More screenshots from the Germans

Sounds pretty awkward to me.

"Soo... yeah, finding a crew might be tough. Good luck with that."

It reminds me of when I was 13 and entering puberty.
While hiring mercenaries I guess. Yes.
Wow, that dialogue is great, seriously...there is so much effort put in it. Two fucking stupid oneliners. That's quite a lot of choices to identify with, really well done. Even with intelligency 1 I wouldn't recall many situations where dialogues where that dumbed down in Fallout, except maybe the last lines when Sulik was joining you.
But then, why the hell would they publish such a shitty meant to be representative screenshot of their genious dialogue branching.

Well, I guess I was expecting to much after some of the more serious reviews that showed up lately.
Eyenixon said:
What is CRB or whatever it says at the bottom right corner? With the little 1/6 down there as well.
I also see a little compass down at the bottom left, how dreadful.

I think it says CND. Durability of the weapon you're using, i suppose (notice the little bar next to it)? Fair guess that 1/6 is your weapon ammo count (current/total capacity).
whirlingdervish said:
BTW, is anyone wondering why you'd bother to shoot a fire hydrant?

It's not like it's going to exlode with a nuclear fireball like nearly every other thing in the game
I wouldn't be so sure about that :mrgreen:
RayTracer said:
But then, why the hell would they publish such a shitty meant to be representative screenshot of their genious dialogue branching.

It was released to show off the new high-quality NPC faceworks, which is a bigger concern amongst...uh...Bethesda's target audience than actual dialogue is.
Eyenixon said:
I agree that the indicators are ugly and vague, I would at least like a tealish outline of the body part in question. Like those really cheesy Sci-Fi movies where they're detailing the weaponry on their cyborg whatsit and all the areas are being lit up and labeled on some corny monitor screen.
Notice that the hydrant is outlined in green and has the words "Fire Hydrant" right next to it.
PlanHex said:
Eyenixon said:
I agree that the indicators are ugly and vague, I would at least like a tealish outline of the body part in question. Like those really cheesy Sci-Fi movies where they're detailing the weaponry on their cyborg whatsit and all the areas are being lit up and labeled on some corny monitor screen.
Notice that the hydrant is outlined in green and has the words "Fire Hydrant" right next to it.

Thank god for that, I would have thought it was a refridgerator. No, seriously. It's so easy to mistake it. :lol:
Less HURR HURR NUCLEAR DILDOES! and more actual analysis

Ok here are the two vats shots side by side and we can confirm a few things.

If you look there are four different symbols for the targetting box
|  | = Head
|__| = Torso
   | = Left limbs and things held in the left hand
|    = Right limbs and things held in the right hand
Hopefully that wont get too screwed up. With this guide we can see that the behemoths stats are

95% head
55% torso
9% left arm
55% shield
6% fire hydrant
47% left leg
33% right leg

It looks like since the percentages are based on whats visible the shield is effectively blocking out most of his arm and some torso and since you cant see his other arm at all its been dropped from the target menu. Seems like a decent system that could lead to some interesting gameplay. (Making trick shots to the eyes through riot shield view windows etc)
You deserve a chocolate bar.

Now, why does the right leg have a lower percentage of being hit, then the left leg if your logical "covered" approach applies? :)
Because it's closer? And armor in FO3 does not reduce the to-hit chance, only the damage.

Still doesn't explain the head and torso, though.
Brother None said:
Design-wise they are a bit shoddy. I mean, what's the 9% thing pointing at?

yes, i do believe that the text pops up when you something selected, such as the fire hydrant in this picture. why you'd attack a fire hydrant, though...
With the leg its easy, that big riveted plate of metal counts as the leg for the purposes of targeting. As for the head it's my guess that head includes the neck area of the model too which for this guy is pretty serious.
Oh Ye Of Whittled Faith

Oh Ye Of Whittled Faith

[larp] Harken not to thine left hemispherical brain emissions, oh ye of anorexic faith!

True paladins, nurtured on the cinema sacred of Hop-along C. and Rogers le Roy,

first seek the coup de honor by disarming foul denizens of darkness,

via the critically acclaimed / audience pleasuring 'trick shot'.

Evil phallic appendage BE GONE! Get ye behind me!

Hats of white, grinding out the karmic points for X Faux fealty tokens galore!

Randolph Scott be praised, ah-men. [/larp]

I hope that the red mark on the compass isn't indicating that the Behemoth IS the quest. The earlier shot of the super mutant has one as well, hopefully enemies will only show up on the compass in this way if you have a motion scanner.
Pretty sure they show up on the radar if they're within perception range so you can track enemies through walls if the stat is high.
the combat system continues to look atrocious. Hey BN, is it true that after every VATS shot you're subject to first person cam/bullet time video watch?
DayoftheDante said:
I hope that the red mark on the compass isn't indicating that the Behemoth IS the quest. The earlier shot of the super mutant has one as well, hopefully enemies will only show up on the compass in this way if you have a motion scanner.

As explained in the NMA preview, from what we could tell that scanner functioned as a proximity indicator, green for NPCs, red for hostiles.

Ausir said:
And armor in FO3 does not reduce the to-hit chance, only the damage.

Really? How you know?

Killzig said:
the combat system continues to look atrocious. Hey BN, is it true that after every VATS shot you're subject to first person cam/bullet time video watch?

Pretty much, but for some reason Bethesda refuses point blank to ever state if the damned thing is optional or not. I'm assuming it is optional. It'd be monumentally stupid if it wasn't.
shihonage said:
DarkLegacy said:
Newsflash: It's the main character's father. He has apparently gone mad, and voluntarily dipped himself into a vat of FEV. You must now fight your own overgrown, green, fire-hydranty wielding bastard of a father. Defeating him means game over.


I am 80% sure that that is the "end plot twist" of Fallout 3.

yeah great work of spoiling it for all of us... im hope youre happy ... :D