More free speech at NMA forums


Night Watchman
Staff member
I just wanted to inform that there has been a slight change in polisy at our forum. We want to embrace more free speech, allow newcomers more freedom to express their ideas.

Unfortunately, one of our Admins was strongly opposed to that and we simply couldn't come to terms. He kept NMA from becoming the open -doors, user-friendly community we wanted it to be, the irate e-mails from our users, and also from Bethesda kept flowing in, and after much internal strife, we decided to relieve him of his Admiin power and also to ban him from the board in case he wanted to troll.

Thank you for all that you've done, Roshambo, but times change and life goes on. It is not with light heart that I write this, but then again, it had to be done.
Have to admit, it almost fooled me. I was just about to write up a parallel comparing Rosh to americans for a secure border, n00bs to illegal immigrants and the NMA administration to the bush administration.

Then I realized...they couldn't be that dumb.

Just decided to keep my mouth shut to see if people would fall for it. Looks like it's blown now. O well, brilliant idea to whomever thought of it.
Hehehe, shit, you had me when I read:

Silencer said:
I just wanted to inform that there has been a slight change in polisy at our forum. We want to embrace more free speech, allow newcomers more freedom to express their ideas.

Unfortunately, one of our Admins was strongly opposed to that and we simply couldn't come to terms. He kept NMA from becoming the open -doors, user-friendly community we wanted it to be
This gave you away though:

Silencer said:
and also from Bethesda kept flowing in

Still, you had me :)
Okay, here's a question though: When setting up an April's Fools Day prank are you allowed to say "this is not an April's Fools Day prank"?
Darn got me so excited... was hoping he really was gone... o wait... he isn't... just kidddingg just kidddinggg!

But aye, had me wondering for a second as I figured the april fools would be a press release by Bethesda about some of the changes they hoped to make to Fallout 3 :).
Silencer, please... Don't do this kind of jokes anymore, I practically had a heart attack. Yes, I must admit you tricked me... Cheers!!
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Okay, here's a question though: When setting up an April's Fools Day prank are you allowed to say "this is not an April's Fools Day prank"?

Imagine nuclear war breaking out on April's Fools.

Radio: "This is not a prank, nuclear missiles are heading for all major cities!"
Listeners: "Ahahaha!" *ker-dead*

Ratty said:
Funny how you all think Roshambo's ban is an April Fool's joke.

That's because it is. I mean, what do you think, we'd use April Fool's as an excuse to depose Roshambo (and while we're at it, Odin) and take over the flag ourselves to transform NMA in the happy-happy joy-joy place Miroslav always envisioned it?

Nice joke. We should have played along a little longer though.

I like the mechanics and charactersheets too, but Sander's definition includes that.
Nice joke (?) but just noticed this...

Silencer said:
I just wanted to inform that there has been a slight change in polisy at our forum. We want to embrace more free speech, allow newcomers more freedom to express their ideas.

Unfortunately, one of our Admins was strongly opposed to that and we simply couldn't come to terms. He kept NMA from becoming the open -doors, user-friendly community we wanted it to be, the irate e-mails from our users, and also from Bethesda kept flowing in, and after much internal strife, we decided to relieve him of his Admiin power and also to ban him from the board in case he wanted to troll.

Thank you for all that you've done, Roshambo, but times change and life goes on. It is not with light heart that I write this, but then again, it had to be done.

Looking again at the sticky announcement entitled "Rules - READ BEFORE YOU POST" in the Fallout RPG Gameplay & Tech discussion Board, I somewhat cringe at the thought of how one might react to rules written by someone who was "Saved by the Witless Protection Program".

At time of this posting, it is no longer April Fool's Day, and I am beginning to wonder if this news comment was actually a serious post (in spite of what many others, including an admin, have posted previously in this thread).

Shit he forgot to turn the title back :)
