can't understand why Chinese Commando is there... So many years after the war... And how could they even get there?

The fuck?

And ragdoll physics+limb crippling really annoy me. It makes the game look unreal. Moreover, considering the reaction of the audience to those stupid deaths. Man, the animation in Fallout looked much more realistic! And what we see here looks like we're punching stuffed dolls, tearing their toy arms and legs and heads off. With lots of ketchup.
Todd, 1:04 - "That game is off da hook." Argh... de pain... de pain...

If I may play the devils advocate for just one thing, and say that maybe one of the reasons all the npcs explode in watery bags of blood when hit by weapons like the sniper rifle, is because Todd had the Bloody Mess "perk"?

I hope anyways...
zioburosky13 said:
Blizzard never fucked-up their fans with their games. Well except Starcraft Ghost. But that one is on hiatus.

I'm almost positive Blizzard handed that off to be developed by a different company, so it was them that dropped the ball and not Blizz.

No one's going to bash Todd for pointing out that you can read a Chinese military manual? Maybe the PipBoy offers pinyin translation...

I did enjoy Kevin's occasional jabs at the demo that Todd didn't seem to notice.
zioburosky13 said:
Blizzard never fucked-up their fans with their games. Well except Starcraft Ghost. But that one is on hiatus.

Well fans werent fucked up because the product wasnt released. It was a bold decision not to release something that had cost money just because it was crappy.
Ausir said:
By the way, noticed that none of the items have descriptions?

Well, critters and scenery no longer have descriptions, why should items get to keep theirs?
Well, items have inventory descriptions even in most cRPGs where there is no text box with scenery descriptions.