Most hated/annoying modding tropes?

Dayglow Drifter

Mildly Dipped
With everyone talking about the shit-show of The Frontier and how it kinda embodies a lot of the issues you see in the modding community as a whole, I started wondering what other annoying things seem to be prevalent on the Nexus that either weren't seen in The Frontier or were overshadowed by the more heinous content?

Here's one for me personally: Legion "overhauls" that do nothing to add more quests or NPCs that actually flesh out the faction and instead just deck every Legion soldier out with these wild and "cool" armors that make either look like stormtroopers or authentic historically accurate reproductions of roman legionnaires.
With everyone talking about the shit-show of The Frontier and how it kinda embodies a lot of the issues you see in the modding community as a whole, I started wondering what other annoying things seem to be prevalent on the Nexus that either weren't seen in The Frontier or were overshadowed by the more heinous content?

Here's one for me personally: Legion "overhauls" that do nothing to add more quests or NPCs that actually flesh out the faction and instead just deck every Legion soldier out with these wild and "cool" armors that make either look like stormtroopers or authentic historically accurate reproductions of roman legionnaires.
People like you who spam these thread with your idiocy is what I think is really annoying. Once you leave, the threads will be a better place.
The characters either worship the player character or are constantly huge dicks in a somewhat meta fashion. I know it's a wasteland or whatever but every NPC being an asshole just makes me more likely to kill every one of your poorly written NPCs.
Spec Ops: The Line design.
Most prominent: War Trash and Bounties III

Very linear, only one way to progress by doing something awful/ stupid (or both in some cases).

Then the NPCs chastise you for doing what you've done and trying to make you feel awful (and fail).

It just doesn't work in the open world RPG.

You can't pretend that I had a choice if you're forcing me to do the only thing that progresses the quest/ doesn't fail it.

You also can't blindly assume that every PC will be the same.

Designing the choice around the Good Guy Idolized by NCR ensures that it will ring extremely hollow to an Evil contract killer that only cares about the caps.
Spec Ops: The Line design.
Most prominent: War Trash and Bounties III

Very linear, only one way to progress by doing something awful/ stupid (or both in some cases).

Then the NPCs chastise you for doing what you've done and trying to make you feel awful (and fail).

It just doesn't work in the open world RPG.

You can't pretend that I had a choice if you're forcing me to do the only thing that progresses the quest/ doesn't fail it.

You also can't blindly assume that every PC will be the same.

Designing the choice around the Good Guy Idolized by NCR ensures that it will ring extremely hollow to an Evil contract killer that only cares about the caps.

i hated War Trash honestly. felt tacky and cliche and just gross.

New Vegas Bounties i liked, but only because i felt the theme of hunting bounties fit in the world of New Vegas. If it was done even better i would of enjoyed it even more and probably had it regularly installed as a mod instead of it just being a one and done.

i did like the concept of War Trash though, but couldn't get passed the characters and the story behind it after a while i just stopped playing it and uninstalled it from my mod list.