More Fo3/VB goodies

My few words on the over sized paper weight known as ex-box. It simply takes things that the PC market has done, and done well much of the time, in the past and waters them down to appeal to masses.

"Oh look, The decisions you make in Fable affect the surrounding world. Wow, this is so revolutionary and has never been done." *rolls eyes* "And Halo can be played online with people from around the world. Cool, I bet no one has ever done that before."

*Coughcounterstrikecoughunrealtournament cough*

"Off course I only bought my ex-box for these titles as everything else for it is mediocre and drab."

This is pretty much a summary everything the ex-box kids at my friend's house have said minus the word vagina that pours from their mouths every three seconds. Sad really.
this seems to have orientated round to a console slag fest now.
although what about the chronicles of riddick, and xbox game that sold well enough to be made into an xbox version
He means it was recently ported to the PC.
Its pretty good too and a rarity for several reasons, not the least of which is that is a movie licensed game that doesn't suck, and is actually very good.
It's still basicly a fedex game, only with uber combat skills. But it is certainly better in gameplay then HL2 IMO.
oops, yeah i noticed my mistake, an xbox game being ported onto the xbox dont make any sense. i did mean pc
I agree with Lauren. The Chronicles of Riddick is probably the best Movie-to-Game, I've ever played (still, not saying much)

The biggest problems being, it is a little too short (12-14 hours) and linear.

If they would of made it a more open-ended game with a much larger game world, it could of been a real contender :lol:

About the replies to my Xbox comment. I really don't understand where you guys are coming from. Do you really believe sports games are better on the PC, or do you just like to flame people for owning an Xbox?

Like I said, I got my Xbox for sports games. That's it. And for that purpose, it's a damn good machine.
That the XBrick might have some nice action games and sports games is beside the point. Congrats, you now paid money for a dedicated PC for a couple of games. That is your decision. I, frankly, would prefer the console that has hundreds of more games, in several other genres (but that's just personal preference there as I play most genres out there), and which can play DVDs without requiring extras, the PS2. Sure, the graphics aren't as pretty, yet there is a hell of a lot more for it. Then there's the portable GameCube with its own good and bad things.

Then there is the fact that sports games do exist on other consoles and mediums, that is if I care to throw my money away to EA, to promote more developer and industry abuse. Byebye ESPN NFL.

So, you end up paying more for a system that offers less, as with the PS2 you have a DVD player included without having to buy anything extra. This comes into perfect context of the discussion when you're discussing the fact that the XBrick, and the games designed around it (multiplatform or not), tend to have some aspect of their design crippled. At least to the point of questioning if developing for it would affect the integrity of a Fallout game possibly developed for it.

There's a bigger PS2 audience, one that actually exists on other continents unlike the Xbrick, and the XBrick already has a definite core audience that will be hard to change. The XBrick is known as an action console, therefore designing any real CRPG upon it would be a waste. The audience for CRPGs is primarily playing on the PS2, if any console, because the CRPG developers have enough back-end support to flesh out more complexity than bullet sparks. The XBrick is designed to pour as much as it can into sound and graphics, but there's more than it being Microsoft that makes many developers swerve away from it. Maybe that will change once Microsoft can build a stable, efficient, and logical OS, but I'm not holding my breath.

(On that note, I have to say that Metal Arms is a fairly entertaining game, much better than the hype around Have Another Lame Offering 2. The story construction is also a lot more immersive and amusing.)
Like I said, I bought the "Xbrick" as you like to call it, for Sports games. I don't buy any non-sport console games PERIOD, cause they are usually terrible. I don't care what system it as, as long as it's a console, the games are mostly likely going to be a let down.

This isn't a blind statement either, I have friends with Ps2's, Gamecube's, and Xbox's. I've played a lot of games on different consoles, and they just aren't worth a damn.

The reason I chose the "Xbrick" (hey it's kinda catchy!) over Ps2 and Gamecube?

1) It was cheaper at the time (100$ for the system, with 1 free game and 1 controller).
2) It had more sports titles.
3) It has 4 controller ports and I have about 20 friends coming in and out of my house everyday.
4) Plus I got big ass hands and the Xbox controller fits perfectly in them.
5) Not to mention my hands are extremely clumsy on the Ps2 and Gamecube controllers. I don't understand why they designed them the way they did.
Ps2 feels like a controller for Mini Me's with super tiny hands, and the Gamecube controller is just F'n weird.
6) Also, I have an extreme dislike for all things ANIME :puke: , so Ps2 turns me off, in that respect.
7) The whole "kiddy" feel that engulfs the Gamecube turns me off, too.

I made the choice that was best for me. I'm sure your flames apply to a lot of people, but not in my case.
Again, that is your choice, and I'm glad you enjoy sponsoring developer abuse. Someone has to be proud of that.

I was again pointing out, since you specifically asked, what the XBrick had to do with this discussion. The audience/market is not really populate enough for a CRPG of Fallout's type to be considered viable on that console. There are plenty of people who follow the other consoles and PCs who offer CRPGs, the XBrick has offered relatively little of anything of that sort.

So therefore, it brings up question if Bethesda is planning to skullfuck Fallout 3 onto the XBrick, and if so, what prevents the design from being crippled just like the other attempts such as Old Logic Puzzles of the Old Republic, Fable (It's a joke in itself....get it? Haha.), and Deus 2: Idiotic Writing. What, they couldn't figure out how to program something a little more imaginative for the console? I can imagine how it became popular. You know, those people who did buy the Xbrick with the mistaken impression that CRPG developers might someday pay it serious attention in any other way than to make money, on the basis of lowest common denominator, and with titles that are developed in the existing market genres of the XBrick.

We don't need more of this cross-platform mentality in the CRPG genre. Making the game executable under *nix is one thing, dumbing it down for a console at the expense of design is another.