More screenshots from the Germans

Those VATS percentage indicators continue being butt-ugly.

If someone with a modicum of design sense was making this game, they would employ something like a colorcoded wireframe that is overlayed over the target and where you can instantly see by the color alone how good your chances are of hitting a speecific part.

Indeed special, and mentally retarded too. :|
DarkLegacy said:
I'm guessing left arm / left shoulder. :shrug:

Ok well then try to make sense of it...

Head - 95%
Shoulter - 9%
Torso - 55%
Car door - 55%
Fire Hydrant - 6%
Right leg - 33%
Left leg - 47%

So the basic idea is "the more vital the spot you hit, the easier it is to hit"? Shooting a head is easier than shooting the torso?

PS: by the way, for people still wondering about the compass (was that one of the BGSF questions?), you can see it in the bottom left, indicating the Behemoth with a little red dot.
The Fire Hydrant is vital?

And I think the 95% is probably 'shoot him somewhere randomly'.
So I suppose the 9% would be head.
Or maybe the heart.
Sander said:
The Fire Hydrant is vital?

And I think the 95% is probably 'shoot him somewhere randomly'.
So I suppose the 9% would be head.
Or maybe the heart.

In favor of disbelief, I'd say that the 9% would be the heart, because based on the direction he's facing, that's much more likely than just 'shoulder', but still; why does the head have 95% and the torso 55%?

Btw: Exposed right leg has 33% chance to be hit, while armoured left leg has 47%. WTF?
Sander said:
The Fire Hydrant is vital?

And I think the 95% is probably 'shoot him somewhere randomly'.
So I suppose the 9% would be head.
Or maybe the heart.

9% might be the armpit :mrgreen: which is actually a pretty sensitive area

Good to see the groin is more armoured then anything else .. i mean clearly there wouldnt have been a point to shooting there. :)
radnan said:
Good to see the groin is more armoured then anything else .. i mean clearly there wouldnt have been a point to shooting there. :)

I'm assuming it's a new style. Everyone now wears 6" thick steel on the crotch.. (even under clothing) :lol:
Brother None said:
Design-wise they are a bit shoddy. I mean, what's the 9% thing pointing at?

Im guessing right arm.

the options seem to be head, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg and weapon.

It wouldnt make sense if the torso and left arm where both 55% yet the left shoulder (which is quite large) is only 9%

Take care, SB
Madbringer said:

Is it just me, or does the hydrant look like a giant dildo? 8()

no thats just you............homosexual tendencies anyone? hah a im jking man, it looks kinda small though.

Take care, SB
Hmm... The fire hydrant is clearly outlined. I'm guessing this means that it is the currently targeted 'body part'. It's also the only 'body part' with a name tag.
So if we had a goddamn video where he cycled through the available targets, this 9% mystery would be much easier to solve.

Also, I sure hope they won't make us switchs targets with WASD in the PC version...
At the risk of restarting a tedious debate, that "Super Mutant Behemoth" looks atrocious.

It's utterly generic and not at all Fallouty.
UniversalWolf said:
At the risk of restarting a tedious debate, that "Super Mutant Behemoth" looks atrocious.

*outrage, followed by a vehement strawman combined with a weak attempt at trolling the entire community*
UniversalWolf said:
At the risk of restarting a tedious debate, that "Super Mutant Behemoth" looks atrocious.

I don't think that's debatable, I think we all agreed a long time ago that it is indeed fugly and completely out of canon (giant cannibal supermutant, wielding fire hydrant and car door? Wtf?)
UniversalWolf said:
At the risk of restarting a tedious debate, that "Super Mutant Behemoth" looks atrocious.

Really? I think it's ok-ish, with the right backstory and role. It's more the fact that Bethesda tries to use him as a scary "end-boss" type with skulls on his belt and stupid stuff like that.

The basic form is ok-ish. Not perfect, but not as bad as the regular supermutants.