Dayglow Drifter
Mildly Dipped

With everyone talking about the shit-show of The Frontier and how it kinda embodies a lot of the issues you see in the modding community as a whole, I started wondering what other annoying things seem to be prevalent on the Nexus that either weren't seen in The Frontier or were overshadowed by the more heinous content?
Here's one for me personally: Legion "overhauls" that do nothing to add more quests or NPCs that actually flesh out the faction and instead just deck every Legion soldier out with these wild and "cool" armors that make either look like stormtroopers or authentic historically accurate reproductions of roman legionnaires.
Here's one for me personally: Legion "overhauls" that do nothing to add more quests or NPCs that actually flesh out the faction and instead just deck every Legion soldier out with these wild and "cool" armors that make either look like stormtroopers or authentic historically accurate reproductions of roman legionnaires.